General Discussion

General DiscussionBinding agents quest (Path of the rising tide)

Binding agents quest (Path of the rising tide) in General Discussion

    Disable enemy heroes for 200/300/400 seconds with your team.

    How to do this quest? 200-400 seems a lot no?

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    주 롄양

      1. its counted for any1 in team who made the stuns
      2. stun from 1 source to 2/more enemy stacks, so basically if u hit crush on 3 ppl (lv 4 max 2 sec if im not wrong?) u get like 6 sec stun done
      3. keep in mind that the duration is calculated at the end of the stun, so if u kill enemy in midway or it got dispelled, the remaining stun duration isnt counted
      4. idk bout tis but ive done it really early and i dont see any patches that fix tis, but techies statis trap (idk bout other root type disables) is counted as disable (and enigma's bh isnt, fucking racist), so i dont say that u shud play tech coz its too risky (sum lp games waitin maybe who knows), but a single statis at lvl max is lasted 5 sec, and u can spam it really hard
      5. anyway, jst ask ur team to pick more stunner for more reliable result, and prolong the game until ur quest finish lul

      주 롄양

        im not the one play tech tho, fuck that hero


          I see. yeah techies is a pain the ass lost me a ranked match too recently. thanks for the help

          white boy summer

            someone on reddit analysed this and basically u have to 5 man tornado into rp then blackhole, followed by a lightstrike array 4/5/6 times to do the quest. and you get dogshit reward for it. this quest can only be 3 starred if all of your team has disables and the game goes for like 70 mins


              ^all that gets 1 star or 3? so is it easier winning a battlecup than doing this quest? I havent played battlecup yet

              edit: i guess when u said 4/5/6 times that means 1/2/3 stars

              Tento komentář byl upraven

                wait, inspired by ur comment, i just did the math and this quest does indeed seem impossible.

                If u assume that one instance of this wombo combo gives 20 seconds of disable (which is a lot, something like chrono into rp into black hole into sk stun into es stun as iseedeadpeople mentioned), then the 200 seconds requirement means u have to land the wombo combo 10 times!!!

                But wait, low-tier king mentioned that it stacks on individual enemy heroes.

                Then that means one wombo combo = 20 seconds X 3 (assuming u get 3 enemies in it) = 60
                200/60 = 3 or 4 roughly

                Yup. He's right. 4 times wombo combos on at least 3 enemy heroes for 1 star, not counting any individual disables on single targets in between the rest of the game (during ganks, etc.)

                Tento komentář byl upraven

                  And yes, you are right in saying that the best strategy would be to pick all 5 disabling heroes, and then have the game drag on for an hour and a half. That could perhaps get more than 1 star


                    I only need 1 star on that quest and I never bother to try that quest again.


                      Nvm i got 2 stars on my first try. It's pretty easy. Here's the match link and solution:


                      1. Get party of five, or select captain's mode and become captain
                      2. Pick a lineup similar to the one I drafted (shaker, spirit breaker, sven, lion, tinker)
                      3. Just play and let the match go as it will
                      4. Profit $$$

                      PS The initial plan was I was gng to go hex but I got the star so I just yolo'd after getting it

                      주 롄양

                        and chrono isnt counted as disable either lul f-logic


                        my match if u wan sum refrences

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