General Discussion

General DiscussionI need help guys, can I improve?

I need help guys, can I improve? in General Discussion

    So, I have been spamming one of my best heroes kotl because I have reached 3K mmr and you guys told me to spam 3 heroes, im on my way.

    Recently I was playing harcore ninja and added a 4,6 party mmr guy, played with him one of the hardest games in my life. I could be because I always queue in normal skill games. Well it was high skill and the average mmr was higher than mine. As always I picked kotl on 1st or 2nd pick because he is a support that can rely on just chakra and mana leak or jungle farm sometimes. My friend first picked "miss clicked" techies, he said he wanted to ban him so people can understand more his situation. Well the game started, bought 2 wards and courier.

    In the bottom lane, I was with kunkka vs night with pmshield and dk with shield. I really think that chakra at lvl 1 is the best in this case, never stoping torrent harrass is the best. Then i will once manaleak, max chakra and start with iluminate (1st). For autoattacks in early I was hitting dk and trying to deny as posible. Only pulled with 2 camps one time in the lane because I was helping other lanes. I was playing secure and responding when ganking other lanes with tp.

    Now the problem start here, I really dont know how to ward/deward (normal ward spots) and I knew that, so I bought wards and sentries giving them to techies that is more experienced cause of his mmr. Around late early game started to buy dust and give them to a hero with space, if not, ill acrivate them. We were sort of loosing the early game, night and es ganks were awsome (from my point) but we manage to make control somehow.

    For mid-game chakra worked prefect with techies, he told me to chakra once and then I knew to spam at him at posible, and invoker second prior, me 3rd. Then the teamfights started, and the dire guys wasnt focusing me so I was able to help well with axe and kunkka. Both teams knew how to fight. We repeated it, I chakra techies, he secure a path teamfight and 50/50 winning.

    Keeping buying items, stacking a bit and supporting the team was a big thing. I could do it but I really needed to have an eye in the map, counting how much time they are missing (farming or mirana ult), positioning well for abilities and safety. It was what I can do.

    Short story, chakra ended well for techies so we created so much space even vs a night scepter rush and mirana ult. My team did most of the teamfight, I did just well. Techies warded every single ward I gave to him (see how many). Sometimes I placed a good sentry and with invo and axe we won 1 then 2 barracks and won the game.

    So, I really want you to tell me if im able to improve or im just very bad. Things I do good and bad.
    I believe in you making me better :)


      Im too lazy to watch the match but why kotls never skill mana leak on lvl 1 ? It was nerfed making it cost around 150 mana for a fcukin reason u know ? Its one of the best lvl 1 skills in dota.

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        25/35/45/55 mana now


        Yes 160

        Tento komentář byl upraven

          Im talking about mana leak, it costs 160 mana now I checked.

          chicken spook,,,,

            You can analyze your own games. I'm sure that's a good sign.
            I don't play kotl or laning support in general, so best I can tell you is to get some high mmr replays to learn from instead of analyzing your own games to see things differently and possibly find solutions to your weaknesses.


              I went over your replay and I'll just give a few things I noticed that you can improve on, if you take my advice.

              1. For the bounty invasion, I would suggest that you look at the heros you will invade with, and what heros they will most likely have there. You only stayed that long because mirana was afk, but regardless you went in too early, most likely resulting in them:
              A. bringing reinforcements to contest it, like they did
              B. you being put to low health forcing a retreat due them having more kill threat, since your heros don't burst them down, and they are on their side.

              2. I would suggest trying to stack and pull more. Axe farmed the small camp so that was not as possible to pull with, but I would suggest using the large camp to stack and pull when the lane is pushing into the enemy. This denies them exp and gold that they might have otherwise gotten closer to tower, and allows you to slowly kill jungle creeps. Just be careful not to be contested as you aren't the best hero to contest stacks with just mana leak and chakra magic.

              3. When your carry doesn't need you, you don't need to always stay in lane. This is likely just sapping exp that he could be getting to create a lead for himself. During this time, you can get bounties (except the jungle axe got yours, and their roaming heros could kill you if you go from theirs) or stack camps like I said before. This was not as true for this game as they often had 2 heros in the offlane so you somewhat had to stay there to secure the safelane.

              tldr: (Laning Stage) Do not stay in lane when your carry does not need you, go get bounties or stack/pull (I think the first time you pulled was around 5 minutes). If you noticed, multiple times when the runes spawned, the enemy team stole it within 10 seconds of spawning. You can also go to other lanes and give mana to another hero or something. Also need to buy wards, there were 4 in stock at 8 minutes, and none on the map.
              (Mid and Late game) The mid and late game differs for many heros, so ill focus more on Kotl as a hero. I generally see him as a depush/push sustaining hero. He hits a large power spike when getting aghs due to being able to heal during the day and give mana. This lets your team kinda just force towers and if you watch Gh from team liquid during the international, a losing game for them turned into a winning one when Gh got his aghs and they just pushed a T3 tower. (This is general information as I didn't specifically see your late game)

              Overall, you had good map awareness that let you make the tp rotations that you did to mid and top which is very important since supports often need to punish dives under towers and such.
              Again, this is just my two cents, others may disagree with me, and I only looked over the first 15 minutes since i didn't have much time. Hope this helped.

              Tento komentář byl upraven

                The way you play KOTL is not that bad, Please do improve and watch some pro replays how to be more as effective than you are right now.


                  Thank you Tortle and Grooot, my grats. Im just scared because I really want to do more supporting but it is a little out of my limit or I am bad at little things that matters to me

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                    Biiig comeback i did with my low level friends vs imposible enemy team.
                    Thanks a lot