General Discussion

General DiscussionFighting Ursa with Lifestealer.

Fighting Ursa with Lifestealer. in General Discussion

    Ursa counters Lifestealer.


    I have noticed that Ursa builds don't include armor, but it's maybe because I've been playing in the 4500 bracket on my smurf.

    This means that going Deso+Cuirras renders Ursa to really low armor, and you can do a lot of damage to him when his ulty is down.

    I HAVEN'T YET TESTED THIS TOO MUCH, just in 2 games so far, am I correct?
    Maybe they sometimes go solar crest, this would totally break this build, it seems sort of unreliable.

    I also like to toss a SnY with a Wind Lace there so Ursa can't chase me down.

    Dire Wolf

      Basher/abyssal blade probably then burst down with echo sabre and deso. The issue isn't really killing ursa, it's not letting him burst you to death before you can kill him, and if you bash him you can accomplish that, once ult is down obviously. Gets a lot harder if he has aghs. Even with all that -armor I don't think you can fight him straight up. Game you were talking about it looks like you were already ahead all game anyway. Ursa doesn't play well from behind.

      also jdf8

        yes ursa dies fast outside of ult. this is true whther yu buy ac or abyssal or orchid or anything

        Dire Wolf

          He won't die if he is hitting you cus he lifesteals so much. He can lifesteal off fury swipes dmg which is 15% with vlads or mask. Doesn't sound like much but a full overpower is 6 hits, 180 dmg at the end which means just off that bonus dmg he is stealing 27 hp a hit.

          Lifestealer is same, dies really fast if kited and can't feast. Troll too, needs that lifesteal.


            Just attack with silver edge? #profit


              I haven't really noticed Ursa lifesteal as hard as Mortred with her crit or Wraith with his, or Lifesteler when he pops his combo. I guess he does since he has a lot of burst physical damage. Probably because he does it more gradual due to no crit.

              He is an unreliable carry, needs timing. Go too late and you lose the game.

              also jdf8

                in my experience if i have basher and get him with OW after his ult hes up shit creek unless he bashes me first

                alternatively you can burst him in a slithereen crush if he has no aghs

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  Evasion and armor at level 20 and 25 help a lot.


                    I pick up movement speed like 80% of the time. And usually greedely take the +1 rage second if I have or am going Cuirras.

                    also jdf8

                      skipping 15 armor on ls smh


                        as jdf8 said, it helps a lot to wait or bait his ult and then slow him with e. assuming you have a few items you win that fight if he has no ult.


                          Why would you take 1s rage


                            Halberd isn't even bad on LS.


                              If you don't take the 15 armour talent on LS you should probably be shot.

                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                Actually if ursa gets fast desolator he is gonna wreck lifestealer in 100% of times 1v1 without any creeps nearby.

                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                  Ursa build Abyssal and have a attack speed skill that almost certainly to prop bash btw


                                    you are saying random item names, like you would have it and in the mean time ursa would have nothing, the truth is, ursa would have at least same items, to fuck you up, and he is much better hero in 1v1 fight. its not for lifestealer to counter him


                                      Just attack with silver edge? #profit

                                      Giff me Wingman

                                        nah don't. Ursas ult reks u 2 hard.