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Player 175043649

    played with sonneiko, nice


      Game could've end earlier if towers are focused on instead on diving for their heroes

      Mike Wazowski..!

        Much KS much wow

        Fee Too Pee

          i have no comment mannnn . fail mid fail safe lane despite your enemy line up is reallllyyyy greeeddyyyyy. maybe pressure more as offlaner ? but u are tide anyway so ye maybe try slardar


            Nothing to say, but the enemy lineup countered most of your heroes esp. the rubick copying deathward,echoslam,hook.
            @Fee Too Pee

            Tento komentář byl upraven
            Player 175043649

              it's the usual alchemist is fat we gg game i guess


                Are you going for right-click AA ? You shouldn't really do that. Just land your ult, especially with Agh, to change the tide of the battle.
                Well, at least you guys won that game

                Tento komentář byl upraven
                Player 175043649

                  @Minerva i was trying to make silver edge for spec but we already got mega creep though before i got sange

                  thats a really good KDA & hero damage for a support but i guess your LC died too much and theres nothing you can do with that draft in late game against radiant picks

                  Daenuguanerys Targaryen

                    I have nothing to say, just check my recent game with my tard of a friend and see the doto illuminati.

                    Player 175043649

                      @FoReVaa what the fuck let me join in too

                      TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                        @FoReVaa what the fuck indeed, what sorcery is that? Dat balanar with 78 KDA doe


                          Finally Alch without bots and radiance as first item... /slow clap. So used to this shit at 1k MMR


                            You did a good job helping your team win teamfights

                            Daenuguanerys Targaryen

                              @Captains Mode I bought a force staff near the end and used it to kill the balanar who was playing the hunter right into the fountain because he's an asshole, I soon aold it in an attempt to buy a rapier but it's too late as the game ended before I got to the Secret Shop.

                              Nice stats with the good ole fuzzy wuzzy, an even better job winning with crap teammates except the WR.


                                This is for Exis

                                Don't make a bear angry or be torn apart in the space of an instant like poor SF.

                                "I don't welcome shadow blade user well and I would pay to see them being beaten up by those who hate shadow blade user too."

                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                  That void is so old, i fell off my dinosaur. Well, GJ supporting at 1k/whatever that is where only 1 support exists because of LoL.

                                  Daenuguanerys Targaryen

                                    Your OD is one of the 158 idiots who used BF on OD this week though he has a nice KDA. An omni carrying 2 gems so he can fill up his slots, but oh well, least you played pretty well and then won. It's all that matters


                                      Wtf? Hax????

                                      Daenuguanerys Targaryen

                                        No, they are real people.

                                        Nice KDA for a support, and since it's with Lich, you get my stamp of approval.

                                        Player 175043649

                                          ^ nice 10 people stack

                                          Fee Too Pee

                                            Idk where u farm all that item as u have sven and juggernaut. WP Stomp man well played


                                              though its an unknown skill bracket. i guess dire can't find any idea to find an opening to win the game even they has advantage in gold almost all the game. like they might not/ can't steal a kill to simply push to high ground tower. and even magnus can't find a good rp when pushing high ground. from the dire heroes, zeus invoker ogre mag and jug. the right click hero is just jug and invoker. and radiant have the heroes they need to clear the creep waves to push high ground or just to zone them out.. ember, lina, and doc whose actually can clear the creep waves from far behind so that they hardly get caught by RP. and even if dire dived, they will trapped with cask and phoenix ult.
                                              the only prob in dire is definitely jug. not try to buy bkb/blink and tanky items to just zone out the radiant.

                                              and there goes dire keeps failing to push until radiant can counter them with just one push :D

                                              the first 20 mins was chaotic. 2-3 3 vs 5 wars has occurred.
                                              V V V V V

                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                You were Zeus, and had the most HD on your team, no surprise. But you were largely carried by TW and FV. Troll with 200 CS in 30 minutes and 8k tower damage. Looks like you forced their team to focus you, and you were able to make plenty of space for your team. Well played.

                                                Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                Player 175043649

                                                  good defense on megas, and it looks like your team did some combos and wiped them all out and straight to throne, wp

                                                  Swap Commends

                                                    LP pool games.Gj anyway.


                                                      Great KDA, builds manta on veno, no blink/sb. Change that, get (V)HS ez.

                                                      Fee Too Pee

                                                        Your team line up is so greedy . but hey ez track money holla holla get dolla WP nice BH plays

                                                        TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                          questionable items on that PL. maybe could work IF he managed to get kills. prime example of BH hard countering what looks like a jungling LC early game. good job handing out kills to your team and earning your keep through assist and track gold.

                                                          Mike Wazowski..!

                                                            You did win..but 397 cs on alch and SnY after 1 hour is pretty bad I guess..

                                                            Player 175043649

                                                              it was a total stomp, wp
                                                              but skadi + diffusal?

                                                              edit : nvm it works

                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                Your lineup is too greedy. Spectre, Death Prophet and yourself (Ember) ? Well, no wonder early game your team is falling behind.
                                                                Although you're kinda winning mid-game, the damage has been made on your tower.
                                                                And looks like even with double Daedalus and a Rapier, there's not much you can do.

                                                                Swap Commends

                                                                  Good support player & u won.I always admire supports.
                                                                  Sadly your total wr is not very good,I suggest you try more aggressive supports.


                                                                    A cumback game well played probably coz of void, they have iniatiation which is void but he still goes carry even though their team have 2 already. Good job om taking advantage of it

                                                                    Player 175043649

                                                                      @Minerva i was trying to learn ember so i dont really think about line ups, but yea i cant do much lategame

                                                                      G: SE Asia, idk maybe vhs
                                                                      B: obvious smurf, and fix your winrate dude


                                                                        You were supposed to say something INSIGHTFUL about my last game so yeahhh if you can do that , that would be great hahaha

                                                                        Player 175043649

                                                                          oh i got the wrong thread
                                                                          nice comeback tho even the enemy carry are so underfarmed, probably they get wiped and the rest is spectre lategame

                                                                          Swap Commends

                                                                            ^ u always do it hahahah


                                                                              ^ Fat TA and treant with more gold than anti-mage
                                                                              Treant should have focused more on supporting tho

                                                                              Fee Too Pee

                                                                                arc warden 2 4. BUT EZ RAPIER EZ RAT DOTO BEST DOTO 7K TOWER DAMAGE EZ GAME
                                                                                Well played playing that cancer mate


                                                                                  No death tinker

                                                                                  Player 175043649

                                                                                    easy game total stomp wp
                                                                                    but why would u get vanguard on void


                                                                                      blademail would have been better than dagon.

                                                                                      Swap Commends

                                                                                        One sided game.Nothing new these days & your skill build is so right click.Invoker and legion stomped so hard.Gj team


                                                                                          With Kunkka abandoned, it's just normal for you to win

                                                                                          Why Vanguard though? Too costly and delay your big item imo. Just go drums / urn. Nothing threatens you except SF or sudden hook
                                                                                          Go diffusal before Skadi against Omni, you can dispel his repel and ult > easier kills
                                                                                          You win anyway, good job


                                                                                            sick disruptor honestly, esp against thaT lineup, seems like they seriously underestimated disruptor ult potential


                                                                                              Nice Storm and NP win rate.


                                                                                                One sided game and no need for am
                                                                                                Why you get vlad its not worth it bf regen is enough and heart is a must late game


                                                                                                  i just wonder, why you really like build agha in yurnero(juggernaut)