General Discussion

General DiscussionChen pos 4 or 5?

Chen pos 4 or 5? in General Discussion

    Is chen better as pos 4 or 5?


      I haven't seen anyone in pro scene to play him as pos 5 but who knows lol

      < blank >

        Only pos 4. You are semi-support. You dont want to buy wards unless its necessary.

        Midas is a very good item on him since you get simmilar timings on core items with it or without its, so its worth getting. Dominator only if enemies have 0 wave clear. Generally Greaves + pipe + force/ghost scepter is all u need to make your family survive.

        I dunno why people rush scepter on him. It gives almost 0 utility unless you grab 2 prawlers.

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          ^tbh, i prefer necrobook over aghs

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