General Discussion

General DiscussionA question about my performance

A question about my performance in General Discussion
lil yachty

    calibration of mmr is now available on my account but i don't want to calibrate yet because i just noticed that i'm in a Normal skill bracket,
    what am i supposed to do to be on high skill bracket or very high skill bracket if i could. do i stand a chance? honestly my win rate on normal skill bracket were 45% but my win rate on high skill was 80%. and my KDA ratio is 2.18. ( well sorry if i suck at it -_- ) any advice


      Just play better and think

      What fun is there in winn...

        ^ how is just play better and think work X D

        13 y.o (ghoul) (dead inside)

          Its better to calibrate right now and do your best to climb up each game rather than calibrate later while stomping your games on the same level over and over again but not improving.

          What fun is there in winn...

            yeah just keep playing, everyone gets better at the game all you need to do is play.

            lil yachty

              oh so calibrating right now would give me a chance to have high mmr? (not that high though but a 3k is enough for me, i could climb the bracket if i'm good enough)

              lil yachty

                what hero are most convenient to use on ranked games, specially on SEA server( i think i don't need to emphasize what i'm trying to say here)


                  all I did to reach divine in 1 week was play better and think. I'll guess that your mmr will be 2.4k below

                  lil yachty

                    i won't be surprised bout it, i only have 45% winrate and 2.18 kda ratio


                      My smurf account had 30% winrate and 2.13 kda ratio but still I got 3.5k after calibrating


                        You just need to counter your enemy heroes and be effective in the game, doesnt matter if you win or lose or have low kda ratio

                        lil yachty

                          did you win all of calibration matches?


                            6 wins 4loses if you lose a match while calibrating its just -25

                            lil yachty

                              ohhh okay thanks btw, i'll try to calibrate this week

                              lil yachty

                                maybe i'll focus on playing good and avoid unnecessary deaths