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General DiscussionDivine gaming

Divine gaming in General Discussion
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    Whats your mmr on smurf now? Do you still play thid acc?.

    And wtf are those LP games lmao


      Umm, it's still 4.4k. 4416 now. Well that's lp games.

      I play, as you can see. I got almost 100 ranked matches.

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        holy shit



          divine u to bitch


            Guys today was bad day for my MMR, but good day for my job. :C

            What's wrong is that losing 100 MMR affected my mood more then gaining about 100$. Holy shit.

            Anyways, from 4.5k to 4.4k. :<

            I literally lost 2 games because I had to speak and play for 30 mins for each game.


            Riguma Borusu

              ^I haven't played ranked for long enough to know when to stop due to a tilt, so I lose 150 MMR due to tilts regularly. On the other hand, I feel worse about losing 150 MMR than gaining two good marks (and getting rid of) two particularly fucked up exams @ uni, as well as having a good chance to get back with the girl I love. Guess we all kinda need help.

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                That's my point, I was so happy yesterday that I managed to hit 4.5k that I totally forgot how fucked up my life is for some things.

                Then I lost pretty much everything I gained from past few days, and hoho, now I feel bad and I cant stop thinking about it..

                Worst part is that I literally went to sleep 5 hours ago after Shadow Fiend loss because I was so sad and depressed for losing that game, even tho it was just 100% my fault.

                I think I'm taking small break from Dota. At least, I WILL TRY to do it, because this is not good sign AT ALL.

                But I also kinda understand myself. I tried hard to keep myself at 4.3k+ range for past 100 games on that smurf, and grinding back to 4.4k+ from almost 4.1k wasn't easy job.

                Regardless, Dota is starting to affect my life and mood way too much.


                  @shed that's okay! just keep on working remember, your job is what pays for your bills, no job = no money = no internet = no dota... so manage ur time wisely... that way ur mmr keeps going up.. Did that before, since i work from home as well, had a call and was talking over the phone, when suddenly my opponent went on a RAMPAGE and i said holy shit! I forgot i was talking to a client on the other line! hahaha! memories! and the best time for me to grind MMR since im in SEA is around 6am-9am that way all noobs are awake or kids cutting classes and playing dota... that way i can easily grind... i rarely play ranked at night from 10pm-5am the worst of the worst come out, feeders come out, freaking trashtalkers come out, pro's come out... So it's easy to fall victim to predators at that time frame,... Like for instance now, Winter update just came out, i'd rather play normal rather than ranked coz the dreamers and achievers are hungry for wins...

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                    Yeah man, feelsbad. He's calling me and asking about some PC specifications I'm selling, and I'm answering him while farming AFK whole map and dying from time to time.

                    I'm just hoping I won't get LP again, I think i'll get cancer then.

                    And yes, I know that my job pays mybills/etc. That's why I'm taking small break, because I don't like when my mood is affected so much just because I lost 100 MMR. That's not good.

                    Like, I literally started to yell at everyone who wants to ask me something.


                      Take a break and you'll be fine.


                        Will do mate.

                        puni puni butt UWU

                          i think its that were all too emotionally invested in dota. about 2 weeks ago i stopped caring about ranked, and actually had fun with my friends. we'd prettyu much dick around in norms and play cs. i had more fun this way than tryharding ranked all the time and spamming heroes im good at.


                            I have no fun playing Dota if I don;t play ranked. Retarded, I know. From time to time I love playing in 2k or lower, just to feel "good" about myself since there I can win easier and games are fun, but after few games I also get bored so it does not work in a long run aswell.

                            Sometimes I just wish I can dedicate myself at Dota more, just to archive better MMR.

                            I'm so fucking addicted apparently. Good thing I won't do it, because if I do it, I'll leave next to homeless people.


                              Um, excuses may be found actually. If I get to play with people way skilled then me, then it's fun for me. Like stacking with legit 5ks and 6ks, but you know, it's happening very rarely.