General Discussion

General Discussion@Johno For when you want to listen to advice.

@Johno For when you want to listen to advice. in General Discussion
bum farto

    I dunno why I am even bothering to do this cause you will just find some weakass excuse how I am being to harsh, or don't know how you are, or what you've been through. That aside lets look at your games and how you consistently (under)perform.
    Lets look at some of your recent matches to identify weak points you may have. It also pays to not that the following games were mostly wins, so the fact that you perform so badly while winning says something about the way you play.

    The games I link you to watch are people who I know perform decently with the hero and games where they have recently played it win or lose. Even with the loses it shows how they perform in a game where we're not the superior side.
    You're welcome to add me on steam and ask me from time to time to give you advice on your game that you played. Being anything but brutaly honestly won't help you at all as you need to get better, not get more delusional.

    Game ID:

    Things you did wrong:

    Completely ignoring the game. You shared a lane with Razor so felt you needed to catch up, and you spent all game doing just that. 3/2/10 on a Weaver in a game where everyone else in your team stomped is just appalling.
    Bar that you also went linkens for literally no reason, aside from a few little annoyances I see no reason that linkens was the item of choice, and even under the assumption they were coordinated and wanted to kill you linkens wouldn't even help all that much and a BKB would have been a much better item if we're tossing the two in the mix.

    Things you did right:

    Literally nothing. 4.2 hero damage in a 35 minute game as a weaver is a joke.

    Points to Ponder:

    - Don't be idle, if you're team is stomping get your hands on that cash and stomp with them.
    - Evaluate what you're up against, buy items accordingly. Don't just buy cause they're recommended.
    - Level geminate over your first in most cases, 57 last hits by 20 minutes is appalling, geminate can help you pick up some extras if you're autoattacking.

    Game to watch: Sano on weaver, a loss and a poor performance from our other cores but a solid game from him nonetheless.


    Game ID:

    Things you did wrong:

    Oh lord where to begin. Basically the same thing as the weaver match and I am seeing a trend here. Pick a 3rd/4th carry, idle in lane picking what you can or just outright taking, other player leaves to go do shit, and you remain in lane farming to try and "catch up" but unwittingly become underfarmed and useless cause you have this horrible game mindset.
    Your items while not that bad don't progress as they should have. Imagine if you got treads, bottle/aquila, and then grabbed a fast shadowblade. Their team is literally free kills for you all game but instead you idle in lane, don't farm, and don't do anthing.
    If you're gonna afk farm then at least do it properly and max dark pact, your build of 1-3-1-1 is just flat out dogshit and retarded.

    Things you did right:

    Literally nothing. 3.3k damage in a 50 minute game at slark is unacceptable.

    Points to Ponder:

    - Again similar to above, you get more farm and exp then hiding in a lane getting creeps. Go kill shit with your team who's already stomping. You don't even have to help much just hang around and free gold and exp.
    - Get escape items on Slark, blink or shadowblade, unless you're a God on the hero you will need it to weave in and out of fights.
    - Leap is for killing, dark pact is for farming. Even so always max dark pact cause why wouldn't you.

    Game to watch: Triplesteal on Slark, decent performance and item choices. Not asking you to copy his build but learn from it and understand why he did it.


    Game ID:

    Things you did wrong:

    Without watching it hard to say, still a pretty weak ass performance but seems unfair to be so negative when statistically it looks ok.

    Things you did right:

    You were a little more active with your team this game and as a result it payed off.

    Points to Ponder:

    - Right, here's the thing with necro and mekanism. That shit's expensive on mana and his mana pool isn't that great. If you're doing the Mek build then get mana boots which will help with this and can be converted to Gaurdians Greaves later on.
    - If you're offlane consider changing your build to phase boots as it helps you weave around and necro is a pretty slow hero as it is so it can help you out manoeuvre people.

    Game to watch: My main man Dorkly (RobbinTheHood) on Necro, I would recommend sorting through some of his other games to find build that you can connect with.


    Game ID:

    Things you did wrong:

    Ok this is the first loss I am analyzing and by God you deserve every shit thing i am going to tell you now cause this is the creme de la creme of dogshit. Your team lost this cause of your poor performance, you bad item choices, and your just all round loser play.
    It gets worse as well. You were your teams safelane, and you fucked it up bad. I even took the time to parse this game on so you can see just how awful you did as can everyone else who doesn't have DB+

    - 12 minute treads
    - Start to build armlet, change your mind and sell it to get 19 minute maelstrom.
    - Next item is AC so by 35 minutes you have AC/Maelstrom/Treads
    - By 10 minutes you have 15 last hits as a safelaner, just what the hell is wrong with you. Are you cross-eyed?

    You're just not a factor in any of your games, you do as much hero damage in 10 games as I do in 1 as a support. You buy horrible items, and you just basically do nothing. Like do you not sleep enough so dose off for 20 minutes at your keyboard during the game?

    Things you did right:

    Adding this section just makes me ill cause you even queuing for this game was a bad choice. You did absolutely nothing at all right this game.

    Points to Ponder:

    - You need to get blink on WK in almost all your games.
    - If you're struggling in the safelane remember you always have the jungle nearby, farm small camps till wave is under tower then farm lane. Rinse and repeat till farmed.
    - Turn your lifesteal aura off in lane, this was a massive buff for WK to have the aura but not pass it to creeps, make sure you use it.

    Game to watch: Havoc Badger, me.
    Midas, Treads, Blademail, Radiance, Blink, all by 22 minutes. If you're safe farm like you mean it and play like you're the carry.
    My last 6 months of Wraith King

    In closing:

    Learn from the harsh criticism, its a game and if you get sensitive about what people tell you then God forbid you should ever go out into the world. You take criticism, you listen to it, you hate what they told you but do it anyways.
    Stop playing Razor, stop being idle, idgaf if you die 40 times in a game, pick an aggressive hero, and fucking run at people and try and kill them, rinse and repeat till you learn how to do it without dying and once you do that, you will open your Dota and realise you're not 2k anymore and have actually climbed cause you learned how to out play your bracket.

    Toto téma bylo upraveno
    the realm's delight

      why would u do this WutFace

      plz do

        game is dead, just let it be.

        the realm's delight

          damn i was a fuckboi

          bum farto

            Yes you were, but look how much you've grown into a fully fledged fuckman.

            Dune, the Desert Planet

              Havoc how the fuck do you have time to analyze random games, work, play as much as you do and feed homeless people? Tell me your secret please.


                A lot of free time I guess.


                  Havoc do you have a job

                  {|}TNA{|}Black Ninja

                    damn that sounds good, can u analyze my games also this way. if u criticism Is powerfull enough I could take a well deserved brake from dota for few weeks.

                      Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem
                        Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                          WutFace thread


                            i didnt read everything but im fairly sure with the new swarm buff the build is 441
                            plus i dont see why u need to join your team in stomping, triple digit mmr players dont take objectives anyway so you should focus on that

                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                              Why is Swiftending not verified. DOTOBUFF, fix it.


                                you are going full relentless havoc.


                                  Havoc is good guy.

                                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                                    Odlican si Invoker, ej.


                                      Odlican SF brate moj. :D <3 Jos se i zoves isto kao i ja, pu.

                                      Btw, znam da se obracas Xan-u. :-d

                                      Tento komentář byl upraven
                                      plz do

                                        havoc posts= kreygasm


                                          opet bolji nego tvoj

                                          bum farto

                                            @gg @kappastorm yes, i work full time as an IT manager and get some downtime to watch games over lunch, and I felt that kids thread wasn't getting better any time soon. It's no secret that I time manage very well, but also don't sleep for very long hours and do some catch up over the weekend.

                                            @meka midas is never really the answer, but ez farm is ez farm. I usually skip it anyways.

                                            @triplestar I am sure you're right, but that comes from experience and a sound knowledge of either the hero or Dota, this kid has neither so probably best he doesn't try "next level" builds without understanding of what or why it is used/good for. Plus this kid is so awful and farming (averages 150GPM on safelane carries by 20 minutes) that join with the team is a good way of getting gold, and exp. Obviously I am a fan of playing the space and getting grain while the sun shines, but not in this case.

                                            @xan no, otherwise it would be just be inexperienced theory crafting

                                            saving private RTZ

                                              The sad part is that this is useless and Johno will probably start argueing bringing shit like "you don't know how much i know about the game" or "knowing and doing is different, everyone learns different.

                                              Anyway, havoc is a good guy as always


                                                WOW - I must say this is not the help I was expecting and I would like to thank you for the time you have taken to do this.

                                                I have been chatting with a player over the weekend regarding my game and he has really helped me understand a lot of the basics and gave me a few pointers for builds and skill build on a few heroes who are in the meta and I would like to play.

                                                I would just like to say, still being new to the game that there is so much to take in and learn with this game and as I said before I never really took the game seriously when I first started playing as I was trying the game to see if I liked it. I have grown to love this game but I haven't grown into a decent as of yet.

                                                This is all down to a lack of understanding. And the way my brain works is - I must have an understanding of the mechanics and every last detail of why, how and when. This sort of analysis is what I am looking for and what I have been getting from another guy who added me from on here, 11 years experience and understands where I am coming from.

                                                I also have to say that although many people are being truthful but harsh at the same time, there is different ways of going about helping someone and quite simply coming of with childish remarks and unhelpful trash doesn't wash with me and never will. So no I wasn't going to get defensive with you based on what you are saying. You are actually helping and giving me key information about my mistakes which I am grateful for.

                                                So now that we have that cleared up I have been writing down some things I need to practice that I have gone over with another player.
                                                Much of your analysis is along the lines of what I have talked about with this guy. This analysis is however all new and I am shocked at how many mistakes I have made in these games.

                                                My biggest problem is knowing when, where and why and I find that is the case with item builds, when to fight or farm and what I should be generally doing. There is a lot of advice that's contradicting and this seems to confuse me at times.

                                                So I will take a long look at these games and analyse the mistakes you have pointed out and try to work on them.

                                                Just so you know, I can take harsh criticism but as I won't take dogshit with no intention to help at all.

                                                Thank you Havoc, I have added you on steam also.


                                                  It's not useless if Havoc did good job, and obviously he did. At some point he might comeback and read this and start getting better.


                                                    havoc badger, nicest person on planet earth


                                                      He's not, but he's good person.

                                                      There's difference between nice and good. He may not be nicest person on earth, but he's at least good person.

                                                      saving private RTZ

                                                        Well he is the nicest on these forums at least, he always tries to help

                                                        < blank >

                                                          Now give me some advice, so I can go pro faster than you can say DendiFace

                                                          E: Won't drop Storm from my hero pool

                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                            Igraj vise Earth Spirit. Kappa

                                                            saving private RTZ

                                                              Could you speak english and not these yugoslavic(?) language


                                                                DONT RUIN MY LOVE FOR BADGER


                                                                  But it's not Yugoslavia language, it's Serbian.

                                                                  And yes I can, and I just said to him he needs to play more of ES.

                                                                  Will try to speak on english from now on.

                                                                  < blank >

                                                                    My ES is over 52% Winrate

                                                                    saving private RTZ

                                                                      Well isnt serbia basically former yugoslavia?(minus other countries obv)
                                                                      And by yugoslavic i mean all those languages spoken in former yugoslavia countries.

                                                                      < blank >

                                                                        The language is similar the difference is in the nouns

                                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                        Dune, the Desert Planet


                                                                          Pricaj srpski da te ceo svet razume!


                                                                            It is, but it was long time ago, and since this is not history class I'll skip part about how we all part our ways.

                                                                            Macedonians, slovenians, Bosnians, Croatians and Serbians(and montenegro country) - yes, we all speak similuar language, but just to some extent.

                                                                            Like, while Bosnians, Montenegro, Croatians and Serbians understands each other with great accuracy, as Serbian I have harder time understnading Slovenians and Macedonians, for example.

                                                                            Their language is a bit different, but somehow they end up speaking decently Serbian, so we all understand each other just fine I guess.

                                                                            And I fucked up shitloaad of words here, hopefully you understood me.

                                                                            saving private RTZ


                                                                              nu inteleg :(

                                                                              Paid actor

                                                                                Impressive i have to say, and quite constructive criticim. wp


                                                                                  @ Minglee, he said "speak serbian so whole world can understand you".

                                                                                  No worries, I'll translate, I love this shit. Translating Serbian into english is next level job.

                                                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                                  saving private RTZ

                                                                                    I know that was the point, he said that everybody understands serbian and i said i don't :P.


                                                                                      Oh, so apparently you don't have to know Serbian to understand what he meant, holy shit.

                                                                                      Serbian is getting on global level, we did it boys!



                                                                                        Sadly, this thread could encourage people to spam "pls help me to get better" and take no advice until someone make analysis thread like this for them


                                                                                          And that's exactly bad because of?

                                                                                          Isn't the whole idea about helping someone actually making some kind of analysis?

                                                                                          Are you actually trying to say if someone yells about "help me to get better" you should just turn your magic stick into his brain and he'll get better?

                                                                                          I mean, in order for someone to get better, reciving some kind of analysis is important.

                                                                                          If you bash him from very start just because he's narrow minded it won't help him, and do not try to help him in first place then.


                                                                                            Well, imagine someone makes thread that called "pls analyze this match" for every match he/she play. It's far too spammy (as it is with this case), and you could use the "something insightful of the previous dotabuff match" thread to achieve same result, and it's tidier that way.

                                                                                            Don't get me wrong, I love people who help others by making match analysis for other (such as this one), but judging overall comment, it seems that the Johno guy already got the same advice regarding farm and itemisation.

                                                                                            Asking advice here and there is fine, but not taking it when it was given to you (and proceed to asking the same advice later on) is another case

                                                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                              lol sam hope this guy actually take in mind this analysis cause its worthy tbh

                                                                                              when i start playing serious (huhu) i would love some same style analysis from you too
                                                                                              hope we will play soon as soon as im solo all week and play with cousin only on weekends

                                                                                              bum farto

                                                                                                Maybe, I am struggling with a couple loses but got back to 5.3 over the weekend after dropping on Friday.

                                                                                                Also 32/4/19 was the score on my first game in league where I was playing Ashe who's basically drow/wr for lack of a better comparison.

                                                                                                Also no blink items in LoL?

                                                                                                saving private RTZ

                                                                                                  ^there is flash but thats a summoner spell.

                                                                                                  It baffles me that with the amount of skillshots(spammable dashes, but lets call them skillshots) there is only a blink spell on a huge CD. I guess they have no turnrates so dodging is eazy

                                                                                                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                                    No invisibility either. In Dota Invis = Divine Shield


                                                                                                      anyway i dont think its not about wanting to listen to advice
                                                                                                      theres alot of of things to learn and grasp and its hard being able to remember everything
                                                                                                      i skype coached him a slark game previously i think, and im glad he took into some of my advice about item builds (no qb first, getting treads, shadowblade /sny, aquila etc, he was going boots bottle yasha skadi previously or something equally awful
                                                                                                      tbh all i see in the rest of the threads are a bunch of 3ks finally glad they have someone to call shitlords