General Discussion

General DiscussionI have created this build on kunkka and used it every game to get to ...

I have created this build on kunkka and used it every game to get to 6.6k solo rating. in General Discussion

    So i've been spamming kunkka from 4.9k to my current rating using this build almost every game, I have been cursed countless times because of not following the current "meta" of kunkka getting BKB, Drums, and those kind of items. What my point is people shouldn't be so allergic to new hero item builds, and should try to understand the point of what anyone is getting, if any pub furion player got blink a few months back, he would be the laugh of the game, but since Admiralbulldog got it, suddenly it's the most popular and no one says anything. The only thing that makes my build "kinda" unique is the battlefury, which everyone stopped getting on kunkka for a while now, any high rated kunkka player would say it's a waste of gold to get on kunkka since his an early/midgame kind of hero, which I totally agree, and that's why I would go to mid instead of safelane on almost every game, because any real carry is almost 100 times better than kunkka farming in safelane. But the point is IF you get a fast fury, you would get a fast daedalus since BF accelerates your farm pretty good, and really, the mana regen is amazing!
    A BF along with a daedalus would crit for around 700-800 which is devastating to the enemy team aroud min 25, you would win a teamfight with just one hit, even if you don't crit tidebringer would still do 300~ dmg not counting ghostship and torrent damage.
    Here is the build :

    Thank you for taking the time to read this somehow long post, and I appreciate any feedback/comments! :)

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      waiting for wave comment :D

      congrats on ur 6.6k


        Thanks :)

        SUMAIL <3 IRAQ

          i think u just inspired me to spam PA (the only hero it seems i can play at 5k+ and not lose rating) and try to find an optimal build

          quick question: did u ever get bored playing 1 hero over and over?

          Tento komentář byl upraven

            No actually, I used to play 2-3 dota games each day when I used to random, and some days I don't play at all. But ever since I started this mad kunkka spree, i've been playing atleast 5 to even 10 games every day, it's fun :D

            Edit : Good luck with spamming PA but remember, if you're gonna spam one hero get prepared to be countered, you're gonna have to develop some anti-counter strategies :P

            Tento komentář byl upraven

              Nothing really unique about getting bfury on Kunkka, I get it all time. Kunkka ulti is op, period.


                Nice man, i just included you in my list. Kunka is a fun hero to play. ;)


                  any tips on landing the torrent-X-ship combo?


                    x-mark ship torrent that's what i do with lvl 2 xmark and lvl 1 ship. lel


                      @Stimpack Well yeah you could say it's not unique but it's almost never bought on other kunkka players nowadays, but what do I know, I am the kunkka every game I play.

                      @Podarila Glad to see someone share the same opinion as me! :)

                      @SLEAVE leveling the x to level 2 will guarantee an x-torrent and a ship combo, but there would be a small gap between the torrent and the ship, allowing force staff to be used to run away from ship or similar effects be used other than the force. Leveling the x to 3 would allow a x-ship then you wait a second and use torrent combo, almost guaranteeing a full combo on the marked target, with a bit of practice it's hard to miss.


                        So, how would you say an usual Kunkka game goes for you? Besides the BF rush, what are your objectives? Do you keep farming? Never really played Kunkka before, even in dota1 :P


                          @[LK].Zano I wouldn't go as the same state as an anti-mage with his battlefury, where he would be just farming. I would farm but also try to get solo kills with torrent-ship combo, or help other lanes, you don't even need to save the ship, always use it to kill and not worry about the cd since it's very fast. If you feel a big fight is coming and you don't have your ship, just tell your team to wait a few seconds for it.

                          Edit : grammar issues.

                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                            "if any pub furion player got blink a few months back, he would be the laugh of the game"

                            Lol so true. I also think I tried posting something regarding this a few months back (for theory crafting blah) and people just said it was a waste of time lol

                            So what would your item progression be? Do you get blink after BF and Daedelus?

                            Also in what games do you get X early on, and in what games do you just max Tidebringer and Torrent?

                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                              @Pilot Yeah people don't admit anything unless they see it in a pro game, aka burning void's agha. I would get blink after BF for farming (wanna be AM) and also escape / initiation. I lvl up x if my teammates gank middle often, other than that I like going for max tide/torrent build, I would also skip x if im against a melee hero against me as they are much easier to land a torrent ship combo on.

                                Tento komentář byl upraven
                                  Tento komentář byl smazán

                                    I really like how you cast x on yourself and troll the incoming opponent or that x-mark bottle charge thing :D


                                      @Yfay Haha thanks for watching I guess, but that match id you posted on the forum post must be a bit old because I would always get a divine after 3 daedalus now. The x buff duration on allies is great and it's allowed me to abuse it and frankly, it's a lot of fun :D


                                        im surprised it works but i do consider kka imba... sadly im not imba with him :D



                                          @Benao.Lifedancer.Pringles Yeah kunkka is pretty amazing if played properly. Thanks :)


                                            @iAttacker can i add you?wanna see how a 6.6k can carry all his games by playing kunkka.

                                            Tento komentář byl upraven
                                            mr dee

                                              holy fuck so dumb of me never thought of lv2 xmark last 4s on ally and can tp bottle up and come back! thanks for the post and inspiration!

                                              p/s: not a big fan of BF build on kunkka but anyway will try it out soon, and will buy more dagger rather than shadow blade now.

                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                ^bfury is awesome on kunkka, lets you clear a wave in 2-3 hits guaranteed

                                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                  ur 2years late.
                                                  bf on kk is like bf on void.


                                                    Thanks for sharing.

                                                    I used to go for a similar build (with battlefury) earlier. It's pretty fun, and you farm very fast with it.
                                                    However, I suck at kunkka now, so I probably would drop more than I can abuse this to increase. :s

                                                    SUMAIL <3 IRAQ

                                                      I watched one of OP replays, amazing use of blink initiation.

                                                      He's like the Hailrake of Kunkka.

                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                        @fun game! Well sure you can add me but I do not carry every game, however being at 6.6k you will get matched with lower rated people than the ones against you, unless it's a really high rated game where every is 5.8k+ which doesn't happen very often.

                                                        @yann You're welcome, blink is more popular now since the recent x buff I suppose.

                                                        @*ESP* Wink Yup, a torrent and one hit basically kills the whole creep wave.

                                                        @Taylor Swift I guess I am trying to bring old items into consideration then, and BF on kunkka or void is much older than just 2 years.

                                                        @b u t t e r b o y s You're welcome! It's fairly easy to be effective as a kunkka it just needs practice.

                                                        @Psychedelica Thank you :)


                                                          lol dude, that guide is for a person skilled enough to play him
                                                          I tried to play him with his build guess what, 3 losses streaks!


                                                            @Yfay Haha well everything needs practice!

                                                            ICE SKULL

                                                              sick kunkka, always fun to play against you, padrinho and many of my friends think you are a tryhard.

                                                              btw how do you know my friend school_cat?
                                                              is it alright if i add you again? we have mutual friends so you will see my main acc

                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                @wave Kunkka is my favorite hero and I suppose I play seriously every game so I am a tryhard, just not that much :D

                                                                I played with him a few games and he added me later.


                                                                  WAIT DON'T TELL ME YOU ARE THE SLARK THAT COUNTS THE GAMES HE WINS AGAINST ME?!?!

                                                                  ICE SKULL

                                                                    haha yeah


                                                                      dafuq meeting of the high mmr players


                                                                        Wtf dood you are sick, imagine a guy you don't know and the first thing he writes is "Attacker, 2-0" and i'm like wut? Three days later "Attacker, 3-0" ????????????????????????????? WHO ARE YOU!!!!


                                                                          that gives me creep, you got a stalker LEL

                                                                          ICE SKULL

                                                                            7-3 or something now rofl, but the reason why i do it because you're fucking hard to play against it

                                                                            blink in > torrent > ship > disappear > lolwut where did he go ops im dead


                                                                              Omg you're still counting? Get euls if the x stuff is bothering you, but I doubt you'll catch me even then :p


                                                                                heh, thanks for sharing. we all already knew leaderboards people are bunch of trash skill hardtryers =)


                                                                                  "imagine a guy you don't know and the first thing he writes is "Attacker, 2-0" and i'm like wut? Three days later "Attacker, 3-0" "

                                                                                  hahahahhaha classic wave


                                                                                    wow first time wave admits someone is good. GG boys well played dotabuff time to shut down.


                                                                                      @Attacker yeah i know, ofc u dont meet 9 6k+ players but carrying those low rated players is never an easy feat.

                                                                                      Like im not even over 6k but a lot of times, games become overwhelmingly hard when my teammates just get outmaneuvered everywhere and so it just comes down to me to get solo pick offs on their core heroes and make no mistakes. Well I'd like to see how you can do that or something similar to that on a kunkka.


                                                                                        hello im vgod


                                                                                          ^ Vroksnak, 2-0

                                                                                          Killer Queen

                                                                                            So Attacker do you just AFK farm mid for 25 minutes to get that "BF + Deadalus 1 shot" combo or do you gank at some point? also are the points in torrent for farming or what ? At what point do you really get dagger ? Congrats on the rating.

                                                                                            Quick maffs

                                                                                              I need to watch some games of this guy, kunkka is one of my favorite heroes too


                                                                                                @DeviLish You should just play your best every game, that's what I do. The only thing that I hate is when people focus more on flaming/whining than the actual gameplay :O

                                                                                                @Kriemhild No, afk farming on kunkka is wrong from what I learnt, I just keep killing anyone who farms lanes with torrent ship and go back to farming between cooldowns, I get dagger after BF. Thanks! :)

                                                                                                NextStep ®

                                                                                                  Interesting. I'm kinda sick of spamming undying.
                                                                                                  Might wanna learn new hero. Thanks for sharing.


                                                                                                    @Nextstep Good luck with that, thank you :)


                                                                                                      Was Kunkka just one of the first heroes you played that you fell in love with? Or how did you decide to play Kunkka?
                                                                                                      I don't think people think "Oh, I want a higher MMR, I'll play Kunkka"
                                                                                                      But damn those replays, impressive :D


                                                                                                        @HotSalza Kunkka was my favorite hero from dota one, I just played with him a few games and he was my favorite instantly :D but kunkka isn't a tryhard hero as much as slark or tinker or whatever people play nowadays, i'm surprised I got to this rating, because after I got 6.5k many people told me to change hero because i'm not gonna climb more than that, but I can't just leave poor kunkka, his either gonna take me up or down, and even if I change my spamming hero, it's not gonna be a popular or tryhard hero anyways. How can people say kunkka is a tryhard? :<