General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to tell people to end game in 3k

How to tell people to end game in 3k in General Discussion

    Ever since i started playing visage only in solo que my team gets in a position where we can end in 30min easily or lower but when i just tell them to take rs and go mid they just want to farm. Any suggestions?

    1-IceTea 🌟

      Only weakling and thouse who unable need to tell teammates what to do.

      Do It Yourself.

      Thanks me later after you reached 5K

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        An idiot will keep telling you to join teamfight that you can't win anymore even if split pushing is the last resort to do so.

        Mute them and do it on your own and report them if they tell enemy that you are split pushing as that would mean all 5 enemies will focus on you while they keep sitting in base too fucking scared to try pushing other lane too.


          Be the one to do so.
          You're playing a goddamn visage, not silencer.


            I mean visage can take buildings


              have you tried telling them to destroy the enemy ancient?


                ^This, i open notepad and type multiple entries of "destroy enemy ancient" then paste it on chat in game

                basement :)

                  Say you will run it down middle if they do not come. Alternatively, just pick the greedier team, so farming 6 slots is advantageous.


                    type in all chat, "We need wards."

                    GRANT MACDONALD

                      Tell them to stop base diving and take objectives