General Discussion

General Discussiondo peruvians feed intentionally less than russians do?

do peruvians feed intentionally less than russians do? in General Discussion

    gotta change servers to US lul


      jungle WK haha

      brown boots veil aghs QOP LUL

      brown boots 21min BF AM OMEGALUL

      brown boots blink lion ......

      the russians feed because you are so bad.

      in fact you really should go play in NA, the server fits you perfectly

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        am bf is so slow because russian feeder intentionally killed the courier with it

        the qop i cant play (some guy randomed) but thats a brown boots veil dagon at 14 mins qop

        jungle wk because mid pudge and carry spectre, i carried that game hard with mirana

        lion brown boots coz i was solo hard supporting that game and couldnt afford shit

        if you wanna diss me better find some more credible way and not my item builds LUL

        Tento komentář byl upraven

          Pubg pubg

          one-man bukakke

            Peruvians in general are oversensitive fucks. They will likely start feeding couriers if you dont let then pick the rune. Russians are generally dumb and autistic pals who overreact to shit. Like theyre both toxic in their own and wonderfull ways.


              Nonrussians and nonperuvians are just as bad