General Discussion

General DiscussionHow does valve detect smurf accounts?

How does valve detect smurf accounts? in General Discussion

    Title^ plus i just dont get it is it tied to your ip? If you lived in one area and moved away and made a new account would it notice you as a smurf or not?

    Dire Wolf

      I don't think valve cares about smurfs as long as you aren't doing detrimental behavior like abusing bots and lpq, abusing queues, dodging games etc. What they care about are boosters.




          They did mention that they detect smurfs and match them according to skill level rather than game count. So they do have some way of detecting if a new account is a smurf.
          I guess it has something to do with them consistently doing better than any new player should in their first few games.


            they don`t do anything to hurt you, don`t delete, i have account from 2014 and haven`t played on that since 2015 and still that exist. no one care about that, just they move you much higher in skill if thy see that you aren`t beginner. they don`t care about how many account someone has, cause every account is new player for them in turns of addverts. it`s about popularity if you have 3 account they will say that it`s 3 players. So why wold they delete than accounts? they stop items selling and boxes and making friend if you haven`t paid 5$, so everthing that can hurt them is off, with more account you just helping them to stop stories about dying game.

            chicken spook,,,,

              More smurfs = less enjoyable games for newbies = game is potentially unbreachable for newbies = now new potential customers = sooner or later older players will get bored of the game = lower playerbase = dying game
              Think, please.

              chicken spook,,,,

                Similar case happened to SC2, where the game is too hard to attract new players


                  omg u idiooots

                  first 10 games of unranked are a calibration period, that's how.


                    a LOT is about the laning stage. The only time i remember where I reliably got VHS was when I destoyed a 4k mmr invoker (showing in profile) in mid with SF to the point of maxing necromastery.

                    But I stay normal skill when i lose the lane as Weaver 1v2 even thoug hI carry the game 1v9.

                    so win your lane always and youll probably smurf to vhs

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