General Discussion

General DiscussionIs Tb good?

Is Tb good? in General Discussion
I can feel the adrenaline

    Is Terrorblade still good? I plan on spamming him also check out how well I did on my recent tb games and tell me how to improve


      Good hero, not good for spamming.

      Vacmaster Model #VWMB508

        Great hero to spam. Ez mmr because of fast farming and pushing speed. One fight one means Megas and +25.

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        Vacmaster Model #VWMB508

          Also I was looking at ur last tb game, u certainly did well but I think you should follow a build that has meta and illusions maxed first, they will speed up ur farm greatly. Also I couldn't see ur early items but I highly recommend mask of madness. Insane item if used right.


            Most of the time you won't need lifesteal,you can get a butterfly with the money for satanic

            Vacmaster Model #VWMB508

              One more thing, it is absolutely necessary to be at at least 10 cs/min on this hero. In one of ur two most recents u have like 300 something in a 40 min game. Tb farms fast to be able to push fast and win fights with item advantage. He farms and splitpushes. Always try to keep illusions shoving waves into the enemy towers to pressure hard.

              I can feel the adrenaline

                I am still practicing the hero so I know some of the games are really bad but then if I play more I will improve

                I can feel the adrenaline

                  Is MoM a must buy at this time?


                    spamming TB in a meta where shaker is picked every game.

                    Good. Luck. To. You. Mr. Mad. Man

                    Vacmaster Model #VWMB508

                      I mean u want to get something before manta, treads Aquila into manta sucks ass. So really it's rather dragon lance or Mom. I have had tremendous success with Mom and it's what all the high mmr players build.

                      Vacmaster Model #VWMB508

                        Also skati is god tier on tb I get it 99% of games. (I realize I diddnt my last game but that was because there was an Omni so diffusal was good)


                          MoM is good but u have to use it correctly

                          I can feel the adrenaline

                            When should I use madness then? I mean you can't cast sunder because you are silenced


                              dont use madness when ull need to sunder
                              as in its good after sundering, or if theyre all stunned or smth
                              but its almost entirely farming oriented


                                You use it when you are sure you won't get high damage..


                                  MoM on every carry hero


                                    You use mom when you want to die.

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      mom on tb sounds terrible. If you really really want lifesteal do casual mask into satanic.

                                      He's a very good hero but hard to pick right now cus a lot of heroes who counter him are picked, like es, necro, sven.


                                        just tried mom and it's rly bad for me

                                        Vacmaster Model #VWMB508

                                          its not really for fighting, more just accelerating your farm


                                            it takes a lot of mana and takes a slot,well idk about others but i'm not getting it again

                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                              You don't need MoM to farm fast.
                                              He already farm fast with conjure image, plus you're basically killing yourself with the silence if you use it in a teamfight.
                                              TB is not void who can pop a chrono, remove someone, and get out, you know.