General Discussion

General DiscussionDagon Bounty Hunter legit?

Dagon Bounty Hunter legit? in General Discussion

    So last night I played against a dagon bounty hunter, ridiculous burst damage from the invis, was killing off supports with 3 clicks, but then lost in the end, so is this 'a thing'?

    Never seen it before and it was devastating in the early mid game, he kinda rushed it very early, had it at like 10 minutes or so, but did buying it reduce his overall effectiveness via item choice too much for the late game?


    (Yes, it's shit tier 3000 ish MMR)

    Toto téma bylo upraveno
    beast player

      surely works in that bracket


        no. .

        Hide the pain Herald

          It's like playing him as a weaker version of Nyx, if you want to do that, might as well play as Nyx.


            LOL made a game with AM last for 1 hour and wondering why they lost.


              LOL AM was on my team so I wasn't wondering why we lost...because we won. Well played.

              Tento komentář byl upraven

                lol.. look at the radiant team roster.. perfect for long a game..
                imo, that build is okay if you are aiming for a short game..


                  I mean, if you can farm the dagon very quickly (you are given free farm for some reason), why not? Sounds like fun. But that's the problem, that's why you won't see it in "top tier games". There is almost always a better alternative than having a BH take free farm on your team. And if he is taking that farm, he most likely needs to gear for a more serious build anyway.


                    Why build a dagon and a desolator, I think Dagon-5 + E-blade


                      doesnt matter what u buying on bh as long as ur using ur track and shuri toss when needed

                      who am i

                        @vandal its perfectly viable if you pick a snowball+push lineup with an aggressive mid pickup farm lane for ur level 6 and dagon and then just roam with your supports and push towers.

                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                          He had dagon at just over 8 mminutes in. Supports insta dead. Would have worked a treat if others had done ok too. Semi jungle elder titan for the lose I suppose.

                          Watched the replay and it's pretty funny watching him burst down supports in less than a second.

                          Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                            legit build since he's trying to steal kill off weaver. Harkens back to HON days. Scout with level 5 codex.

                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                              ive seen dendi killing over than 30 with a dagon riki

                              Skler Stjerote
                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  Nice necro.


                                    Vanguard, mek wraith king with a superfluous vlads. Yep it's SEA server


                                      Since you can get lvl 5 dag. Very fast on him, its ok.

                                      He cant do much vs lategame heroes such naix., void, am, and so on.


                                        lol necro


                                          AM 1 hour not six slotted 600 gpm - dafuq?

                                          Mac_Lilypad [NL]

                                            Is eblade dagon5 legit on Necro? If you combo like Eblade > Dagon > Pulse > Ultie you deal such much damage

                                            EDIT: i did it this matches:
                                            It was AD, my items before i left (didnt expect the game to last more than 1 hout) Eblade, Dagon5, Scepter, Refresher, BoT

                                            Tento komentář byl upraven
                                            King of Low Prio

                                              Bounty hunter is NOT a solo ganker. Going for the dagon build takes away from his strengths and turns him into a weaker version of nyx

                                              I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                                SAMPSON IS ON 4K, DON?T TAKE HIM SERIOUSLY
                                                HE?S SO NOOB

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  TY sampson, so sick of bh games where bounty is never in team fights, always dicking around trying to solo gank junglers he can't kill or an offlane by himself etc. The whole reason for bounty's existence is to ult in fights for extra gold. You send 2 people towards a group of 3 and they think oh we can win this, then bh pops out, win the fight, get that ult gold.

                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    the bigger the fight the bigger the track gain


                                                      I've done it only once for fun from my second "throwing" profile: ;D Btw, we almost lose it. <3

                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                        if you go dagon you need to go full retard get EB and Veil of Discord