General Discussion

General DiscussionKey bindings

Key bindings in General Discussion
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    Hi guys! How's it going? I hope ur doing well. Anyway, i was wondering about the most efficient key bindings (both items and abilities). Any suggestions?

    Riguma Borusu

      whatever you can use, some of the best players use the legacy keys for abilities and whatever they find comfortable otherwise


        I prefer qwerdf for abilities and Alt-qweasd for items, but its 100% personal preference.

        plz do

          since im crosseyed, retarded, have autism and 6 thumbs on my left hand, im using the following: alt+qweasd for items (quick cast on alt+ad) and qwer for abilities. plus i have bound x and c to camera move to runespots and back to hero in my autoconfig. use it rarely though.. but really, just use what ur fingers are used to the most or try something out. this is a very individual configeration for everyone.


            i use wasd to move camera. zxcvb and space for items. 123456 for abilities. f,g,h to focus on control groups. ` to skill abilities


              I use WASD for my camera, C stop, V attack move, M4 M5 E R Q F for my spells, space Z X 1 2 3 for items. It's possible the stupidest thing ever, but it works perfectly fine for me.

              Coconuts Migrate?

                i use similar to the guy above


                  WASD for camera, (Sbace-Bar for when i want to click map and move camera)
                  1234-5-6 for spells
                  q-e-r-f-x-c for items.

                  stupid simple, but i look like a fricken pianist sometimes.


                    2 3 4 5 tab space items
                    qwedfr spells

                    thank god dota 2 have option for non-legacy

                    Livin' Real Good

                      ` All units
                      1 All other units
                      2 second unit
                      3 third unit
                      4 fourth unit, and so on

                      Space bar Hero camera

                      A force attack (deny)
                      S stop

                      QWER DF Abilities
                      ZXCV Mouse key 1, mouse key 2 Items


                        Legacy keys
                        Alt qwaszx for items
                        Space for lvl up
                        Courier burst alt R
                        Transfer alt T


                          i use W,D,F,S for my skills... for inventory i use z,x,c,v,g,space, alt+q. alt+wdfs for cast... most are quickcasts. capslock for quickbuy,f1 courier,f2 deliver,f3 speedboost

                          "wdf" got used to playing counterstrike before dota came out... counterstrike was all the hype, halflife, unreal tournament.. so i guess wdf was instinctively easy for me

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                            2)My inventory goes like this
                            D 2 V
                            C X Z

                            3)when i play voker i use X Z on spells and use spacebar instead of X button on inventory

                            4)also T is my hotkey for quickbuy

                            후아 자 *Hou

                              Legacy keys for skills
                              F1 - Courier
                              F2 - Transfer items
                              F3 - Speed burst (Courier)
                              F4 - Shop
                              F5 - Quickbuy
                              F6 - Quickbuy Sticky
                              F7 - Grab all
                              F9 - Pause
                              F10 - Taunt
                              F11 - Action item
                              Space - Chat wheel
                              Alt + Q W E A S D for items
                              Alt + 1 - Select all units
                              Alt + 2 - Select all other units
                              Alt + 3 - Patrol
                              Alt + 4 - Fortify / Glyph
                              1 - Select hero
                              2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 - Control units for MICROS
                              Tab - Change unit

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