General Discussion

General DiscussionIO AGHANIMS IDEA

IO AGHANIMS IDEA in General Discussion
kotl mid

    what you think io can do with aghanims scepter?


      not relocate back?


        Can cancel relocate back and reduce CD for relocate will be pretty decent

        Riguma Borusu

          Tether as a charged ability, can be used on two targets at the time.

          Holy Roman Empire

            Without relocate back refresher lategame IO will become a thing

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            Pale Mannie

              No damage while overcharging
              Relocate back anytime until cooldown is up

              Dune, the Desert Planet

                Add a sub ability: Mass Serpant Death Ward.

                Io summons 8 death wards (summons, not channel) which attack nearby enemies. They have damage and AS of Death Ward except each attack is Meld strike. Wards have two abilities, one active, one passive - Flak Cannon and Fury Swipes.

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                Dire Wolf

                  Yes, can cancel the relocate back, cd reduced to 65/55/45.


                  makes overcharge an aura with 600 radius

                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                    Or stop following 6.60 trend where every hero needs a fucking Aghs upgrade.

                    Or Mass Serpent Death Ward.

                    Vem Comigo

                      Multiple tether would be cool, imagine you getting your whole team into the rosh pit, or getting ez picks of their carrys

                      Venus, MBA

                        Maybe cut the relocate delay down with aghs


                          Become Icefraud. Insta-nerfs all heroes stats to 1 for 10 patches.


                            Relocate more than 1 ally?
                            Relocate enemy to anywhere in the map?


                              well all the heroes will get agh upgrade eventually since icefrog is a cheesy memer

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                              Player 175043649

                                ^ yes relocate enemy probably would be the best scepter idea for io


                                  what about, io gets new skill??
                                  transform.. so io can turn into any heroes of radiant / dire and use the skill??

                                  Player 175043649

                                    why not transform to any hero for a minute?

                                    Pale Mannie

                                      Why not be morphling then?


                                        Grant io three different forms , quas, wex, exort, quas gives io and tethered hero 50 passive regen and 8 armor, wex gives io and tethered hero 30% more movement speed and attack speed, exort give io and tethered hero 100 bonus damage. Because io is invoker' balls combined, obviously.


                                          Turns io into carry hero with scepter,
                                          rip to ranked match making 2016


                                            AGHA upgrade: IO can tether in multiple allies.
                                            I sense this shit is coming sooner or later.


                                              "No damage while overcharging" is actually a bad thing...


                                                Wisp used to be unit that could regenerate buildings in back in one of the maps in Frozen Throne..

                                                Perhaps after Wisp's Aghs effect could be that Wisp can tether to structures and apply the some regeneration effect on it and maybe also the Overcharge ability as well..

                                                Imagine a tower taking reduced incoming damage and hitting faster! Stack that with Bloodlust, and you'll have a Super Tower.

                                                But the main highlight would be the regen, Throne at 10hp, tgt with Treant, Wisp can heal it back to health before the next engagement.

                                                Would certainly make things more interesting for close games.

                                                kotl mid

                                                  Maybe If he use OVERCHARGE he will regenerate even the THETERED hero

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                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    How bout let's wisp collect wood from trees and turn it in at the fountain for gold?

                                                    lm ao

                                                      How can io farm aghs anyway w/o skipping healing items anyway

                                                      Thats right, make relocate a healing skill 4Head


                                                        Snap I forgot about that lol good ole war craft .

                                                        1UAN 1st PICK IDC

                                                          Yeah !
                                                          With scepter io when relocating make invis all heroes ! And while relocating io gives 200 damage /sec making io to lose 500hp/sec ! It adds an ultimate ability called supergod strength , affects all allied units having their damage increased 500% !


                                                            i think io with aghs shoudl just win the game. automatically, no animation, just the text, IO won. and he gets 25 but nobody else

                                                            Player 175043649

                                                              reduce relocate cooldown to 2s


                                                                Allied hero got cooldown reduction when thetered

                                                                Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                kotl mid

                                                                  Relocate enemy hero should be op :(


                                                                    I like the allow multiple tether idea as not being too op but good enough to make aghs core on him ?

                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                      Multiple tethers seem op imo, even with a just one extra tether that's 3 heroes with more or less global reach. A perhaps more balanced upgrade is that it will reduce the cd of relocate. The overcharge aura sounds pretty legit too, and maybe give extra bonuses to Io + tethered ally while giving normal bonuses to allied heroes and/or units within range.


                                                                        an AGHS ability that would be cool would be it would add a large number of SPirits to IO, his spirit damage is pretty crazy so if u had liek 10 SPirits and Testhered in near the End and hit a Vacuum or an enemy carry thats alot of damage. that plus maybe allow you to overcharge without lsoing life.

                                                                        kotl mid

                                                                          Just reduced cooldown for 25 sec relocate? Kappa


                                                                            He s relocate will be global :) your welcome :)

                                                                            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                              That would be awesome if io got an aghs upgrade. I think his upgrade should be Spirits are like 3x bigger and give a bit more vision and tether mini-stuns like it used to.


                                                                                turns into a human

                                                                                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                                  That's for io arcana, man.


                                                                                    I think overcharge aura van be good. Not too op (like enemy relocate), but not just a shit, so scepter can be a good choice.
                                                                                    Multiple tether have a big problem: If U are tethered to an ally, and then tether to another one, but it is more than 700 distance away, then will your ally fly with ya, or the second comes here. So then they need to add stg like "if U are already tethered to an ally, the tether distance will increase to 1800.
                                                                                    Second problem: how can you choose which tether you wanna break?

                                                                                    kotl mid

                                                                                      IO ARCANA WTF HAHAHAHAHA

                                                                                      kotl mid

                                                                                        TURNS INTO HUMAN