General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat does it takes to become a professional player and career in DOTA?

What does it takes to become a professional player and career in DOTA? in General Discussion

    i meant that you either get a mediocre education with low effort, or a decent degree but by working hard. you cant fuck around and expect to get good grades in tier1 university. harvard is just an example.


      Ya, i agree, it's same with Dota actually. You cant get to T1 team or do T1 university with low effort. It actually takes full effort to do either one and for that you have to be talented too. Both at the same times it's pretty much impossible. It's still possible to get like really good at both, get 6k mmr and do descent university at the same time, it's just not that cherry on the cake.

      WHAT KIND OF STEAK ARE YOU BOYS? (Moonmeander)

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          What kind of steak are you Kitrak?

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              lets be real, how many people from this forum are going to Harvard


                no one from here is going pro as well


                  I have been in a tournament and I'm 3k trash


                    and some people are stubborn enough to follow through with what they like. the highest payed/most prestigious job is not necessarily the best job too. one would rather play dota and get 3k/month and feel happy/content with his life than do a job that pays 30k and hate it


                      what about further life expectations? dota carrier ends some day, and we will be forced to work on the jobs we hate to earn money we dont need and buy shit to impress ppl we dont care about.

                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                        commentating is a thing, game analysis too and streaming pays very well if you are/were a pro.
                        and people who try to impress others just cuz of society standards pressure or whatever, turn out to be douches in the end tho.
                        only ppl i try to impress is my gf and close friends, and that happens actually without trying


                          i meant a bit different thing, but nvm, it will take too long to explain

                          Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                            @Khaleesi You have no idea how business work right? I have 25 years and get 8k per month by my job, working only 7 hours per day. Unless you were real pro player with a T1 team, you would never get that money, Also that players spend around 10-16 hs a day playing.
                            The richest players who won Major tournaments, ESL, STARLADER, INTERNATIONAL, etc, are able to spend the money and get a bigger income in the future.
                            In a near future like TripleSteal said, dota will die, and all of those guys will be a 28 years old useless guys who spent all your life playing a game.

                            Woof Woof

                              if you dont want to place all eggs in one basket on this one, dont waste time. Game has too many oldschool pros with which you have to catch up and i dont see how can someone do it without adjusting his whole life towards dota 2


                                Form a team, enter jDL Get promoted every season till your at the top of the highest league then yeah.. I'm not even sure if that will get you noticed

                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                  hahaha 5k and pro? hahahaha 6k and pro is a joke even

                                  Mind Games

                                    This is so funny Slayer

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      Saying dota will die is stupid, it's not going to die. It will only change. Dota 1 is like 10 years old and evolved into dota 2. Dota2 will have a similar reign, at least 10 years, probably more. If you think 10 years is near future well then ok but I don't.


                                        I expect dota to continue to develop into a major sport-entertainment industry like the NBA, NFL, MLB etc. I expect it will remain the dominate e-sport untill partially displaced by entertainment via an entirely new media form (ie virtual reality based). This might easily take 50 years. The reason the next major change in entertainment technology is NOT on the horizon is that it will require a physical space to which the common gamer does not and will not have easy access. Before VR based entertainment becomes superior to PC based entertainment people will have to either be able to go to VR gyrmnasiums in local communities or have that kind of space commonly in their homes. Even though such VR gymnasiums could be built in 10 to 20 years (at least in first world nations) the cutural trend is to more sedantarry lifestyles despite massive propaganda futilely trying to drive active lifestylves.

                                        So instead the PC at home, and the LAN cafe will be the home of the esports for the masses. It is because they can and do play the game themselves that the professional scene is so popular. But this is even more the case with Dota than the physical sports which people have to eventually give up because they are to old... with dota the community of players will simply grow larger each year. Adults are only restricted from playing by avaiable time, not by physical limits. Adults want to play sports as much as they did when they were kids. They try to make time for it even in busy schedules. But most give up at some point because they are out-of-shape so they can't enjoy it, they are prone to injury and can't risk it, and they are in too much pain from previous injuries.

                                        Old rich guys play golf, not because they really like it better than football or basketball... but because its all they can do now.

                                        Dota removes those obstacles to adults continuing to particiapte.

                                        Dota is alreayd multi-generational and has crossed major updates in technology. Mommentum is important. Even if Ice Frog quits, or Valve goes bankrupt so many people are invested in playing dota that it will continue to grow.

                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                          Im 7k and no its not worthy even tho i come from country where 3k is godlike tier


                                            EDITED because of TL;DR:

                                            3.000 $ monthly wage ain't shit. doesn't even cover basic expenses like rent, car, phone, food in most metropolitan cities like new york, london, etc.

                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                              i easily lived in barcelona for 1.5k/month, and its one of the most expensive cities in the world. i dunno where u got ur conclusion from, honestly.


                                                wow. you must of have lived in some real shithole, with no car, electricity, tv or whatsoever. i live in a large german city and my rent alone for three rooms is 2.600 USD.

                                                KUDOS to you though for managing a minimum lifestyle.

                                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                  im a student, dude. i was just renting a room.
                                                  welp, if you are going for full-pack with big apartment, car etc. it shall cost way more, but i suppose most ppl posting here are a lil bit younger and dont need all of this luxury :D


                                                    yeah sure. i understand. the most expensive thing in my life are my two kids anyway.

                                                    so yeah. all younger ppl here, reading this, you WILL grow older. your priorities in life WILL shift, 3.000 USD monthly for a couple of years ain't worth it if it means you WILL have to spend the rest of your adulthood (after going "pro") living a life with little to no money ...


                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                    Autism is great

                                                      in major polish city u can easily live ffrom esports if you earn around 1.5k$ a month

                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                        you guys are morons or what, 3k dolores is enough in cis/russia

                                                        the realm's delight

                                                          do you still not understand 3k is the monthly wage of a player, you earn way more off lan winnings streaming and whatever else you want to do, dota is a gold mine if you exploit it properly


                                                            another thing to consider:

                                                            assume you'll get PRO and get a monthly wage of 3k USD. assume you stay a paid PRO for 5 years. assume you even get bonuses for winning major tournaments, roughly 10k yearly. assume you even get some sponsor money, roughly 20k yearly.

                                                            this leaves you with 330.000 USD, or 66.000 USD yearly income. deduct tax. say you live in luxembourgh, tax 15%. leaves you with an income of 56.100 USD per year.

                                                            seriously. go to university, learn something awesome, go abroad if your market pays shit, and earn this kind of money on your VERY FIRST JOB with no experience in the market for the rest of your life with yearly increases of your salary.

                                                            nuff said. i'm out.

                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                            < blank >

                                                              3k USD is not much in Switzerland


                                                                @dkoated you didn't read the comment above yours


                                                                  @Artoozy: Yes. "Die Schweiz" is even more expensive than Germany. What is rent again of a one room apartment in zurich again??

                                                                  the realm's delight

                                                                    if i were a pro player id literally just invest time into streaming, if u make a clown out of yourself u can easily make 6k/week


                                                                      helenalive ain't even pro 3Head


                                                                        @nelson: yes i did. just wanted to pop in and leave my 2 cents as well ;)

                                                                        the realm's delight

                                                                          also as far as i know u dont even pay taxes for streaming income, not in eastern europe at least


                                                                            i would be pretty sure that your local tax authority disagrees with your statement. you should declare your business income (from whatever sources) or else you commit tax fraud.

                                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                              The point shouldn't be can a pro earn a living or is being pro worthwhile? It's can I become a pro? The answer for everyone posting here is a big fat no. We're missing the point talking about the merits of being pro, non of us will get to make that choice regardless.


                                                                                all sorts of income are being taxed in all the western world

                                                                                the realm's delight

                                                                                  apparently you do but twitch is forced to give you a 1099 form though i am not sure wether it covers all of the income you get through streaming (both subscribers and donations), because donations are received via paypal so maybe twitch has nothing to do with that amount of money

                                                                                  also direwolf can u st.fu please im 100% sure there are players on these forums that will eventually make it to pro scene

                                                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                    posting here in this thread?


                                                                                      several ppl posting here had this choice at some point of their life

                                                                                      the realm's delight

                                                                                        no i dont think ppl posting in this thread have many chances
                                                                                        tho you never know
                                                                                        its not only your dota skills which matter when it comes to going on pro, luck is also a part of it

                                                                                          Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                                                                                            when switching games you have to begin from the starting point. it might be a bit easier, but not more than that.

                                                                                            also the attitudes towards a 22 y.o. without job experience and a 28 y.o. with similar parametres is waaaaaaaaay diferent for the HR managers. you cant just take a break for several years and expect everything to be fine.

                                                                                            CS2 is utter trash

                                                                                              You cant become a proffesional player SIMPLY cuz dota is made like a shit. Every game you play different role cuz your team is made of idiots dicksuckers and you cant pick what you want. You cant get any better. Do you think that GabeN will allow you to become good at his game? He got no value in it. He will que you with dog shit fukstains and make you loose purposely... Before everything GAMING means MONEY so those kid dreams about proffesional player are all dog shut. Find 5 guys, leave school and job, take the risk and there is a little CHANCE to become PRO.


                                                                                                You live in germany and pay 2340 EURO? hahah :D


                                                                                                  if you are not sarcastic, you got issues

                                                                                                  A waifu a day keeps socie...

                                                                                                    Going to school to become an app developer and makes something like Snapchat then profit billions seems more likely than you people becoming a tier 1 dota pro tbh


                                                                                                      You got no chance at being pro. End of story. Don't want to make you cry! And I bet your uni is shit too.

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