General Discussion

General DiscussionSharing from reddit: probability of purchasing clarity by MMR

Sharing from reddit: probability of purchasing clarity by MMR in General Discussion

    everyone sayin about clarity potion tango and raindrops

    i do love one research about probability of buying TOME OF KNOWLEDGE. fuck i kinda forgot this item exist.


      U will be forgiven if u forgot about TOK unless u always play support.

      As a carry I usually buy clarities a lot. Guess I'm 6k


        when i play in 2k flat smurf, i get flamed for couriering a salve in mid with the rune


          Pretty sure no one in 2k pays attention to couriers


            "dude let me take this rune i need salve"


              Time to buy 60 clarity every game now !

              Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                Clarity is nice when your playing SF and suddenly went to forest.

                Riguma Borusu

                  I fucking hate playing support when there's an invoker in the game. It doesn't matter if I need 400 experience to reach lvl 6, that fucker has tome of knowledge in his quick buy >.>


                    it makes sense that at some point people realize walking back to base isn't very efficient


                      this is because the lack of ability to last hit properly, you felt like spending 50 gold is much, because you only get 50 gold from 1 creep wave. same as ward, same as pot, same as dust.


                        the problem with these statistics is that everybodys gonna try to force using clarities raindrops etc because thats what good players do))


                          guess most peple knew that for a long time ago..


                            The Katz


                              raindrop <3

                              chicken spook,,,,

                                Is this another useless statistics wall of text to state the obvious

                                chicken spook,,,,

                                  Also fx is a pro wannabe courier humping piece of shit