General Discussion

General DiscussionWorst Bracket in Dota 2

Worst Bracket in Dota 2 in General Discussion
Solo Leveling

    Hi guys,

    Losing my mind in what I am realizing is the worst bracket in Dota 2.

    I am right at 4k bracket (3800-4200) and I cant believe what I see anymore. The skill difference is so big it makes the game impossible to play. I'n my last game there are two Legend 4 Players. Legend 4 on my team picks LD jungle and doesnt get a single item or impact the game literally at all the whole time.

    Meanwhile the enemy Legend 4 is an Offlane Dark Willow that manages 25 kills and 600 GPM. How can these players be the "same rank" like it is actually ridiculous that both players can be in the same bracket

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      losing my mind guys
      ancient 1 in the enemy team
      ancient 1 in my team

      How can these players be the "same rank" like it is actually ridiculous that both players can be in the same bracket


        hidden pool si the worst


          Your beacon of knowledge,

          Solo Leveling

            I get that i played terrible that game and didnt know what item to get and didnt do much myself. To be honest as soon as the guy picked LD jungle the whole team blew up and flamed each other and the game was lost. My stats in this game are meaningless because there wasnt even a real game of dota played. Just an auto loss


              oh hey Id like to join this worst place bracket ever since I suck so bad.

              Solo Leveling

                Its easy man buy a 4k account and pick jungle


                  Thats what you did?


                    Lil naggin bitch

                    Solo Leveling

                      Hello ,

                      My name is Dawn and I am barely Legend. I have nothing good to say or do so here I am

                      Solo Leveling

                        You should try making it past legend 0


                          why does an ancient player flame a legend player, ure on his level

                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                            why does divine 5 acc buyer talk LOL go back to ur herald bracker noob!


                              i have 5 more stars than u come meet me irl and ill beat u up with them


                                ^ XD LUL rofl hehe haha hihi lmao xoxo xaxa gaga ^_^ o.O

                                Tento komentář byl upraven
                                Solo Leveling

                                  what about Legend 0 and Ancient 1 is on the same level?

                                  He is playing Normal Skill bracket games I am in Very High Skill

                                  Same bracket as you "divine 5 pro" so that means we are on the same level. I'm not flaming anyone but when shitty Legend 0 player comes and says i bought account I'm gonna put him in his place

                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                    why are u so insecure about ur rating

                                    Solo Leveling

                                      Because i am better than my rating shows

                                      Solo Leveling

                                        East london.

                                        Do you get teamates that pick <40% winrate heroes and AFK jungle in Divine? If so then I can sleep easy tonight

                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                          you are fucking delusional if you seriously believe what you are saying.

                                          Solo Leveling

                                            please explain?

                                            casual gamer

                                              heres how much mmr tears have earned people: 0

                                              Solo Leveling

                                                Good point ihop. I didnt want this turn in to a cryfest just had a frustrating game. LD for sure bought his account, pretty simple explanation. Just wanted to bitch about it for a sec.

                                                I know I'm at a super volatile part of the bracket right now.

                                                casual gamer

                                                  sorry ur gonna have to deal with this bs forever unfortunately

                                                  just remember your only teammate in grinding mmr is urself and what you can learn from ur games


                                                    When Dunning Krugers meet <3 Ah Beauty behold!

                                                    Solo Leveling

                                                      Ya i get your point. Look at yourself cuz thats all you can control.

                                                      Ill start by not picking Bloodseeker offlane :D

                                                      Thanks for the motivation


                                                        At some point in Dota u gotta learn and accept that you can have 30 games straight with acc buyers on your side and smurfs on the opposing side. It's called standard error. It's just that majority of humans can not comprehend volatility and measure to high scale equivalents, thus resulting in decrease of personal input -> escalating mmr loss -> frustration -> even more mmr loss -> decrease of behavior score -> programmed loss, etc. If you want to climb in Dota, you need to do 2 things:
                                                        1.) BE OPEN TO LEARN - From higher ranks, from yourself, from replays, from videos, coaches and sometimes, yes sometimes from lower ranks as well, cuz being arrogant -> loss.
                                                        2.) ADAPT TO YOUR BRACKET - Analyze your bracket and do things accordingly. What works in Herald and Guardian won't work in Legend, but MIGHT work in Ancient.
                                                        3.) KEEP YOUR BEHAVIOR SCORE UP OR DIE TRYING - You either stay positive, commend people and get commended, go out of your way to be the very best. every. single. game. Or you can go down and have low behav score, be matched against high behav score teams and lose before the horn.

                                                        Also don't forget: Ranked is ranked. You aren't there to make friends, you are there to compete and to become better. Making friends is just an extra. You are competing against 9 people, not 5. Cuz at the end of the day, if you want to become better and play on a higher rank, that should mean you are better than EVERYONE in your BRACKET.

                                                        Solo Leveling

                                                          I appreciate the input. I just want to be a Divine player like you <3

                                                          Always open to learning. Just want to improve


                                                            hi,if i can get a 75-90% winrate on solo queue on our bracket
                                                            you can too,just remember roshan exist and you can lead your team to do it
                                                            by talking to them politely or commanding them with "trust me guys" "pls"
                                                            also,pick op heroes. that's the common sense

                                                            you know,saying you're better than your rating shows is just a joke,its like you're fighting children and sometimes you perform better
                                                            and you're saying that you can actually fight an adult on fistfight
                                                            need the proves man,no prove = not legit

                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                              You can't judge skill by taking one game as sample.

                                                              Liquid lost 2. game today at Bucharest against EG 27-0 (!), but took the series.

                                                              casual gamer

                                                                you don’t really escape a bracket until you don’t need to escape it anymore, if u know what i mean

                                                                you have a positive winrate, that’s the biggest thing

                                                                I never ground 1k instantly, i maintained a 53% ranked wr by learning slightly faster than everyone else. i started at low 3k after playing thousands of unranked games casually

                                                                ^^that guy talking about adapting, thats real stuff. playing to ur bracket mostly and also ur heroes is a skill that wins mmr

                                                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                  He is playing Normal Skill bracket games I am in Very High Skill
                                                                  Same bracket as you "divine 5 pro" so that means we are on the same level.

                                                                  You have 3886 mmr. Divine 5 is ~5.7K at least so that's almost a 2K mmr difference while legend 0 is ~3.4K mmr which is 500 mmr below you. How can you even say something as stupid as you being on divine 5 lvl :facepalm:

                                                                  Solo Leveling

                                                                    ihop. i get your point. Im wondering tho is it more about playing the current meta or playing what you are good at win a lot with.

                                                                    heres my example. I have like 66% winrate with spectre over 100 games. I grinded mostly spectre and mirana to 4k. However spectre and Mirana arent that relevant in the meta.

                                                                    Do i prioritize trying to play spectre as much as possible in this meta or just stick with the safe Meta picks like TB, Gyro, Jugg etc

                                                                    Solo Leveling

                                                                      Its pretty simple Umbra im suprised if you are Divine 5 plyer and cant comprehend such a concept. The skill difference is Huge between a 3k and 4k player. Probably the biggest skill gap in any 1000 MMR sample size. I was making a point that you cannot compare Legend 0 (Normal Skill) games to Ancient Games that are 4-5k and Very High Skill.

                                                                      Im not saying I'm divine player you fucking twat dont get so defensive. I made a clear point

                                                                      Solo Leveling

                                                                        Not to mention we have the exact same winrate so If i played 4000 more games like U have I would be divine anyway so where is your logic that you are so far above my skill?

                                                                        I looked at your winrates you dont have a single hero in your top pool over 60%.

                                                                        You are nothing special just play the game a shit ton. I hope you can realize that and get off your fucking Divine 5 Highhorse.

                                                                        Dont try to educate me Ive been playing Dota since early WC3 and HoN and LoL i know mobas. Probably just as well as you. I just dont spam meepo for a fucking inflated number like half you kids


                                                                          ^lul, berry nice.

                                                                          casual gamer

                                                                            a hero is a tool

                                                                            u might be very good at hero A, but hero B is a stronger hero

                                                                            if ur good enough, u will do better with hero A than hero B

                                                                            however, u might have an easier time IMPROVING with hero B than hero A, since there are more basic improvements for u on hero B

                                                                            and if u become very good with hero B, you can probably eventually do better than if u had spammed hero A all day long

                                                                            spectre is NOT a weak hero in 4k, though. A good spectre player is very strong, it simply requires you to be a bit lucky or have extremely solid lane mechanics

                                                                            this spectre is playing at 6k level, and has hundreds of games of spectre and an obscene winrate

                                                                            if u spend all day learning hero B and he gets nerfed, you could lose mmr anyway. So you want to either learn quickly or not switch

                                                                            i am blessed in this regard. I love playing clockwerk and nyx assassin. Clockwerk and nyx assassin have been extremely strong for a very long time, and they receive minimal nerfs or unnecessary buffs. Before cw and nyx, I played fv and slar in their respective metas. I play those heroes very rarely now, even though I think I am still a very good void player (lol)

                                                                            Solo Leveling

                                                                              thank you Ihop

                                                                              I really appreciate your contribution to the thread. What do you think of Mirana right now. I actually prefer to play her as P4 Roaming but every since Jungle got nerfed so hard i think its too slow and I dont level well enough.

                                                                              casual gamer

                                                                                i think she is not good right now

                                                                                BUT i do not play mirana and I never have. I am not a very good source of information on her

                                                                                her winrate in my bracket is <47%, which is usually "i am not picking this hero unless it's a hero who most people can't play at all (arc)"

                                                                                the jungle hurts a lot of heroes, and mirana i can definitely see suffering

                                                                                Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                  Not to mention we have the exact same winrate so If i played 4000 more games like U have I would be divine anyway so where is your logic that you are so far above my skill?

                                                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                    Dont try to educate me Ive been playing Dota since early WC3 and HoN and LoL i know mobas. Probably just as well as you. I just dont spam meepo for a fucking inflated number like half you kids


                                                                                      Because i am better than my rating shows



                                                                                        technically everybody in VHS is at a similar if not the same skill level, just like a 1k is to 2k right? (Both normal skill) So that way I agree with lil skies, very well said btw, some of the blue star boys are a bit too egoistic for this forum


                                                                                          dont feed the trolsl guys

                                                                                          *awkwardly walks out of the room backwards* *quitely laughs to himself and these trolls*


                                                                                            I can say ihop has alot of info ty ihop


                                                                                              Teach me senpai

                                                                                              Im still new to this game


                                                                                                you just said "The skill difference is Huge between a 3k and 4k player" how the heck you can say you're the same level as them?

                                                                                                btw,i played alot high skill and very high skill level(on smurfs) if the mmr range is not that far,players there are pretty much not different too

                                                                                                don't worship vhs too's just dotabuff retard standards(which is real old) where 3.8k+ is vhs and 7k+ is also a vhs and just being a 3800 or 4k+up is not that an achievement

                                                                                                if you're talking about games apart or winrates,ain't it already clear you're 4k games different behind? so. now who's the better one currently? you definitely could say that if you played 4k more games already and actually reached that level,which probably sometime in the future,but not now right?

                                                                                                you can play dota/hon/lol/moba for like 9 or 13+ years,but it means nothing actually if you can't even escape legend-ancient bracket

                                                                                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                                  VHS bracket is bullshit and it doesn't mean anything by itself. You're an ancient 1 grabage that can barely cross 4k and then falls down below it immediately and you think you're good enough to act like you're a god compared to a legend player. Feel free to talk to me when you reach divine 5 or just keep being a moron and play in that bracket for another 5 years thinking your time will come to rise above it. Every single player who i've seen claim that he's much better than the bracket he plays in has been from NA or SEA. Maybe the fact that you're deluded has something to do with the average intelligence of an American/pinoy player which doesn't seem to be very high.


                                                                                                    Everything above 5k,its literally unplayable for me


                                                                                                      3k is so ez man,you can do it, spam sf and solo carry ur team to victory