General Discussion

General Discussioni think spectRe is a SUPERHERO

i think spectRe is a SUPERHERO in General Discussion



      well she really isn't but you seem to be able to make it work so good for you wp

      Szczeniarz Brzeczyszcyski

        Spectre is a very strong hero.


          i mean the only problem is if the enemy can end the game at early stage but when the game is long enough the win is yours baby

          Riguma Borusu

            spectre works as psychological pressure to force people to overcommit when pushing because they know they have to end early, then spectre ults, gets an ultra kill, the game is turned around and then you just watch spectre slowly farm up and destroy everyone and everything


              At low mmr it's a crap shoot, about half the time I end up solo safe lane against a duo harassing offlane, because no one wants to support. Then about half of the time when someone actually does pick a support they go support offlane and still leave me solo?? The times I do get a lane support are usually wins though.

              Story Time

                specter strength comes from a good team in early game.

                chicken spook,,,,

                  Not really that good of a hero

                  Tento komentář byl upraven
                  Siccness for the thiccness

                    Good for you bro


                      its apparently hard to reliably boost mmr with this hero


                        imma spam this shit till I i Got 16th winnig streak my god

                        ㄚ- 天照`

                          And now he just lose 2 games with her xD

                          ㄚ- 天照`

                            Press R for win