General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to calibrate as low as possible

How to calibrate as low as possible in General Discussion
    I was given this acc today. I would say his hidden mmr is max 1k because most of it is unknown skills.


      But seriously tho, I played with a bunch of 300 mmrs by doing r1zky riki


        I mean just play troll and farm multiple aghs and die to neutrals and Roshan but don't feed intentionally
        Or just give to younger sibling and say "press buttons"


          I dont have younger sibling but i have a sister


            it's actually very simple

            just pick riki, and afk at the bounty rune

            take a bounty every 2 minutes and nothing else

            and you'll get a 2 digit mmr.


              But you can only have 1 riki in the entire game


                Why u want a Smurf? Just ask non dota friends list people to queue with u then u can smash 1digit MMR matches


                  Fresh account have 3k flat hidden mmr just so you know

                  Hatsune Miku

                    another strat :D thnaks cookie
                    i thought my necro jungle is enough but this is worse


                      Does shift qing in bounty spot could avoid you from abandoning? Coz i will be bored to death so i might as well do other thing.


                        xyou just need to get exp every x<5 minutes to not get an abandon


                          So if i afk in the middle of the lane and nothing happen except creep dieing then i did not get abandon then?


                            I can play invoker on you account ( never played him before )


                              The 1st time i play invoker i got 700gpm because i use all my spell to afk farm lmao


                                Trust me , I can do worse:)


                                  You haven't seen my invoker 😏


                                    Ok...ok...ok , so tonight after I finish work I will go home and play Invoker for the first time in my life to ruin 4 people game. I will select mid and spam " mid or feed " on the chat and pick Invoker , how bad can it be ? Should I post the results and the comments from my teammates:))

                                    In ranked :)

                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                      I havent recieve the acc because he want to move his item to his other acc


                                        maybe just hardcore feed, send multiple couriers etc, game will last shorter than, if you want to lose, lose it fast!


                                          i know sgt sizzles has 1 mmr so believe in yourself and watch sgt sizzles replays......second best dota 2 player this world has ever fucking seen after CLQ god rip


                                            How much would 1mmr acc fetch?


                                              How does anyone have the patience to do this though


                                                Well im planning to watch other ppl strim or anime while doing this xD

                                                Pump Cultist

                                                  I have an old 1k account if u interested

                                                  Pump Cultist

                                                    Only thing is I think it has around 400 ish matches on it, I'll try find link

                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                        We, seatards want 1k acc to stomp and meme on ppl because we lost our club leader and couldnt stomp in 2k feelsblackman

                                                        Player 215168758

                                                          @cookie I tried to create an account a month ago.
                                                          at first, I was trying to afk as much as possible and I got an abandon because it turns out that you need to get exp every 4 minutes instead of 5 minutes. golden lesson there