General Discussion

General DiscussionChen's a hero

Chen's a hero in General Discussion

    Last 3 days, i've had a 6 streak, 8 streak and a 7 streak (current)

    Hero is crazy good for grinding mmr.
    3k5 -> 4k
    (5k3 is my highest acc currently)
    Normally play him on my smurfs, however this patch i'm on like 70%? winrate with him

    I wrote a Massive fukoff thread 5months back on the hero -> (see here )

    Still stuck on 'how to play chen from behind' However, with a chen you win 2 lanes instantly, so its quite rare you'll ever be playing from behind

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      no one really cares. that hero is easy to play with the *** button next to the left button q. and all you have to do is farm, heal, ward, watch out for nyx assassin and use creeps.


        diox's posts :thinking:


          This post has been cursed by diox. Post at your own risk Kappa


            'every hero is easy'

            but for real.
            Chen offers you a significant amount, He offers a 'decent' save, early push and auras.
            Arguably the strongest earlygame hero, that absolutely decimates mid/offlaners.
            Farms early game fast, and doesn't need anything extra lategame.
            Good ward bitch.

            Penatance lategame is mental.
            Mediocre heals, Significantly strong earlygame, weaker lategame.
            Insane Auras lategame (30% damage alpha wolf, 15% damage/attack speed from wardrums, 75a/s with frenzy, 10% attack speed with an ursa, 15% HP pool increase with granite aura, 8 armour from frostmage.. + vlads + ac + mek + massive armour increases from other creeps etc.

            I mean if you can get setup with him, he is quite stronk and incredibly underated in terms of, 'what he offers' in comparison to other 'supports/junglers'


              chen was unpicked and unbanned at kiev, meaning he is kinda shit.
              however, he has great potential at winning every lane for his team kinda like cm, problem is if one gank fails and he loses a creep, the damn jungle doesn't spawn fast enough. he is also really bad when losing and u don't have access to ur jungle. in this turtle meta he is really shit at turtling.


                i can understand why he's bad, Coming from a chen spammer, you get to know the flaws of the hero. At the pro level, they might be able to exploit it significantly better than 4k's.
                It makes sense why he struggles.

                The biggest gimp on chen, is he used to send a creep mid and perma stack, which wins you a lane and he doesn't lose efficiency.
                however, you can still do it too a similar extent.

                if you get into a flow. Chen can win you 2 lanes and not lose efficiency.

                IF i start with a wildkin or satyre Mid is won..
                I'll clear my hardcamp and double stack both med camps, at 1:00. then send the creep mid... i'll cliff jungle the next hard camp with my 2 tangos (that i have left over from pooling mid) And at 2 mins you collect the rune and take the other hardcamp creep..

                After the camp you'll have lvl 3 and 2 stacked medium camps. @ 2 mins, with mid won..
                It's not 'as' efficient, however its still strong. With other creeps you just farm normal rotations.

                Yeah in a turtle situation he's not great, the biggest flaw with chen is playing from behind.
                Playing from infront, The game is over in 15mins. I've taken 2 lanes of rax's with chen in 15mins.
                yesterday i got a 12min aghs.

                If you get infront, he is one of the 'better' if not 'best' heros at sealing your lead.


                  Chen is a superb support before they nerf HotD. Now with the midas increase in popularity, it's really hard to take the jungle creep + their respawn time. Maybe in 3k they don't buy midas or do not know how to counter this hero, it's easy to win. Unless in higher mmr, other heroes are better as support. That is only my opinion though.


                    When i origonally made that post 5 months back, He felt stronger,
                    however my success with him recently still means he is strong..

                    If you're having a 'successful' chengame, You'll never lose a creep.
                    Most games, however you might not be that lucky.


                      I love these high skill cap support heroes, i will learn chen for sure but now im stuck with io for few years.wp man


                        i'd rather have a spirit breaker.
                        also id rather play spirit breaker
                        also spirit breaker is op.


                          Meanwhile I play BH 24/7 and just click track into like a fucking retard


                            Midas doesn't hurt him that much, Midas had what, 100 sec cd? If your enemy aren't using midas every time its off cd just to smite your creep his hurting his GPM anyway


                              What do i know, i have 0 % winrate on chen anyway 4Head, just stick to my enchantress


                                Chen is hilarious for me. Suddenly pulling it out in my skill bracket because I know how to micro from Warcraft, knowing how to support well enough, enemy team not knowing how the hell to play against a chen, fast push, win.
                                He's a terrible solo support tho, he needs to be a 4 and have a 5 with him. He can go back to help with wards later on, but being forced to buy them all early in the game sets back your items, pushes back your timings, and generally puts you in a bad spot.
                                I don't think it was much on the rise of Midas that Chen was uncontested in Kiev, I think it was more not many Chen players in Kiev.