General Discussion

General DiscussionGood boy guides?

Good boy guides? in General Discussion
Banskiie II

    Are his videos good or legit? (Excluding the game leap/pvgna ones)


      You do realize it's likely that nobody here even knows who the fuck he is?


        I found him through gameleap videos.
        Produces worthless contents.
        He's only mid 2kish as there was a glimpse of it in his video.
        You're better off avoiding that shit.

        Tento komentář byl upraven

          Besides the fact that he's annoying af, replies to offensive comments with mom jokes like a 12 y-o retard and isn't even funny, he's a sub 3k with poor knowledge about the game. I'd suggest watching other youtubers and channels. There's a guy that seems smart and reliable but I can't remember his name now, I'll add it if it comes to my mind. Ah it's Dota D.Bowie.

          I had forgotten about this Good boy completely but now that you reminded me of his existence I decided to watch one of his recent videos, "Top 10 biggest buffs of patch 7.07". Lmao just scroll through the comments:

          "It's funny how Blitz, a Storm Spirit expert if you will, said that storm is absolutely dead and his talents are shit "Overload pierces spell immunity, WHAT A FUCKING JOKE", he said; yet Goodboy put him in biggest buffs. Maybe that's the difference between a pro and 2k analyst ( no offense, still entertaining videos :))"

          "the part about OD is not really accurate [...]"

          And that fake smile at the end, man how I wanna punch this guy in the face. Why did you have to make this question about him ç.ç

          Tento komentář byl upraven
          Cheap Laugh Guy

            He's mid 2k?! LMAO


              Ah hes a good guy, leave the guy alone. He mainly preaches about having a pma and being non toxic. Yeah his videos sometimes state the obvious only and you won’t really learn anything game breaking. Then don’t watch it, go on gameleap or Dota d. Bowie. He gives back too he gives sets and even arcanas to his viewers. Hes just sharing his passion for the game mostly.


                c'mon, dota bowie's videos are so trash

                Riguma Borusu

                  if you want to get from 1k to 2k his guides are pretty good (because this means you do not know how to click on your screen which he will tell you)

                  otherwise he's a moron

                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                    I don't like him because his game knowledge is actually pretty poor. If you're going to make "educational" dota videos then you need to know the game. Purge is far worse than any pro skillwise but he has really good game knowledge which makes his videos worth watching. The few Goodboy videos I watched made me wonder if the guy has ever looked at the wiki and he probably hasn't read any hero skills either. Honestly I think most mid 2K players have better game knowledge than him.
                    Also he makes a lot of annoying clickbait content.


                      Bowie's vids at the very least r good for 2-3k's like me
                      Bowie himself is high 4k former 5k so it rlly doesn't apply to a skill level higher

                      Good boy is a moron


                        ^^Speaking of Purge, are we gonna talk about his TEN HOURS long video about the new patch called "FIRST IMPRESSIONS"?


                          Yes, I know its not for everyone but I'm happy about it. Can watch it over several days while I'm eating or something. Thanks Purge, Seems Good.


                            he is 2.1k
                            while doing his behavoiur score video he revealed his mmr. when called out in comments he deleted the video


                              ^^Agreed, that's true dedication.

                              yung griphook

                                stick with Bowie

                                Riguma Borusu

                                  the best thing that came out of this thread is me realizing purge uploaded his 10 hour video



                                    no, it's equal to taking advice from a high 1k player


                                      Purge is terrible as well, a failed 5k player is all he is.
                                      Good boy isn’t good either.

                                      I would suggest using promo code:BSJ on for 15% off your subscription.

                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                        gonna make the greatest mistake of my life and check him out, he cant be worse than metagames 2013 arcanes aghs jugg guide


                                          I don't understand how someone who plays the game a lot and understands the basics can be 2.1k


                                            purge is a fail 5k?
                                            i mean he only memes in his game but he still got a bluestar and does understand the game rather well
                                            he is just easier for lower mmr players to understand
                                            bsj is good imo for those 4k's trying to get bluestar or 5k's trying to climb


                                              Watched hin for a while. Didnt help me getting better. Unfollowed when i saw him pick jungle lc in a "Playing with followers" game.


                                                Have we forgoten about the greatest dota 2 player this world has ever fucking seen? The head of the dynasty Chi Long Qua. Lol what ever happened to that guy?


                                                  Hey guys. You know it is possible to be very well educated about the game and not have high mmr right? It's because u can study mechanics and strategies by watching games (although u miss some nuances by not playing). But still it is rare but possible that a 2k may know what he is talking about.

                                                  Dota is after all a game of skill. And knowledge is knowledge.


                                                    it's not speaking just from his mmr (although there's no way you should make guides based on your own knowledge if you're low mmr, using opinions of good players and compiling them is great)
                                                    check out any one of his videos, most of the analysis he does is just plain wrong and he spouts bullshit constantly, watching his videos will do nohting but make you worse

                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                      Well, cut him some slack. Even 2k or lower are allowed to enjoy this game, you know

                                                      Just don't take whatever he say seriously. I try to listen to him but instantly dropped it in 1 min


                                                        He's one of those fuckheads who spend way too much time on analyzing aspects in the game he simply don't understand

                                                        BSJ. LGD

                                                          bowie is 4k? LUL analyzes replays for a living and is still 4k LUL

