General Discussion

General Discussion Dota 2 MMR

Dota 2 MMR in General Discussion

    this shithole of a game has made me lose so much mmr on my main im clearly the best fucking player in most of my losses. I started feeding after loses a couple hundred in the same day and trying to get it back.


      and you dumbass 3k players dont evne mention the void builds. I know what im doing and i dont need retard trash telling me i lost because i got one item over another item. i get retards

      King of Low Prio

        shit items lose games


          you do realize theres a balance and if i rushed bkb i could make almost no use of it with terrible damage. Also every single fight it would get lower and lower and i cant even guarantee ill wi nthe fight. I was preparing for later in the game beacuse we clearly were going to win anytime soon if at all.


            we clearly werent*

            Tento komentář byl upraven

              shit attitude loses games


                i dont get mad at anyone in game fyi. I dunno why people dont think about this



                  playing void, same hero damage as rubick, 0 tower damage


                  playing void again, 2k more damage than rubick this time, 200 tower damage

                  yep bro you're clearly a 7k player Kappa

                  King of Low Prio

                    nobody believes anyone who says 'I never get mad at anyone in game'


                      look at how my team is feeding? Im not going to bust my nut trying to get high hero damage and then getting orchid by clinkz just to prove to yhou im better then these players...theres a clear different between my play and theirs


                        i dont understand how you want me to be the wohle team i cant just do all this when its 1v5



                          Possibly because you come onto these forums complaining about losses and how it's your teams fault. Naturally, people would assume this is your in game attitude as well.


                            so whats the difference in play? i didnt watch the replay but it looks to me like you just afk farmed the whole game except when you had chrono off cd and used it to solo kill a support

                            Hex Sigma

                              nobody believes anyone who says ' im clearly the best fucking player in most of my losses.'

                              SOHAI KIA OF TANJUNG MALIM

                                thats what u get for not picking based invoger

                                Ples Mercy

                                  hael you are a 3k trash, thats why you lose.

                                  BF + mom is so idiotic.






                                        lmao look at my smruf too, peruvian goes 0-21 as slark and just does a smiley face the whole game like the waste of life he is. Region lock makes league so much better in terms of matchmaking


                                          noob players lose games just look at this


                                            hael, just kill yourself already


                                              'and you dumbass 3k players'

                                              its funny because ur 3k

                                              ICE SKULL

                                                i dont think its hael


                                                  wave teach me how to play this game dude
                                                  like for real

                                                  ICE SKULL

                                                    prioritize map awareness and farm, play us east to face better opponents and learn from them (get used to ping, smash plays with 200 ms ping and is from peru)

                                                    carry a tp always

                                                    ti5 guide


                                                      Anybody remembers this nickname? Agoodtimewashadbyall. Roughly that, maybe some numbers and capital letters here and there and an Antimage doodle as a profile pic. Also spamming the forums with a lot of threads which were basically him just raging in a different way about Dota.

                                                      If you do, I'm pretty sure it's this guy.


                                                        Even if this isn't hael, it's hael 2.0 and im calling him hael


                                                          it is this guy, and now hes better than most of the trash here that responded to my other posts hatefully.


                                                            Yeah, you must be so good with your 75% winrate smurf... The fact that you need to smurf to have >50% winrate is enough evidence that you are garbage.




                                                                Ah I was correct, good. Which means I don't have to bother posting in any of these topics again and I suggest you guys do the same.


                                                                  Haha you had to make a smurf. Rekt.


                                                                    try playing in trash trash tier :D sometimes you get good (for the mmr) players other times you get utter retards. Some listen and try hard others pick sniper go MoM then stand at the front of the team fights in range of blink axe :D


                                                                      omg really? wow so important please proceed to tell us further informations.


                                                                        What's ur MMR?


                                                                          MoM + Battlefury is shit. MoM already helps you to flash farm, no need for a battlefury. Crystalys second item is trash, stop doing that. If you wanna get a daedalus then go for demon edge first.


                                                                            not even 50 percent winrate just be quiet


                                                                              ^ you're 50% after 6 games.


                                                                                50.10% WR is trash as well ROFL. The difference is that I don't pretend to be good at the game.
                                                                                Sorry, but your item choices are trash, no wonder you lose so much. Getting a crit item when you have no damage is wasting money, as simple as that. Even a sub-50% WR knows that.

                                                                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                  you are 3-3 allrdy on a brand new smurf thats all i need to see to know why u losing mmr

                                                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                                  ICE SKULL

                                                                                    hes posting with an alt acc because hes banned on his other acc from posting here



                                                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                        @Wave... u will finish in the same way.


                                                                                          heh X6...

                                                                                          What makes you think he hasn't been banned before?


                                                                                            wave is still here after over a year, you're brand new and the whole forum hates you.


                                                                                              No future


                                                                                                Jesus Christ hael, you need to loosen your vagina and be a fucking man when you lose a game.


                                                                                                  "MoM + Battlefury is shit. MoM already helps you to flash farm, no need for a battlefury. Crystalys second item is trash, stop doing that. If you wanna get a daedalus then go for demon edge first."

                                                                                                  there is so much wrong in this post i dont even know where to start

                                                                                                  let me begin by saying that going for demon edge over crystalys is possibly the stupidest possible thing you can do unless you are building a hero that wants to consider a rapier if the game goes south


                                                                                                    "Crystalis second item is trash" - Oh yeah? Man where'd my 64% winrate with void came from?

                                                                                                    Thanks Oleksander 49% normal bracket for this piece of insight.