General Discussion

General DiscussionDota Plus

Dota Plus in General Discussion

    WTF is this new update about, did this ice frog fucking go broke and need money or what ?
    This shit is disgusting, i hope those retards in valve would soon change the name from dota to league.
    Fuck this game is gonna be Dead in no time.


      What are you talking about?
      Its basically a montly-based battle pass, nothing we've never seen before.

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        I guess the draft and item build tips are imbalanced for your bracket since nobody has any sense what they're supposed to be picking or doing in a game anyway

        Tento komentář byl upraven

          Pay 2 win in lower bracket
          Useless shit on any other who know what they are doing


          Lruce Bee

            You guys are retards. Talking about lower brackets as though they are some kind of minority being the only ones benefitting.

            You are talking about 90% of the population of Dota players that will benefit


              Around 80k players quit playing dota in past 3 months according to steam charts. Trust me thats only cause Dota is becoming more like league and the new updates are making it worst.

              Pale Mannie

                you dont deserve dota when the only thing you care about is it's popularity


                  The guide n info thingy is good.
                  But I'm afraid these are just the start. Who knows what Valve gonna monitize next


                    If this dotaplus can insta banned all cheater that i already reported, expecially scripter tinker, ill buy it on no time


                      @ekalavya dat was crazy man

                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                        It's really dropping hard wew


                          you dont deserve dota when the only thing you care about is it's popularity



                            is that dotaplus works in turbo games guys?