General Discussion

General DiscussionSupporting crysis!

Supporting crysis! in General Discussion

    Hello my friends, when i play with my high friends since im trash they want me to play support but issue playing support is boring as fuck and I enjoy very low pool of supporting heroes for example i like Eredar and winter wyvern they are most fun to play, problem is at least 3 times during a game ill panic banish or ult something and fuck up the clash so should i stick to retardproof basic boring ones like:

    CM ogre and venge?

    This is the game that i fucked up. :C


      you are 2k
      you group up with high 3k's
      you end up being a 2k player in a 3k average game.

      in that scenario, the only way to NOT be terrible and to NOT feed and fuck up and feel bad, is to become a 3k player. deal with it.
      the reason why they want you to play support is that they believe they could carry a game with a trash support easier than they could carry a game with a trash core. they were wrong in that match.

      imo it doesnt matter what you play. when grouping up with a hugh skill difference in between players, everybody should deal with the fact that somebody will not be performing well unless its a complete stomp from the laning stage throughout the whole game.

      dont play party ranked with ppl who are mroe than one medal higher than you, your performance will not matter in those games and they will more likely loose.


        rofl sven midas
        everyone was wrong in this game
        from your teamates builds to their farm
        don't worry

        fanfan fan

          Crusader 2 is 1k i'm pretty sure. I played a few games on my friends Crusader account and I hit like Crusader 3/4 when I passed the 2k mark. His Sven friend's item progression looks pretty dodgy as well as it looks like he farmed pretty slowly for someone who has inbuilt bfury. That being said, your atos rush probably didn't help.

          Support isn't really mindless unless you've got a relatively high mmr friend compared to the mmr avg who is going to tell you everything you need to do. Supports need to rotate etc. Anyway, this seems like the perfect opportunity to play against players who are better than you and improve your offlaning. You're not going to miraculously be a better support than offlane if all you've done is spam offlane.

          SASA POPOVIC

            Kek Crusader offlane is pretty much a safelane, since supports dont know how to zone you out, they just sit there and sap exp from the carry and give you advantage until carry tilts and go to jungle. I wouldnt dare to play offlane in higher bracket where people actually know how to control safelane.

            Proofs: This legend 4 Luna destroyed me, i was in advantage until she got lvl 6, then i didnt had bmail and she had ult so if i pushed in i get raped.

            Tento komentář byl upraven

              gud offlaner gets raped in lane but still rotates and archives high impact midgame.
              you are not supposed to freefarm. or win your lane. you are supposed to soak as much exp and gold as you can, defend your tower, feed as least as you can, and then go kill the enemy on other lanes and take their towers.


                Cm shaman witch doctor can be fun supports to play. As Long as thy have strong ults that aren't double edged (like cold embrace, curse, or glimpse).

                Try elder titan.


                  You're right to Stay away from boring heroes like ogre venge.


                    You see, disruption is a double edged spell. U should stay away from those kind of supports if you are 1k trash lul

                    TANG INA MO VIO



                        i got saved by enemy glimpses countless times. probably more than i got killed by that spell.

                        Potato Marshal

                          Eredar? The fuck?

                          SASA POPOVIC

                            You see, disruption is a double edged spell. U should stay away from those kind of supports if you are 1k trash lul

                            Im sorry for offending you with my MMR :(


                              Lol. I am 3.5k And my friend Is 2k And we have no issue swapping roles - sometimes i support him, sometimes He supports me.

                              I would say the skill difference Is not that big - if you can coordinate And coach other player, no issues there. Sometimes we lose because of mě, sometimes because of him, sometimes coz of team.

                              TANG INA MO VIO

                                Did you say supporting is boring? Reallly? and CM is boring? Hmmm.


                                  And regarding your question - find Heroes you like to play. Doesnt matter if it Is big ulti hero or some face hero (ogre, venge, tusk). If you play 100games with that hero you Will likely be able to play on level od your friends.

                                  If you usually play core role And swap to different role, the skill Gap Is even bigger.

                                  SASA POPOVIC

                                    Did you say supporting is boring? Reallly? and CM is boring? Hmmm.

                                    Yes it is 70% of the game you spend in jungle stacking creeps or you trying to place wards hoping nobody will intercept you so you dont deal with those multiple pings on your corpse, when you port to gank and your team doesnt follow for some reason you get pings too then you waddle back at your lane because even boots on support hero are a luxury.


                                      Well, stacking And warding Is important. But in the beggining of the game IT Is more Fun to play support/roamer.

                                      Instead afk last hitting (as carry do), you Are zoning offlane, pulling, ganking, trading hits, playing most active role.

                                      Playing carry Is the most annoying - if you Are farming, you Are blamed fór not participating in Fights. If you Are tping, you Are blamed to be not farmed enough. Boring role. I prefer any other role.

                                      Position 4 And 5 Are about early impact. Not waiting for late game.

                                      Machado98 #xatubaking

                                        Hey man, I totally understand you, I hate retardproof heroes too. When I started on Dota I went straight for the hardest heroes (for beginners at least): Meepo, Chen, Invoker, Visage, Rubick, Earth Spirit etc. Right now I love playing all of them, learning was worth it, but the thing is: it can be really hard to learn the basic aspects of dota when you are worried microing countless units or thinking about combos and hotkeys. It really fucked me up.
                                        I am sure I would be a much better player if I had started with noobproof heroes and learnt the basic and essencial stuff. Just stick with the retardproof until you are confortable with dota (map awareness, last hitting, supporting etc).
                                        Since you really like WW and eredar I just suggest sitting down, read their skills, read guides and really think about when is the right time to use them. Also watch pros, they use the most dumb heroes in ways that mmr scrublords like me and probably you would never think about.

                                        TANG INA MO VIO

                                          Project Tide, your idea, knowledge and understanding how a support impacts the game and how its played and how fun it is to play support reflects on your medal.

                                          Potato Marshal

                                            Assuming in your stack the overall MMR average is around low 3k, what you do is fuck their offlane up, then when you fuck him up so badly he can't do anything, you go to another lane and fuck their shit up. Don't be some wardcuck stacking camps the whole game for a carry who probably doesn't even have wave clear. This is normal skill, you can completely fuck somebody up before the creep equilibrium messes up too badly. You put wards where the enemy can't juke you while you fuck their shit up. You sneak around trees, go the whole reach around, then you fuck them up from behind where they can't escape. Then you spend your money on items that prevent the enemy from fucking your shit up so you can counter fuck their shit when they blow all their cooldowns. If you have somewhat difficult to land abilities, then get something like eul's or blink to help you fuck shit up before the enemy can even react to their shit. And maybe occasionally use your items to help your team survive.

                                            Story Time

                                              well support can be boring when your team is baby raging 3k trash bracket :D


                                                Pick pudge


                                                  Sounds like u don't know support. Yes it's boring but not in the way you described. It's because u don't know how to gank.


                                                    Who the hell stacks in 2-3-k and think that's what supporting is lul


                                                      support is not boring
                                                      i play 90+% core and i still enjoy supporting, im just not that good and prefer core roles.