General Discussion

General DiscussionPangolier isnt bad

Pangolier isnt bad in General Discussion

    The hero is actually godly when u can use his ult correctly, people just need to stop building around his q so much and tank him up!


      hard to master hero


        yh after a few games I was able to chain stun this guy in a corner

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          So he is a pos 3


            it's hard to use depending on the terrain especially on the ramps and his q deals your physical attacks so diffusal, deso & basher is a good to go item for a core but still there are few tweaks to be done for it to be a decent one

            Player 215168758

              Please ban OP from spreading misinformations lol

              idk what half the champio...

                Congrats on winning some normal skill ranked matchmaking games


                  im surprised buying BM and losing doesn't stop you from buying that and losing again

                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                    If his roll isn't like a snail he would have been nice


                      Maybe use spirit beaker with him and charge / roll thier team .


                        you look at something as irrelevant as that to justify your stupid thought that pangolier is bad when the hero is quite good, I hope you get enlightened soon else youll be bad forever

                        зачем я начал поиск

                          This hero is so good that you struggle to get shitty 50%-ish winrate with him.
                          Does make sense.

                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                          doc joferlyn simp

                            Just because a hero is good doesn't mean that you get 89% winrate immediately after playing. Clearly OP is just starting to learn playing this hero. I don't even understand why you're being a passive-aggressive jerk instead of adding insight to help OP with whatever you think he is lacking as a Pango player

                            NO CARE

                              The hero cannot farm effectively.

                              зачем я начал поиск

                                A brain. He's lacking a brain.
                                Nowhere was I talking about 89% winrate, rather just a standard ~50% at least.

                                The hero is bad by design. Not every hero with a low winrate is such because "hero's actually strong n shiet, but retards can't play it properly", sometimes the hero is just dogshit and bad.

                                Earth Spirit was ALWAYS conceptually strong. AOE long ranged stun, AOE ranged silence, long ranged slow+nuke, ultimate, which made silence spread and inflicted thousands of magic damage. This is strong by its very design.

                                Pangolier doesn't have too high of a skill cap, his skills are way more strightforward.
                                His Q is extremely underwhelming, it doesn't scale at all. Even with diffusal+2xMKBs+mjolnir it feels like a poor man's version of Ember's W, there's only so much damage it can inflict.

                                His E has a very low proc chance and gets countered by any green armor source, has a delay, goes away fast.

                                His ultimate is easy to play around, even if the player knows how to control it, it just travels awkwardly slow, has a low turn angle, makes him feel like a fucking joke.

                                His W is the only actually good spell.

                                He's a dogshit safelane, because he doesn't scale at all.
                                He's a dogshit offlane, because, if zoned out, he can't fuck off to jungle, he farms jungle camps way too slow.
                                He's a dogshit mid, because all of his functions and positives are not unique, there's always something better to draft.
                                He falls off really fast.

                                For every game this garbage hero wins, he either gets carried hard or could've been replaced by Bristleback/Timbersaw with a better outcome (both heroes surpass Pangodogshit in his own positives).

                                Besides, I've yet to see a mythical "good pangolier player". He gets shat on at every skill bracket, even when a competent player drafts him.

                                No. it doesn't work that way.
                                Individual games are individual games, trends are trends.
                                For every game he wins in such a fashion, he'd lose 5-6 and for every such a game, a better replacement hero could've filled his role.

                                зачем я начал поиск

                                  This is a hero, who needs to abuse bugged javelin stacking in order to be borderline decent.
                                  A hero needs to abuse a bug so he can get 50% winrate. Think about it. Not broken, not good, just somewhat decent.
                                  Feels like a joke to me.

                                  The sheer amount of mental gymnastics people do to convince themselves that he's actually a good hero is worthy of a comedy show special.

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                                    iceiceice is having decent success with him

                                    зачем я начал поиск

                                      >1 game

                                      And you draw a conclusion.
                                      Decent success in one game out of one.
                                      Yea, that is sure a sign of a good hero, not these downward trends in every bracket and Pangolier leaderboards being filled with 45-54% winrate avg people.

                                      Makes. Alot. Of. Sense.

                                      I am sure you could find one professional match, where Wisp safelane carry won the game, would that mean that it's a good strategy?
                                      By your logic, yes.


                                        ive seen multiple games from him of it, so it cud be on different accts u know

                                        зачем я начал поиск

                                          Time will tell, stats and trends exist for a reason.
                                          In his current shape, I see Pangolier being a "repick"-tier hero, unless buffed/reworked.
                                          I may be wrong, but I am almost sure I am not.

                                          Cheap Laugh Guy

                                            I've played like 5 games of him in smurf
                                            50/50 but I'm gonna go full retard spamming him in Turbo today just to see

                                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                                              Not as bad as Morphling and Tiny that's for sure

                                              Jiren The Gray

                                                I think I love you technical difficulties