General Discussion

General Discussionpro man's shield - when should I get it?

pro man's shield - when should I get it? in General Discussion

    i get that it's a good item, but i don't get it often, because it can delay other early laning items, and if I get other items first e.g. boots, i feel that poor mans won't be worth the extra 300g investment by then. is that wrong?

    heroes that i get it on are slark, bounty and void. maybe others but i forget.

    on AM, when should i delay ring of health for it?


      also is it worth it on non-agi heroes like centaur offlane


        Get it if you are getting harrassed by right clicks a lot. I get it often against heroes like sniper, lina, etc. Its not that good on strgth, i usually get a basi on centaur, bb and axe for the armor and mana regen instead of pms

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          when u get rightclicked


            If you're playing safelane you don't usually need one, unless it's a 2v2 lane and you're getting right clicked a lot when you go to cs, or if you're getting denied and need a little more dmg. Otherwise I generally stick with the stout.

            Just depends what you need to do well in your lane against x heroes


              what about opinions on pms first then a regen item or vice versa

              Hafla Enjoyer

                I like it on spectre


                  well, you generally buy a stout shield at the start so when you go to lane and see that you are laning against a mirana which hits you constantly , by the time you get 300 gold you must decide whether you would save for boots or just buy it.


                    core on SA

                    15 extra damage per hit at lvl 7


                      Usually it's not great on streng hero, cause, consider who could make use of it ?

                      centaure need to rush tranquil, and then don't care of it
                      clock don't need, if knows how to cog properly, and anyway he gonna use bottle pretty fast
                      naix don't really need it, thx to his regeneration
                      dk is crow bottleing
                      timber don't need it at all

                      Might work on bb, if he doesn't go for vanguard. (but as stated before, you might want to use that slot for basillus, considering his mana issue (especially if you build mecka)
                      axe totally don't need it
                      mb lc can make good use of it, since you want to go fast for next time, but this one staying pretty cheap.


                        slark, void, ursa, nyx, tb, bs, pa. that's your answer, they could pretty much always use a PMS versus any sort of harrasment.


                          tb doesn't need it at all.

                          King of Low Prio

                            any hero can need it if he is being harassed enough in the early stages of the game


                              void offlane

                              Quick maffs

                                Melee agility hero that its getting harassed because his supports are usually awful

                                Cagnus Marlsen

                                  i almost always get it when my hero is a meelee and i am getting right clicked ( initiating, including on cw, bb, centaur )

                                  ICE SKULL

                                    some russian dude invented pms on timber and its a god tier item

                                    try it


                                      good for when u are getting poked to death, especially against like mirana or wr off lane

                                      you can get pro man shield + ring of basilius and their attacks basically dont do shit. its a godly item combo, gives u like +12 dmg if ur agility and tons of damage block. I've only ever gotten it on TB pre-nerf though

                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                        But is PMS better than a Wraith Band on some ranged heroes like Gyrocopter?


                                          I'm too lazy to do the math but I doubt it. Especially since you'll be upgrading it to an Aquila most likely.


                                            i think beesa gets pms + qb on every melee agi every single game lol

                                            can't go wrong with the king of ember/troll/am

                                            आप गे क्यों

                                              u misspelled pro man's shield, the actual spelling is A-E-G-I-S

                                              poor's man shield is a good buy when 1. you are melee 2. you are agi 3. when u are neither agi or melee but are truly poor