General Discussion

General Discussion3rd rosh refresher tiers

3rd rosh refresher tiers in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    Alright, so refresher is an item that not many heroes can realistically build most games. The reasons being, they have a shit mana pool, they cannot farm it to save their lives, there are many other items they need or they run out of slots to carry it (kinda halving its usefulness if it is in backpack since the cooldown is super long) or they just are in no position to farm those items (supports) yet they have an amazing teamfight/high ground spell.

    So, which heroes that can or cannot already build refreshers are really good with this one?

    Tier 1 "ultimate high ground potential"

    I feel if you have a tidehunter on your team and he has a refresher, you still give him the second one if he's going to have the mana to ravage 3 times, good luck defending high ground against that. I am pretty sure enigma and magnus fit into this tier as well. Other big ultimates like shadow shaman snakes or warlock golems kinda fall into this category too - they are simply amazing pushing ultimates that destroy fights too. Even naga siren with two sleeps could have her team destroy the ancient while she is just waltzing around sleeping everyone.

    Tier 2 "teamfight destroyer"

    I guess spells in this tier would be similar to the previous one but they might not help you push as much per se, instead they are a huge threat for the enemy team to engage you (more like ravage and less like shaman snakes). Imagine you have a support silencer for some idiotic reason. You take the 3rd rosh and he might only have a force staff and glimmer but now he has a freaking refresher. He is level 12 so he doesn't even have a lvl 3 ult, but if the enemy team decides to engage you while you're pushing high ground, they are likely to all die. If the first silence doesn't kill them off, the second one is likely to. Albeit unreliable, I guess ET would fall into this category too. The threat of a double earthsplitter hitting you is actually pretty scary.

    Tier 3 "carry relevance"

    So what if you have a sven or a PA with a 5 sec bkb, suddenly it's a 10 sec bkb + one more stun/warcry/abyssal/gs?
    Or imagine you are having real trouble pushing against that sniper but you have a medium-farmed spectre on your team. Imagine you double haunt that shit and then just kill off sniper when everyone else is dead too. This tier would also include heroes like oracle who just straight up make your carry not die.

    Tier 4 "let's meme"

    You've won the game beyond any reasonable doubt and you want to have fun, so instead of trying to win harder, you try to make the enemy lose faith in humanity. If you have a hero that builds dagon and heavy nukes in general, you put a refresher on it to double dagon/ethereal/whatever. In some cases this might be the best one you got depending on the picks but it is still mostly cheese and no substance.

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      Terrorblade. Double metamorphosis to push.
      The same goes for long cooldown dependant heroes, such as DP, DK, CK, Invoker, Juggernaut and Spectre.


        Im guessing it does depend depending on the lineup. Looking forward to the meme-y shit people are gonna do with that, and kther things this patch. Also does anyone know if the shard is transferable? Or has time limit?

        Riguma Borusu

          it has no time limit
          it is fully sharable

          it is like cheese except you cant stack them, one shard per slot


            You still get the Cheese, right? Most games 3rd rosh dies after 50min.
            Give either the cheese or aegis to the dude who recieves the refresher, rip mana issues.
            Imo bkb carries with big lategame ults should get that to break hg, like CK and Sven or even LC, DK necro (no aghs)

            Its a complete different Story if you have good rosh lineups and get that at 35-40min already, i'd give it to theteamfighter then


              undying is tier 4, lvl 15 3 tombstones sounds fun

              ck sounds amazing...8 phantasm illusions, you can push in every lane at the same time with that

              warlock sounds bad, at the time of the 3rd roshan your golems are walking creeps

              Tento komentář byl upraven
              Riguma Borusu

                using phantasm again destroys the old illusions

                also golems are tanky as fuck if you are 25 but yeah need that 25


                  oh wow thanks you just saved me from 4 reports


                    Would Sven ult refresh ult instantly?
                    But its doubles phantasm duration, or more likely enemy team throws a ton of spells to destroy them illusions and then - oh Shit, Well GG


                      this is so good on carries like slark, sven, tb, ck, jugg,
                      double ulti
                      double abyssal
                      double bkb

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        you cant carry it though. by the time 3rd rosh is a thing you will probably be 6slotted and if you are not you would much rather have aegis and actually get to use your things before dying.

                        Riguma Borusu

                          ^let's take sven for example: Sven is a terrible aegis carrier though, refresher allows you to die with an aegis after using your ult + bkb, then you put refresher into that slot, use it, then put back the item you wanted in that slot, then BKB, ult, do your shit again

                          Sven can take both the aegis and refresher, I didn't think of it before but now I realize that's actually really good, it makes him kinda decent with the aegis, the issue that he is slot starved so it's hard to even carry it a lot of the time.

                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                            Void is tier 2, double chrono seems scary


                              What I would do is put the shard in my backpack with aegis in slot.

                              You go in, blow everything (often you want to save things like BKB for after your aegis respawn), move your refresher shard in. refresh, and go ham.

                              This is assuming someone else on your team isn't suited for it better.

                              Riguma Borusu

                                ^yeah this is exactly the idea I had for Sven but somehow I still feel that if you have picked sven into a lineup that has setup for you, it's better that you don't die/need the refresher, and give the shard to your setup heroes instead which I assume is what the last part of your post mostly refers to

                                probably gotta decide this on a game to game basis, still

                                Tento komentář byl upraven
                                chicken spook,,,,

                                  Pretty much


                                    there r carries who r shit with aegis
                                    sven is one
                                    tb is another
                                    dk (idk if u count this as carry)
                                    and then there r heroes who benefit more from the refresher
                                    arc warden (u can get 3 clones im pretty sure)
                                    there r other carries who are good with it
                                    normally u give ur tb the cheese, but now u can give him aegis and refresher
                                    there r some heroes u cant not give it to, like invoker, or maybe ur enigmas and shit
                                    im pretty sure this doesnt cancel ur actual refresher orb, so u can do something like:
                                    blackhole, refresh (item), blackhole, refresher (shard), blackhole, refresh (item), blackhole
                                    tho i cant guarentee and this is also an obscene amt of mana

                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                      CK's ultimate won't give you twice the illusions.

                                      It's the Mirror Image ability from warcraft, same as Naga's ability and Manta Style. Re-activating it while the illusions are still alive instantly destroys them and spawns new ones.

                                      The refresher is great because you can get double the duration. You'll never have to choose between winning a fight far away from the enemy high ground or destroying their base, you can do both.


                                        Refresher is shit on AW. It refreshes his clone, you don't get 3rd one.


                                          Aghs refresher razor for tripple eye of the storm. Is this good?


                                            you guys totally forgot Warlock? One of the best teamfight ultimates


                                              Warlock is already mentioned in the first post.


                                                Refresher Razor, I can only imagine Refresher Refresher Razor. No hero or tower can stand next to him.

                                                TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                  Terrorblade. Double metamorphosis to push.

                                                  n0tail: excuse me, you spelled double sunder wrong


                                                    CK. His one problem was getting all his illusions blown up in high-ground pushes and being rendered useless thereafter. Well now shaker, wyvern, lich etc. can blow their ultimates and.... and have to deal with a second set of CK illusions. Good luck doing that.

                                                    Also TB, but CK really really needs it

                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                      Invoker and his 30x sunstrikes. Or just invoker irregardles.
                                                      Pugna with lvl 25 ward, get 2 of those babies and watch the enemy kill themselves with spells or run away like Arthur and his knights in Monty Python.
                                                      Honorable mention: Shadow shaman with 4xUlti (provided he already has a refresher). That's 4x14 wards (with talents)


                                                        In my opinion alot of carries that won't normally carry a refresher can be good like PA. But it depends on your team too. If there aren't any major spells that would be excellent with a refresher then giving it to a PA with BKB and Abyssal won't be a bad idea.

                                                        Like this match where the PA has it, because the only real refresher worthy spell in his team is Wyvern ult