General Discussion

General Discussionis luna good again (question mark here)

is luna good again (question mark here) in General Discussion
i follow Jesus.

    just played the hero and shes still pretty bad, having to build a mask of dankness to farm is really bad in the troll invoker tb meta and an even worse hero with ratting being a bit more difficult
    shes also not a good midas carrier nor a good turtler (although shes a really strong lategamer with some rapiers rtzW)
    yet somehow luna is still positive and uprising
    can we talk about that question mark


      Luna is pretty versatile. Like a gyro jugg type carry. Prefers to 5 man push towers. So maybe why not as good even though she's not that weak

      one syllable anglo-saxon

        above average


          Not trash but not good


            She doesn't need midas to farm, glaives are strong enough once you have dlance + yasha, haven't played her for al ong time though, i never bought lifesteal to farm jungle even when it was cancer SD meta


              Isn't domi enough for sustain though,idk if domi is still worth buying though


                No it isn't
                You can't deathball asap or afford to buy it for its shitty stats and delay your manta


                  She cant win lanes like how she used to do. Damn 70damage lv 1 in 7.00 is really op.

                  i follow Jesus.

                    the thing is that luna doenst need just a one item to be effective, she needs manta butterfly and a survivability item, and the butterfly powerspike feels like its way less effective now with the new tower system. luna always relied on long sieging/splitting strats since she can push all lanes and still farm the jungle OSfrog
                    with the dominator nerf, which was her first farming item, mask of dankness feels like a better option because luna lacks the damage to farm jungle but with level 1 glaives and a mask she can farm ancients and heal on the easy camps. on this case i dont have the experience to say if dragon lance comes first or not but i think its more logical to get lance after mask since mask gives you a greater powerspike on farming, whereas i assume if your team is pushing/deathballing with you dragonlance is a better option
                    domi feels like drow ranger is the only viable user and solely to get the damage dog or a lane pushing creep, even ogre is lackluster now
                    i still dont understand how drow is negative and luna is positive on winrate

                    Dire Wolf

                      I just played her too cus she was daily quest. Still seems strong, still no issues farming. I still went dominator cus I wanted to stack ancients but it takes 6 minutes to get a 3 stack now and then stupid ass void started farming it. So it was worthless. The hp regen is plenty for jungling but the enemy had blade mails so I had to go satanic before butterfly anyway. I think I would skip dominator and go casual morbid mask. I don't think mask of madness is a good idea, you really need to be able to drop beams or ult at a moments notice. You secure a lot of kills with beam.

                      I'd probably go treads, aquila, lance, morbid mask, manta, bkb (if needed which is like 75% of the time), upgrade satanic now if needed or get butterfly then upgrade. After that I think it's mkb if u need it, daedulus if you don't, skadi if you need hp, AC could be really nice for just pushing buildings. Pike upgrade if you need mobility but she's so damn fast I don't think you do. Still her range is so bad I think lance is core and you should upgrade to pike last. So 6 slot build is pike, manta, bkb, satanic, butterfly, skadi with bots in backpack.

                      I've seen some builds with silver edge but doesn't seem that great. Aghs is extremely situational.

                      I would definitely take move speed over the dmg, she doesn't need more dmg early, she farms fine and 15 is nothing late, but she'll be so fast late with manta. Beam dmg vs hp is a toss up, usually beam I think, attack speed over magic resist for sure and stats over beam cd cus at that point your right clicks do a lot more than beams in team fights, you don't want to be spamming beams every 2 seconds.

                      I think she is solid but not auto win like she was. TB and troll probably a bit better, but she's still good on a level with sven and spectre.

                      Tento komentář byl upraven
                      yung griphook

                        why didn't you just type "?" instead of "question mark here"


                          Probably an issue with his keyboard

                          Savvy Cat

                            Luna is kind of hard to play in my bracket. She doesn't have an inbuilt escape mechanism, so she either requires a TP off cool down or a Shadow Blade (which 2k players carry detection against, and I don't care who says otherwise, because they do so in my games) to farm 'unsafe' parts of the map. Why is this required? Simple.

                            Cores with inbuilt escapes like Ember, Slark, AM, and Morphling opt to take 'safe' farm like the jungle when I play Luna, therefore my resources are always lacking on this easy to gank hero. A good farming mechanism matters little when you have little to farm in the first place. So either build to go into the wilds with Luna or don't pick her in my bracket. Just because you 4th pick Luna as a safe lane core doesn't mean you won't get a last pick jungle AM or Slark.

                            i follow Jesus.

                              my question mark broke sry about that
                              i just realized i can copypaste a questionmark like this ? BrokeBack x4

                              @queen yea luna is a medium-cap hero to pay with, fyi i climbed from 1.8k with drow and luna was the second option
                              i consider my luna somewhat decent for my bracket and i would never, EVER consider buying a shadowblade unless i was on crack
                              luna has the juggernaut farming method, shes not usually ganked by her solo kill potential with eclipse, and also you can farm the lane AND the jungle with her, so just point a finger to you mid lane shadowfiend and take the reports like a man
                              i think when someone ganks you you can just turn powertreads to str and run away, its not like they can burst you so much unless you went for brown boots, which would justify your death

                              Erase Humanity

                                Luna isn't a solid late gamer compared to many meta hard carries like Spectre, TB, Juggernaut and Slark, because she doesn't have any escape abilities. And at late game a hard carry without escape is as good as a dead one. Not to mention her 7.xx nerfs and some core item nerfs.


                                  words that I cannot read because Im too smart to read them. she's only good at pushing and soloing.

                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                    Only 3.4k shitter here. I still think she's very strong in pubs, especially I'd you have an ogre with you. I still really like dominator dlance yasha and just stacking auras and pushing with the team. Then roshing and you probably have bkb/butterfly and manta by then. She's stupid good at zoning offlaners as soon as she has treads. You can just toggle and spam lucent beam off cd to keep them away.

                                    Fee Too Pee

                                      she cannot push t3 easily anymore which is a BIG DEAL of a nerf in one of her strongest offer

                                      i follow Jesus.

                                        i dont think any hero can push a t3 easily in this patch thanks icefraud nice highground mechanics
                                        at this point of the thread i cant really explain what she lacks because in paper shes a decent hero but when it omes to play she just falls off to cores that dont really need 50k gold to become useful
                                        what can i say i'm just a 1k pleb BrokeBack

                                        Fee Too Pee

                                          wrong , splitpusher fuckers (annoying) like AM , Jugg , TA , (anyhero that can hit and run tbh) is the one that viable because them ability to push with or without team

                                          or just pick spectre tbh , they cannot push until you eventually farmed HAHA