General Discussion

General DiscussionThis 5K guy spammed Shadow Blade Lycan - 78% WR

This 5K guy spammed Shadow Blade Lycan - 78% WR in General Discussion

    And his guide:

    Seems good. Even on games he loses his kill count is high.

    So there you go, this is how you get 3.5k if your starting again on international ranked.


      oh how lovley is it when data is false:

      in the last 3 months he had 52.5% winrate

      in 160 matches

      that means he won a sum total of: *rolls drum*

      8 matches= 200 mmr in the course of 3 months

      so that means, whatever his lycan winrate is, he loses it with other heroes making up that lycan just won him free games that he otherwise would've won if he picked any other hero as he DIDN'T MOVE UP MUCH IN MMR. and he was playing lycan only when he dropped to re-gain his mmr.

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        So there you go, this is how you get 3.5k if your starting again on international ranked.



          err ok. the data is not false when filtered to Lycan only in the past month which was the point of the thread.

          In fact your post makes the build look better. it shows a 50% wr player can get 80% with his build.

          its a gimmick build I thought would be fun to share.


            it fucking is FALSE DATA

            because i can lose 500 mmr on this account with let's say ogre magi, then i can pick arc warden and win 500 in a row, that would inflate my arc winrate to 90%

            even though i haven't moved 1 mmr, it's just that i fed to get easier games against lower trash which i can stomp without problems with my arc.

            and i cna keep doing this cycle forever till im 4.5k mmr and 1# arc in the world for some reason.

            Tento komentář byl upraven

              re read the title. '5K guy spammed Lycan NOT 'guy got to 5k by spam'ming Lycan'

              the topic is about the build not the player


                Who the fuck cares about the build if it PRODUCES NO RESULTS.

                How stupid are you not to see the fact that if he played any other hero in those same games he wouldve won regardless


                  Here we go again with the shadow blade / silver edge the almighty item of pubs because a few people do it in high MMR, doesn't make it a good item on that hero, WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS? I had a friend that told me Dagon was a good item on Bounty Hunter because a pro did it, does it mean it automatically becomes a good item on that hero?


                    the thing is, dagon was probably the pick for that bounty game

                    but that low mmr friend doesn't know why so he'll play it every game

                    instead of playing the average/standard build which can be found at the guides page for any hero


                      are you the guy who made the CM jungle > ganker guide?

                      he has 80% wr with lycan this month and 50% with everyone else. so yeah im failing to see your point

                      any way. i cba. hey guys here is a fun build I saw on reddit . it might be fun to try in a game or two. please note this has nothing to do with mmr.


                        yea, i'm that guy that makes working guides that provide skill to players rather than ridiculous untested and plain wrong builds

                        and i don't even wanna explain half the shit he mentioned and it is just inefficient and plain out wrong

                        but this:

                        he has 80% wr with lycan this month and 50% with everyone else. so yeah im failing to see your point
                        any way. i cba. hey guys here is a fun build I saw on reddit . it might be fun to try in a game or two. please note this has nothing to do with mmr.

                        he didn't win games because of this ridiculous dogshit build, he won those games because they were free win games for him REGARDLESS OF WHAT HE PLAYED&PICKED

                        this build has everything to do with mmr and winning games especially since he mentions it in his title and mentions this shit as the first goddamn sentance:

                        I never felt like I had as much impact as when I started playing Lycan. I solo carry games very frequently. And I literally mean solo carry, where 4 of my teammates are doing dumb shit and going desperate, and I just win it for everybody. While my team is flaming, I am farming. While they are hating, I keep hitting. Then I go kill everybody and push towers.

                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                          Hmm didn't think about that, could have been the case.
                          I still stand by the fact that this epidemic of Shadow Blade builds have ruined peoples ability to itemize properly, it seems like every hero needs one, and I can't blame them when no one in lower mmr's rarely ever buy sentries, dust or gem.

                          I Quit Dota

                            Does not impress me at all


                              ok we will end the discussion with this:

                              playing lycan this way wont make you better at dota but might be a fun way to win a few pubs games.


                                finally you get it

                                as bad as 1icetea's playtyle is, his build/playstyle makes him look like miracle- compared to this guy

                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                  I'm certain armlet's mandatory on the hero. No clue about shadowblade or deso.


                                    He's one of the heroes I'm eyeing to master coz I'm already done with Spectre, Luna and Viper

                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                      ^Good Luck, avoid the Shadow Blade, otherwise I have nothing else to suggest as I've not use the hero for the longest time so I can't be certain about what the current meta build is.


                                        I'm eyeing to master Viper


                                          Spam ember . Split push . Ez win 😂😂


                                            Spamming a hero that can't hit towers reliably
                                            Good choice, you'd be pretty damn good player once you actually climb xd


                                              what about MOM? seems insane on the wolf


                                                so that means, whatever his lycan winrate is, he loses it with other heroes making up that lycan just won him free games that he otherwise would've won if he picked any other hero as he DIDN'T MOVE UP MUCH IN MMR. and he was playing lycan only when he dropped to re-gain his mmr.

                                                so.. basically you?


                                                  cookie read the title dumbass, understand what he was saying, he is talking about lycan only not other heroes. You have dota knowledge but not much else


                                                    the funny thing is that 3 days before the guy started playing shadow blade Lycan he went on a 16 game win streak with random heroes so if anything he was above his standard MMR.

                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      "what about MOM? seems insane on the wolf"

                                                      Standard build at kiev. I was a tad bit surprised. Almost every lycan got treads, mask, armlet. No necrobooks, no vlads. They play lycan as more of a regular right clicking carry, not a pusher with creep army and auras.

                                                      Lee Ji-eun

                                                        Btw its not that easy. XD


                                                          Can't you do literally anything as Lycan at this point and get 78% win rate?
                                                          He's an overbuffed piece of shit.


                                                            the fact is, he confirmed himself that he's stupid and didn't think about it:


                                                            and we've agreed that he'll start spamming lycan to prove his point, and here's whats's happening since then:

                                                            like i've predicted, this dogshit is trash with his m0ng0loid build and he got lucky enough to win free win games.

                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                              Cookies half right. Winrate is kinda meaningless if it doesn't accurately describe an upward trajectory.

                                                              Then it just describes that u win a lot at a stationary point. While winrate should ideally describe a trajectory (so u get harder games as u win more, meaning u r improving and still winning at a higher bracket) it doesn't always have to.

                                                              In this case if he is winning a lot At a stationary point eg 5k it still tells us he is very good at the hero at that point (5k). In this case he does deserve some credit. It's like being able to win 100% of 5k games vs 50% as predicted by his mmr

                                                              Although there's no evidence that he can get higher with the hero, it's likely that he could


                                                                he said it himself that he was 5.7 at one point.

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  "Can't you do literally anything as Lycan at this point and get 78% win rate?
                                                                  He's an overbuffed piece of shit."

                                                                  Couldn't agree more, a built in crit on ult that's better than jug's, cannot be slowed and moves faster than bloodseeker, a better dmg aura than drow and venge, and a 400 hp night time heal, better than mek on a shorter cd. His kit is just ridiculous, I could see them nerfing every single skill he has.