General Discussion

General DiscussionFrom 2.9k to bronze 1 star guide

From 2.9k to bronze 1 star guide in General Discussion

    If u want to go from an average mmr to the lovest badge follow my steps.
    1 play a ranked game before they do any patch.
    2 play as support and play well.
    3 win the game.

    Have fun!
    Im a little sick...

    The Troy Sanders of Dota

      yeah i played today before the patch too and its showing me at the lowest possible tier. i thought we had to calibrate and shit what is this?


        Its another pathetical fail of volvo.


          i guess thes badges are replaced with mmr...


            After you play the 10 games and get a badge, will you still get a number too ? Pls anybody answer


              There are seven levels of Rank Medals, and within each level are five stars of progress to earn towards the next Medal. These Medals are: Herald, Guardian, Crusader, Archon, Legend, Ancient, and Divine.

              Your performance in both Party and Solo games is considered when evaluating your skill and determining when your Medal gets upgraded, with Solo games having a bigger impact. In order for players to achieve either the Ancient or Divine Medals, only Solo-game performance is considered.

              Story Time

                clearly 4k is Archon, what ever thisword meeans


                  When mmr was first introduced, I played almost all of my games as a support and ranked at 4.5k which something back then. All those 7-8k players were 5.1-6k. I suck now but my point is that it's not totally on the support or carry thing, maybe it has an effect, but not as significant as you think. You might be bad after all, accept it. Get rid of that kruger effect.


                    ^This. You might calibrate lower with supports only because people tend to focus you first in fights and you might end up feeding hard and ruining your kda. Work on positioning and you should be fine, and of course get utility items, wards and heal people.

                    I think supports aren't even the worst to calibrate with, Imo initiators/pos 3s are. They're considered cores but 1) are much more likely to die in fights = not great kda 2) won't even have the same pos 1 and 2's gpm/exp. Of course this is a general statement.


                      ^Im pos 3 with high KDA (kunkka) but if im play solo kunkka my wr Will drop and db says im core when IM 100%supp player...

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