General Discussion

General DiscussionIn depth analysis of International Ranked Match Making

In depth analysis of International Ranked Match Making in General Discussion

    Less retards idk why im managing to win every game lul
    God bless all of you peace!



        for me the other way around


          Other way around on party games
          Same with normal mmr on solo


            i am 2.3k and i constantly get 3 digit mmr people on my team but i have yet to see one on the enemy team. the lowest i've seen is a guy who somehow has 233 mmr and the game has put him on my team 3 times and i have never played against him. furthermore, the average mmr is sometimes 1.4k 800 mmr lower than me, yet i have never played in a 4k game where i get to be the retard hoping some poor 5k bastard will carry me.