General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen do I build damage items on arc warden vs utility/control items?

When do I build damage items on arc warden vs utility/control items? in General Discussion

    I know that every item is situational. I am looking for what to look for when making the decision on something like mkb vs hex. How do I know which one is more important? What about pike? Etc. . .

    Wondering because I have had a few games where I feel like I hit like a wet noodle. Probably from building too many control items. But How do I know beforehand if I am building too many?

    Diffusal got a nerf, when do I build that now? I used to build it all the time, but not sure what to do instead and I don't know when to build it.

    Any tips for evaluating situations in general? I know item checking, hero lineups, and game state are important for it, how do I get better at decision making based on that?


      also, how do I deal with roamers? Assume no support rotations.

      a10 hunter eye edging psl...

        Start small go bigger. Rushing items like maelstrom when all you have is boots is a complete mistake. You should start off with items which will help you farm or push waves. Eg. (For arc) wraith band--> magic wand --> finish aquila and get boots --> get midas --> tp boots. From then on you should build maybe a maelstrom or dragon lance. Even if you arent against spell spammers in lane, the stats and hp regen from magic wand can significantly assist you farming in lane or jungle.
        Diffusal got nerfed yes, but it is still core on alot of heroes like weaver and pl; its up to you whether you really need the slow and mana. Eg. Against wraith king it is great, it provides mana burn and the slow is really great at kiting him around (alot of melee heroes get kited easy).
        Im not a great arc warden player, but this kinda applies to all safelane cores.
        To deal with roamers, the minimap is your best friend. Dont rely on people to call missing, look YOURSELF!! If someone is missing farm safely or go back under tower waiting for creep wave. Jungle can be your last resort if you getting fucked in lane.
        Watch guides, there is a heap on arc warden.

        meteor hammer

          Bloodthorns ur damage item

          U finish it if u need more damage

          Null if u need damage and they’re dispelling ur shit, but make sure u have a way to get close because otherwise nullifier sucks


            aquila>brown>midas>mael>bots>sb>mjol>se> bthorn+nullifier or hex + mkb

            diffusal got nerfed to shit so there's no point to building it, nullifier is your diffusal now.

            if you need more damage get some shards or butterfly

            hurricane if you need to become a sniper to slow siege.

            don't try to think, just use these items

            p.s not dying to enemy rotations is not possible to explain in a single comment, unless i'd have to write an essay.

            so just get better at watching the map and positioning yourself

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              did you know that sf deals 510 damage with triple raze