General Discussion

General DiscussionFrom 5000 to 4300 mmr

From 5000 to 4300 mmr in General Discussion
kanye went to uni

    I mean you seem like an alright guy, but do you just want to be trolled or something? This is just asking for trouble :P

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      I want tips for 4300 bracket how to win, cus 95% of my ranked games was 4600-5000 mmr, and players here play totaly different and 10x worse I don`t know to read their decision making so whatever I play I lose here.

      Sup m8

        Do you play like 12 hours a day, sleep, repeat?


          whore mid with pushing hero


            slark player got nerfed. 'nuff said!


              Welcome to (elo) Hell!


                It's your attitude from the first second, you already assume that you're the best on your team and that your team are incapable and can't help. Therefore you pick greedy, play greedy, don't help them, leave them 4 v 5 and then you're putting things like 1v5 tnx team when they're all dead coz you didn't help them at all.

                Mentally Unwelled

                  Only mid or carry wannabe tryhard, serve you right.


                    Tip: Don't play more than 5 matches in a row (especially when u start losing)

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                      Yesterday played and won 10 in a row


                        Expect to lose 10 now ^^


                          Unless you take a break after losing 2 in a row :P


                            First hero slark, second hero broodmother.

                            True mmr 3k.


                              I really hope you get banned from db for a few weeks. Every day, there is thread like this , with the same story, and guess what? Bogi made it. Chill the fuck off, relax, and play some better heroes. Stop abuusing slark, as you can see, you can't abuse him.

                              Pick suporter, win? Well, try to win in your case

                              P.S. AND STOP FUCKING WHINE AFTER EVERY LOST GAME


                                so naive, bogi is the most retarded person on this forum


                                  *ESP* Wink like your mom?


                                    To many kids on this forum you can`t anymore say anything , kids 15 yo will flame you for every post and talk shit like this esp fat kid mongoloid.


                                      Wink's mom isn't on these forums... Bogi you're about as retarded as the people get on these forums so you can't really complain.


                                        Reason - u are tard low skill


                                          Lol I'm a kid, yet he is the one making 20 complaint threads instead of being a mature adult and improving himself instead of crying. Oh, and he changed his name to 1v5, he must be real pro and mature


                                            you only use gay heroes and for that volvo has punished you. thank lord gaben


                                              for the record, I love this as an attempt to rationalise being bad:

                                              I want tips for 4300 bracket how to win, cus 95% of my ranked games was 4600-5000 mmr, and players here play totaly different and 10x worse I don`t know to read their decision making so whatever I play I lose here.

                                              I lose because I'm too good for this bracket?


                                                I'm going to assume that the more you go up in MMR, the more the team is benefitted know...teamwork...your hero choices certainly don't support that. At all.


                                                  pick terrorblade every game = ez win


                                                    His TB wr is 33.3% after 27 games, it's ez win for other team


                                                      "It's your attitude from the first second, you already assume that you're the best on your team and that your team are incapable and can't help. Therefore you pick greedy, play greedy, don't help them, leave them 4 v 5 and then you're putting things like 1v5 tnx team when they're all dead coz you didn't help them at all."

                                                      Don't listen to this guy. The problem is you're playing with noobs that need to be carried, and you're not being greedy enough or you're overvaluing your teammate's bitching/decisions. Just keep farming, ignore everyone, and don't go along with any of their retarded suicide pushes against superior team fight teams.

                                                      EDIT: NVM. I checked out your hero performances. It looks like you abused spider when he was broken and just play slark stomp over and over to get to 5k. You're just doodoo and need to work on your dota skill.

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                                                        Confirmed: Bogi is waves legit account


                                                          today ı lost 100 points
                                                          1-sniper and bs wanted mid and guess what happened...
                                                          2-kunkka cant beat 1vs1 bristleback(just take lh man?) and he cried after go to base
                                                          3-ıam alch support says:alch can u supp me?
                                                          4-server down..
                                                          well,its not about dota.its about people.people are stupid.we cant do anything about that.people are shit.


                                                            Vandal I was around 4800 mmr long time before brood even was buffed.



                                                              shut up 4.3k scrub.

                                                              Papi Chulo


                                                                Help me please. :'(

                                                                Been ratted to death in 3.7k mmr


                                                                  "Vandal I was around 4800 mmr long time before brood even was buffed."

                                                                  lol... MMR was private when brood got a buff.

                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                    Jesus people really hated old spider

                                                                    trash hero goes to borderline broken to trash again

                                                                    oh well


                                                             tryed nerfed brood did very well 5-0 offlane but not possible with those guys ^^

                                                                      bum farto

                                                                        The number 1 problem with brood is that you are 100% unable to do anything useful for the team. You are able to get solo kills and push a lane but brood is an all solo kinda gall and your ability to assist your faltering teammates is zero.


                                                                          OA | Havoc Badger
                                                                          Sry but you are wrong,I play brood totaly different style and I m usefull with team also and I m doing teamfights always

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                                                                          bum farto

                                                                            The low amount of assists in your games tell me otherwise but i'll believe you.

                                                                            EZ MID 9k mmr

                                                                              I haven't seen a single good brood (after the nerf) is it still possible to make her work?


                                                                                Cus I m 80% game stomping offlane and than last push fights I m with team.


                                                                         @Ave I dont know I ll try a litle bit now, I think is very hard still tho but can make work with unusuall no spiderlings brood ( semi carry brood) stomping carry lane. Ppl dont expect that even when he was op , and now almost nobody expect that so you can kill ppl at lvl 7 with treads with lvl 3 or 4 passive 3. and ulti you just kill them.


                                                                                    You are player that is good enough to know that a losing streak is not valve's fault.

                                                                                    Analyse why you are losing, adapt, and turn it around.

                                                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                      I m losing cus ppl pick heroes like sf,rubicks,sniper but they can`t play it. There are also games where i lost cus of myself for sure but thats low % of my losing games where i could do much better I play worse just cus i have very low motivation to play good those trash low skill bracket games its very hard to focus. when you are 4800+ and when you play top 1 page games you have motivation to prove that you are good player when you play vs alot famous players and when you are playin at 4400-4300 mmr skill lvl games you ahve 0 motivation when ppl dont know even basic items and decision making.

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                                                                                        Motivation to win is biggest problems at my games now cus when I see what ppl doing I just don`t wanna play those games..


                                                                                          TIL Chineese players are worse than peruvians
                                                                                          now im eagerly waiting for team dog to stomp dk


                                                                                            >Claims to be losing because of trash team
                                                                                            >Picks split pushers 80% of the time


                                                                                              Maintaining a 5k mmr is so easy, if you got to 4.3 it means you're not worth the 5k+ bracket.


                                                                                                losing cus ppl ,
                                                                                                winning cus me,
                                                                                                when will it stop


                                                                                                  why u make topics like "Tnx valve for my loses" ?


                                                                                                    Because he cant admit its his fault