General Discussion

General Discussionany 3K + wanna party up?

any 3K + wanna party up? in General Discussion
Livin' Real Good

    Been feeling kind of down lately :/ My teams have been more shit than usual, not saying i'm pro, so fuck off, just saying people are THAT bad in 3K, and never push when they have the advantage (I) usually give them. Would be very nice to talk to you and play with some solid players, i'm a good friend, maybe your can be too, thank you :) Maybe you can help me improve, been playing dota 2 for a year, but already pretty solid, or so i think.

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      what's ur current party mmr?

      Livin' Real Good

        3.2 solo / 2.3 Party cause i don't play much with friends, they all play league, and the people i do add from dota 2, usually play like one game with me, and it's really awkward, they never talk, or they're just never active. O_O So i end up deleting them, cause I like talking to my friends a lot, and i reply back very quickly seeing as i don't work or go to school right now .-.

        Tento komentář byl upraven

          oh, that's a pity. unfortunatly, i just cant stack with you due to restrictions on maximum mmr spread in a party; you should be at least 3.4-3.5k, otherwise the system wont let us search games in ranked MM.

          Livin' Real Good

            Yes, i had a feeling, cause i remember an old friend and me had the same problem, his party MMR was passed the threshold, it's okay, thanks for reading. Maybe someone else can help me. O_O or we can even play pubs, but that's cool, i still prefer party MMR.

            Tento komentář byl upraven
            [DFG] Whale King

              Same issue here, sorry bud


                what is your role ?

                and if u wanna improve ur party mmr ı can help you but if you are support or offlane player

                plz do

                  i would love to play w u and getting rid of our current loser mentality. i see that u play us west, which means horrible ping for one of us. im eu west actually w best ping to russia. mb we can give it a shot and test it, if the ping doesnt exceed 120ms its ok for me.

                  Livin' Real Good

                    Actually no, i have an amazing connection, i can play SEA just fine, as well as EU west, i can do that for you, its fine. :P We can DO US East + Euro west, or even just Euro west, i still always do well. I'm iYorKeY on steam, or just YorKeY

                    Tento komentář byl upraven
                    plz do

                      ^ok i will add u in about 6 hours from now. time difference will be a bitch though.

                      King of Low Prio

                        I will play as long as you can handle my trolling and flaming I enjoy so much

                        Livin' Real Good

                          XD i rage too, but i will NEVER blame someone for something that was my fault, but if it's their fault, its' fine, but if it's their fault more than once. O_O Ahh'

                          @ hush

                          I stay up pretty much all night, it's 1AM here, it's probably be up till 7AM, so it's no big deal, then i'll wake up at 2PM pacific time, and be up all day, and night, i usually sleep from morning to early after noon >.> Sleep cycle is everywhere.


                            Lol yea trolling is very great i just Played 3 games in a row with the Same Duo Team in the games 1st game i was in their enemy Team and ended up with 18:0 after 25 min next 2 games Ive Played with them and had 1:13 and 0:9 stats Haha they were raging like 5 year old Kids.... Made my Day so hard


                              @YorKeY sounds fun i am below 3k but u can add me if u want. (My steam name is: gotvet)

                              plz do

                                we have 9 hours time difference, I guess. I am 9 hours ahead.. that basically means ur gonna go to sleep at 7 am (pacific time) while i come home from work at 4pm (UTC+1). If u slept during my working hours - we would've had a time frame... xD

                                Livin' Real Good

                                  I just need to fix my cycle >.> But i can play whenever you people want, i hardly sleep anyways.

                                  Giff me Wingman

                                    OP's solo mmr is 2.6k maybe less.

                                    He's the typical autistic shitnap who blames everyone but himself for loss

                                    Tento komentář byl upraven
                                    plz do

                                      ^ lol Robert. dont be mean. His solo is 3.2k as posted in 3rd post.

                                      Giff me Wingman

                                        He's lying. His solo mmr is 2.6k, maybe even less, looking at the loss

                                        Livin' Real Good
                                          Tento komentář byl smazán
                                          plz do

                                            ^ he is just Blunt. get used to it and seriously never take that shit personal in dota!

                                            Livin' Real Good

                                              Yes, i deleted my reply to him, cause he's really not worth replying to, and you're right, it's not worth taking serious. :)

                                              I met two nice people last night, anyone else wanna play?

                                              Tento komentář byl upraven
                                              Hex Sigma

                                                i would like, but i am in europe so yeah...


                                                  Add me, I love playing in 2k.

                                                  Livin' Real Good

                                                    I can't add you shred, your steam name is too obscure, what's your actual steam account name. o_o

                                                    bum farto

                                                      Look down by the alias's there is a link you can visit

                                                      Also you can add me if you want as well.


                                                        If you open some1's dotabuff profile and look to the bottom right corner, you will find a link to his/her steam profile. It goes right after the word ALIASES.

                                                        Livin' Real Good

                                                          Yes, i know that, i'm not an internet newbie, been on here since AOL ! (now age 23) XD Tried his other Alias, they're too obscure or too common .-.

                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                            You probably missunderstood me and havoc. There is a link to steam profile (it is green) right after the word ALIASES. Just press that link, and you'll open his profile.

                                                            bum farto

                                                              Oh my lord.....there is a god damn steam link where his aliases are!!! Even you have one. The green text is his 64bt steamID clicking on it will take you directly to his steam.

                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven


                                                                  Havoc, lol.


                                                                    @ havoc
                                                                    Sry i dont get that could u explain it closer pls?

                                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                    plz do

                                                                      damn ur ipad batteries are good! surfin all day on dbuff and still 69% left. my smartphone wouldve been down to 30% at least.

                                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                        My smartphone is at 1 % every Day after work


                                                                          i just always keep it at 69%

                                                                          Livin' Real Good

                                                                            Didn't understand instructions, my hand got stuck in the toaster, but thank you Havoc :P

                                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                            Bread Winners Association

                                                                              We'll I'm a 3k but I mean you can add me and we can figure out some games. Have been on a losing streak so maybe some fresh friends will help eachother get rid of it :D Steam: 6 God