General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is Vroksnak still not banned from Dotabuff?

Why is Vroksnak still not banned from Dotabuff? in General Discussion
Adix22 ♥ Aisaka Taiga ♥

    It's not hard to notice that someone that lowskilled (he ruined my pub 2 times in last week) simply can't have 90% winrate.

    Now that's the part where you ask for proof. (I'll focus on his 90% winrate account as it's top 3 dotabuff and he was proudly boasting that he owns it). Alright let's go:

    Matches: Russia (91.72%)
    That itself speaks somethink about him. Who plays on Russia? Yep, people that easy wins. Why? No, not because russians are less skilled. Just because people rarely search for a match on this server. Now let's see some games.

    If you take almost any random game from his dotabuff it has 1 or 2 people with private profiles (private ingame too) that fed and fed terribly. Notice that in almost every game they were the only people with private profiles. Coincidence? I don't think so.

    In some cases these feeders abandoned too. (I guess he wasn't doing it too often to avoid getting low prio).

    Some examples: Abbadon 1-7, Sniper 3-11 Invoker 1-9 Sniper 1-10 Viper 0-6 Morph 0-4 Sniper 1-16 Phoenix 0-9 Pudge 2-8 Phoenix 1-9 Lycan 3-6 Pudge 6-14 Templar Assassin 1-13 Sniper 0-7 Zeus 0-3 Shadow Demon 0-16 Pudge 1-12 Slardar 1-9 Mirana 1-16 Pudge 6-7

    These are just some examples taken from first pages of his recent games. If you want to get some more - check for yourself.

    My question is: why are such disgusting abusers tolerated or sometimes even praised here?

    .  .

      Are you retarded? We just 5 stacked and stomped legit games. That's why people fed.

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        lolz its russia, its 2k-3k mmr

        its gay to play russia but its more gay to care about it, go kill yourself

        ICE SKULL

          these fuckers need to be shot on sight irl, thats for sure.
          low skilled trash who loses as soon as they queue for a region other than russia

          NinjaPigeon 鳩

            they are not feeders, they just suck, deal with it, maybe try to get your mmr over 2k instead of wasting your time QQing on forums. cy@


              In the example of the Shadow Demon 0-16 game, for example, you should also notice that he was not repeatedly killing the Shadow Demon, nor was he repeatedly killing the Pudge, he mostly just afk-farmed/pushed.

              That is one of the flaws in your reasoning; he wasn't just farming the private profiles that you think are him abusing.

              Also, for example, this game:

              That is another flaw in your reasoning; people without private profile did not do so well against him either (Omniknight with no hero damage or healing and 10 deaths).

              Finally, why is it abusing to queue for the Russian server? It's not like the people at Dotabuff will ever say "Oh, the Russia server is less skilled than others. Let's not let anyone who queues there get into the top rankings." It's not like he's queuing from across the world just so he can play there; he is very close to the server as well.

              Seems like you're mad, but I don't understand why.


                So what are you implying?


                  qop for ti5 Kreygasm


                    better ping in russia for players from scandinavia
                    its legit on vroksnak

                    Quick maffs

                      Sorry, legit and vroksnak in the same sentence doesnt compute



                        Not really. Russia server is very unstable, and even for me who lives way closer RUS server than EUW servers gets higher ping on RUS. (Obviously not always, but the server isn't very stable.)

                        Also, I usually have ~50ms, not 75 or whtvr.


                          the server is located in stockholm...
                          but yeah... i get 95 to eu west and 108 to russia now
                          in trondheim i had like 30-60 in eu west while ~20 in russia

                          Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                            Look who fed


                            Surprise, it's the OP. So it's confirmed, he is a bot. Fits to his low amount of games played as well. Guess he needs to get banned from Dotabuff.

                            the server is located in Stockholm, yes, but the connection is routed over Frankfurt most of the time. Thus, the closer you live to Frankfurt, the better is your connection to Russia.

                            Tento komentář byl upraven
                            bum farto

                              @Wave you used to play with ybicanoooobov before though...

                              Also while a lot of things aren't right in dota2 stomping people as a 5 stack isn't a bannable offense, though he was blocked from the top list for playing in limited hero pool. What do you want now Dotabuff ≠ Dota2 by Valve


                                @Smaug XD...op owned


                                  1 - Vroksnak main/first account or w.e is already not eligible for the player rankings on dotabuff because the admins determined he was abusing.

                                  2 - Vrok and friends do lots of shady stuff all the time, but they still are skilled enough to be 5.2k-6k depending on who you ask.

                                  3 - What is banning Vrok going to accomplish? To my knowledge he doesn't boost accounts or sell accounts so he isn't directly ruining games for other players.

                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                    It shouldn't be difficult to get 90% win rate if you have a high rated five man stack. Almost all of the games at 5500-6000 are +5/-45 games if you stack so even the MMR system expects you to win 90% of the matches..



                                      vroksnaker haters. HATERS GONNA HATE


                                      game is bad

                                        @concede once an abuser, always an abuser


                                          vrok is a good player and you guys all suck, kthxbye


                                            dont hef tu be med


                                              lol nothing new he is long time known abuser from back in w3 days

                                              there was reddit post about it and became quite big same on dev dota forums

                                              @ concede they abuse ranked too lol

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                                                Hail V-God