General Discussion

General DiscussionCan Someone Please Help Me

Can Someone Please Help Me in General Discussion
Dead Game, Don't Care

    Can someone please look at one of my latest games and check what I did wrong that I couldn't win the game? Please, I watched one of my replays but I could not figure out what I could have done better. I'm still practicing my replay analysis skills so commenting on my replay can really help me with that. Yeah, I'm not blaming my team, I could not carry them no matter how hard I tried. So please help.


      watching your own replays has almost no effect.

      the mentality/thought process you had during the game won't magically change 10 minutes after the match is over when you're watching that replay

      all that you will end up is finding new ways to do the same stupid shit.

      if you want to do actual replay analysis then watch 6k+ replays and analyse them PROPERLY

      get some 6k+ player and start analysing his replays, once you get a good understanding and notice all his patterns CHANGE your analysis style to not just finding new things but NOW YOU'RE PREDICTING THEM INSTEAD

      so what you'd do is watch for 30 seconds, then pause and think of what tehy'll do next, if you're right you keep going if not you watch again and try to understand why he did something different

      because the only way you'll actually understand that player is if you can actually predict their next move, that means your idea of what he'll do is the same idea that he has planned.

      because a lot of players don't do this when watching replays, they make explanations on why some 7k player did something and THAT EXPLANATION CAN SEEM RIGHT but can be waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off

      so when you'd try to do it yourself you fail miserably, only way to know you're right is by predicting that 7k player and ONLY then you're sure that you're thinking about the same thing that he is THE SAME WAY.

      then mmr can come by itself to you, as now you aren't playing like a 3k you're playing like a 6-7k on that hero.

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      Dead Game, Don't Care

        Wow! What a great input Cuki! I never thought about something like predicting their next move thing before, that's why I was adamant on analyzing higher mmr players' replays because I thought would not be able to really pinpoint what they were trying to think even if I was watching their moves on certain situations except for obvious ones. I'll check some replays, but it is hard to find a good TA spammer nowadays. I'm still finding one atm and I can't seem to find one in the hero leaderboards. I guess I'll start with TA since she's good this patch. What do you think?


          opendota has better player/hero rankings, so just check there


            For antimage I just find replays on people I know are quite good with the hero like marlan and cutnpaste
            However opendota feels more reliable to find spammers

            Dead Game, Don't Care

              Noted! Thanks, btw.