General Discussion

General Discussionhow to carry horrible teammates?

how to carry horrible teammates? in General Discussion

    not saying i was perfect (some games i lost coz i tilted at start) but ive never had such unlucky teammate streak in my life...
    stomp lanes? a bit hard to do in a 1v3 lane, because you always have junglers.
    splitpush doesnt seem to work, because my team dies in avoidable fights over and over if i go to split.

    pls suggest something if you can, thanks

    Riguma Borusu

      junglers in 707 wat

      gankl  der hochstapler

        the question is how a team can carry a useless pos 1, thats mostly the case


          If you have useless teammates just accept the loss and move on, nothing else u can do.
          If u start flaming those shitheads they get butthurt and report u and then u are the one that ends up in LP while that offlane huskar went 0-42 and is still playing ranked matches and is ruining those games.

          зачем я начал поиск

            I see you've already tried running Antimage offlane, I would suggest running Pangolier offlane to carry even harder.

            Tento komentář byl upraven

              certainly not by playing offlane viper or antimage


                Split push trade tower spam get back.


                  i actually did extremely well in my offlane both as AM and as Viper, just my team died in avoidable and horrible fights over and over again so we lost the early-midgame horribly.

                  as i said ive lost plenty of games due to tilt from the pick phase (such as am offlane, viper was an intentional pick).


                    rat? i literally lost a game yesterday wit am because i couldnt rat , tryin to fight them with 4 retards , and i forget to try rat wit a 800 gpm am , maybe my items was wrong too , but yes, i should win that


                      how do you rat when enemy raxes you at 10-20 minutes

                      Tento komentář byl upraven
                      Mlada i Luda

                        new patch recalibration will help you with this. you will start winning prety soon, after you recalibrate at 1k where you belong.


                          4 5 6 offlane AM with 10k hero damage and 1.3k building damage in a 40 minute game

                          "i did extremeley well"

                          maybe if you would have picked an actual offlaner you could have created space instead of taking away the farm from your carry

                          зачем я начал поиск

                            Offlane Antimage is good.
                            You evade shit with blink.


                              change avatar and then we'll talk

                              Dark Hunter

                                farm more, dont take fights, splitpush, try to get pickoffs, push towers when ur team is dying in teamfights. better 4 dead and get a tower than 5 dead and get nothing. Seriously. U can blame your team for sucking ass. But if you're the carry ur supposed to win them the game. regardless of how shit they are. I've won some seamingly impossible games with AM in this new patch. Team kept picking horrible teamfights, so i just let them do whatever. While the enemy is focusing ur trash players u can do whatever and create space.

                                OORRRR you can try to support the shit out of your carry. All you have to do is keep your carry longer alive than theirs. Even if they suck they are still able to rightclick an carry 5 levels under them. Its hard, but if you think you're good, its certainly possible.


                                  lül lil lol lul

                                  зачем я начал поиск

                                    Everytime there's a retard stealing your precious carry position, you should not pick a support hero, but instead revert to some sort of offlane-carry concept. I mean, don't pick useless weak offlaner heroes, they don't carry games. Pick a carry hero with a blink in the offlane, something like Slark solo-offlane/Antimage solo-offlane/Spectre solo-offlane/etc. You can farm up and carry with ease from there. Won many games that way. Cheers.

                                    That Antimage game you've almost won, but your dogshit team held you back. Shit happens, man.

                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                      NOT MY PROBLEM


                                        i stomped the offlane is what im saying
                                        but i had no space to farm becauyse my other 3 carries taking my jungle, cant splitpush lanes coz bara riki pudge focus on ganking me, cant take fights coz no detection.

                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                          funny coz when i was 3.6k mmr and got into 4k average the game felt fucking glorious.
                                          cancer players, no support, but at least not straight up brain damaged noob players.


                                            i don't even want to play carry, im a support player at heart, but I just can't win. I only play carry because no matter how bad at it I am, my teammates are 20x worse. I win all lanes, lock down enemy antimage for at least 6 seconds every fight, but we still can't win with 3k cores.

                                            i guess its gaben forced 50% coming into play coz i climbed this account a 1000 mmr in a matter of days, now im losing it -_-


                                              @H^ preach

                                              To give you an example: I'm a pos 4-5 player in 4k, pretty versatile but those are the roles I like and play the most.
                                              Now, since I've suddenly found myself in normal skill in unranked (???) and I've been stuck in this shit for a while, I thought I can carry my way out of it and play pos 1 and 2 as much as I can, 'cause every time I support idiots they're never able to exploit the advantage and carry my ass.
                                              So my first suggestion is 1) to play only core positions for now. If you really are better than the other people in the game you need to pick a core instead of a support, so that you'll have a greater impact on the game and will be able to take down that ancient almost alone. Especially if you play pos 2 with a hero that can snowball.

                                              In these last games I picked AM and it went very well, my team was strangely good, SF, I destroyed Tinker 1v1 mid and started snowballing and pushing alone. Then I picked Ember safelane. In this trash game I was left alone in lane 'cause 2 retards in my team marked jungle just not to supp. I was vs a Necro and a Jugg and believe it or not I went 5-0-3 15 minutes in, got a 9 min BF and everything was going great. Too bad that after taking the bot tower alone I decided to go help my team in fights and to push together. From that point on I kept dying like a fucking idiot in an attempt to save my trash teammates who were going in in bad fights, and I lost the possibility to farm and push. We won 'cause after a while the amazing jungle LC woke up and started doing something.
                                              I'm telling this 'cause my other suggestion is 2) do not, DO NOT, follow your idiots in every fight just because "you're a team" if you think what they're doing is bad. Do your thing, farm, push, do what you think it's best in that situation 'cause if you really are better you'll know what to do. I knew they were doing retarded things but I followed them anyway 'cause I felt selfish. Don't do that. Remember you play to win and not to keep your dumbshits happy. They will make mistake, stay out of position and then blame you anyway so what's the point.

                                              My last suggestion is 3) use that fucking mute button, for the love of god. I don't know if you're a rager or not, but use it. In these games I had everyone muted and was able to focus on my farming patterns since pos 1-2 are not my usual roles and I'm pretty weak with greedy heroes, I could think logically without having to remind some idiot to hang themselves every minute, and enjoyed the game more.


                                                great advice, thanks a lot.

                                                ] dota_chat_mute_everyone 1


                                                  Do you listen to outside music if all chat is muted?


                                                    I personally don't since in general I need silence to focus completely and having Ne-Yo crying about his last miss independent pisses me off when I'm there trying to last hit, but that's a subjective thing I guess. Some people are more reactive and focused when listening to music.


                                                      the fact that anyone thinks that dota is a team game below 5-6k mmr is baffling to me.


                                                        ^That's how it's presented, you learn it's not from experience.

                                                        idk what half the champio...

                                                          Honestly if you can tell early on that your team is absolutely dogshit and the game is unwinnable sometimes the best thing to do is just mute everyone, put on some music and start fucking around.

                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                            the question is how do you win 1v9 when your can tell early on that your team is absolutely dogshit.

                                                            if i pick a core, its a 5 core lineup with no wards and no detection and no ganks.
                                                            if i picka supp, all my cores are subhuman who cant carry no matter how much advantage is given.

                                                            if i pick am, my team feeds 24/7 4v5 while i splitpush, if enemy team picks am, my team is passive farming jungle not doing anything :thinking:

                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                              focus on mid heroes and learn about how to get adventage killing alot of heroes instead of creeps i suggest tinker for this cause u can win teamfights solo 75% of the time and u should have 55% winrate and your mmr will increase also counterpick is important too if u are not better then your mmr but dont go play all heroes cause u will not be pro at any


                                                                and stop play sf


                                                                  tinker is the best hero at 3k for easy mmr and when u get higher mmr u will have better teams eventually


                                                                    also if u are a ragebaby like me who cant concentrate i suggest u mute other 9 players if u cant take it that someone says things like noob,retard,idiot,lowskill


                                                                      i already muted everyone, helps a lot but doesn't make my 3k cores play good.

                                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                        It doesn't, in fact YOU have to be THAT ONE core with brains. Want another example? Last 2 games, forced to play pos 6 solo support with Disruptor, was 6-5-10, after a rough start in the first 5 minutes we get a bunch of nice kills, after that Lina goes afk farming and doesn't use her spells to win LC duels who then starts flaming her, goes afk, sells items and gets a rapier. Did playing support well help? Would have I been able to finish the game as pos 6 Disruptor? No, no point. ES game, was 5-1-9, helped Venom with dust, told everyone to push when we could but as fucking always no one did, asked a billion times and instead of doing it they started flaming each other. Venom went literally afk farming for no reason, MK and Necro going in ALONE around the map and dying time after time. Would have I been able to end the game as pos 4 ES? Nah, no point. Seriously just play cores, those heavy late game right clickers that require no skills and no team work, you'll just need your idiots to buy you enough time by feeding, get 6-slotted and then team wipe them and push, or split-get ganked-get a fucking rampage-push. This is what Dota comes to when you enter this amazing matchmaking pool.


                                                                          maybe pick smarter? in your last few games your picks were terrible and unless you want to win those games, you have to be much better than the enemy team in which case you aren't.


                                                                            >mark legion jungle
                                                                            >wait for support pick and then pick lion
                                                                            >support duo destroy lanes and win

                                                                            seems to be working sometimes...

                                                                            managed to make even the subhuman slark and necro win dotes


                                                                              im not complaining about my recent games, im well aware i didnt play seriously, picked bad, and so on.

                                                                              but i cant climb mmr if i cant win these games so i need to learn.

                                                                              ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                                                                new patch recalibration will help you with this. you will start winning prety soon, after you recalibrate at 1k where you belong.

                                                                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                  U have to play at ur best. Bcus they most of the times dont know wat do especially the 1ks. Dont know when to farm, push, gank. So basically, u need to be the position 1 and 2. Thats wat i do most of the time when i play with my newbie teamates


                                                                                    yeah im waiting for the new patch recalibration, should be ez mmr


                                                                                      git gud


                                                                                        thanks for serious responses everyone, thats what im asking ^

                                                                                        mid or safe farm

                                                                                          GET FUCKING GOOD RETARDED DELUSIONAL WORTHLESS 3K TRASH,47% WINRATE you dont need team below 5k. check this acc im boosting currently.MONGOL wHY would you pick am offlane,99% of dota 2 players are braindead,unreal dumb fuckers.

                                                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                            Almost all your losses you have a negative kda, the times you got a good kda you won. So try to focuss on that. Also your team mates likely won't be good because your mmr is so low, but your opponents won't be good either so there's that.


                                                                                              ^^ fuck off, ive had weeks of 70% ranked win rate not too long ago. the reason i lose THIS much is i didnt tryhard for mmr due to upcoming calibration.

                                                                                              Ty, I in general have worse KDA when I'm forced to lane 1v3 and noone helps me at all.

                                                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                                sielos as always looking for either excuses or making retarded unnecessary questions

                                                                                                The fact that i personally explained to him how i analyse replays to get higher mmr on multiple occasions

                                                                                                and the fact that he still doesn't want to do it is a testimony to his retardation.

                                                                                                he doesn't want to learn, he just wants to waste your time.

                                                                                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                                  ask me anythings i`m 6k matches player with 9k hours


                                                                                                    sielos as always looking for either excuses or making retarded unnecessary questions

                                                                                                    Bob Johnson

                                                                                                      "but i had no space to farm becauyse my other 3 carries taking my jungle"

                                                                                                      Me thinks there be some logic here.