General Discussion

General DiscussionRubick Players

Rubick Players in General Discussion

    I picked rubick in a few games yesterday, really enjoyed him. got some good stolen spells off, focusing disables and teamfight ults.

    what bothers me is: i initiate alot once i got my blink. going in, lifting, and later on not even getting a steal or a nuke out. the result was a horrible KDA while i had a ton of fun early/midgame and felt useless late.

    should i stay in the back, get lens and try to throw some lifts from further away instead? do you discard lift and play around spellsteal only? when i get the cast range talent i feel comfortable enough rn but i get cought alot when i go for spellsteal :/

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        Rubick and most supports should always stay at the back and position themselves carefully. During late game, initiate only if you are sure that no one is around the hero you will gank.

        Never play solo supp Rubick haha. Or you will end up like my low win rate.

        Pointy Shoes

          I have a horrible KDA on rubick aswell. I feel like 2 escape items on him are a must: any two-combo of blink, force, euls and glimmer (depending on enemy lineup).

          He is fun to play solo mid against invoker and those games i feel he can somewhat keep up late game with good items.


            Well i feel like if u have x % winrate as him u can get x+10% with another supp.

            Rubick is just fun of u don't care about winning


              Rubick is nice to play. I often play him mid you can create space with him for the frist 25-30 min if you play him well.
              I would say you should go blink then force and aga. Till you have your force stay behind and steal spells.
              Good item choice is the euls, for example you can euls a tide and steal his ulti. I like bkb vs a silencer you often get his ulti with it.

              Spacewarp is rigth dont play him as 5 its ok as 4 or mid.
              If i play him mid i have much fun and when you play well you can win mid ez vs all spell casters like invo sf and so on.


                dying a lot on rubick is natural when enemy shuts you down when they realize your spell steal is making them lose the game


                  @A exactly! But everytime I see at least 2 heroes that have good skills to steal, I am always tempted to play Rubick. Regardless if I play solo supp or whatever.

                  This hero is really fun to play.

                  chicken spook,,,,

                    I'm still salty with people who pick high skillcap heroes and don't do shit with them

                    Erdal Kömürcü

                      Well I ve played with him alot (with my old acc) I can say you shouldn't play pos5 and he is really good roamer with his high damage second skill
                      you shouldn't initiate for fights if you do not had ravage blackhole or some kind of ultimate
                      but if you find someone solo with you blink dagger you can secure that kill for your team easily with your skill


                        only two rules for playing rubick - aghs and trash-talking if there's an invoker in the game.


                          think hard when your playing rubick bro you can initiate and not dying just make sure your positioning is good for stealing some spells to

                          зачем я начал поиск

                            Rubick is a very good and strong hero.
                            Insane damage output and impact, severely underrated hero.
                            Dying and having poor KDA in every game is OK, it's normal for Rubick.

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                              Rubick is really underrated. I'm still sad he didn't get his arcana.

                              зачем я начал поиск

                                Very underrated. Underpicked.
                                High impact. I definetely agree.
                                You die and create space, while also having a very strong 320 nuke, which damages and kills enemies.

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                                chicken spook,,,,

                                  ^maTe you forget the free discount pipe

                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                    You can soak up things like laguna blade and make their spells on cooldown so your teammates won't have to deal with them, a very good hero

                                    casual gamer

                                      pick with zeus

                                      max passive second


                                      зачем я начал поиск

                                        You can jump in and bait spells/right-clicks.
                                        Amazing hero.

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