General Discussion

General DiscussionNEED ADVICE!

NEED ADVICE! in General Discussion

    Idk why we lost. I do not know what the problem is. what are we missing?
    We dominated them at early so bad.

    PS: I played lion.


      Its kinda pretty obvious, you didnt ended the game while you still had a chance, so you gave a chance to their cores to come back into the game and get their items and they steamrolled you in late. You had stronger laning phase they had stronger late game, it happens.

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        It all started when we got wiped trying to push 3rd tower and got wiped again even we had aegis still got wiped.
        What do you think about jugg's build? Does he lacked damage?


          Pretty standard jug build tho i have no idea why he went for skadi instead of bf since he was your only "real" core, they had better siege than you anyway dusa and luna melt towers way faster than you.

          Also no idea why you went for mystic staff, you could have bought euls and buy your team more "highground siege" time, also good for balanar silence, i bet he cucked you with that alot, since lotus orb from clock was probably resereved for Voker, you played too greedy, were you pos 4 or 5 i cant tell?

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            I was gonna build Vyse. I think i should've build force staff or euls. I was killed twice trapped in clock's cog.
            I played pos 4 at early then we switched position with dis when i had dagger. I bought wards then dis will place it.


            SASA POPOVIC

              Theres no way you can get that item in time to make good use of it and pay it off, its too expensive for pos 4 and 5 even with Lions GPM talent. Anyway you got kills but you dindt capitalize on them, hero kills are useless they just create space if you dont use it you lose it. :)

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                nobody dominated anything in that game until you got overrun. your teams gold lead peaked at 3k 15min. i assume your jug grouped for pushes early on and invoker went afk while your team let both luna and dusa outfarm you.

                bad item decisions on both cores. invoker should play QW, focus the dusa, buy euls first.
                jugs manta illusions will last half a second vs that draft. no need for diffusual when you have 3 mana burners on your team. i think you wanna go bf / S&Y this game to keep up with enemy farm. jug probably needs bkb here, too

                no reason to buy an urn on disruptor when you have healing ward in your team
                not a single forcestaff or euls on your team, instead you guys bought 2 glimmer capes.
                at least the lotus orb makes sense, but clock needed the forcestaff before imo


                  Jugg builds manta for sky and balanar's silence where he could just buy bkb instead. Juggs ulti and right clicks cant burst down medusa or luna. bad item builds i guess that was the problem.

                  and also we never ganked mid. we were too focused on top babysitting jugger.


                    also a jug with diffu and manta melts when he comes close to luna or dusa :) he cant fight outside of his ult. even aghs deso shadowblade would work better than this probably


                      you didnt dominate early, you didnt even have a 1k lead at any point of the game.

                      considering you played against medusa+luna thats a death sentence, since those 2 scale so fast while your heros dont do anything later. (clock is a waste of farm in a core role)

                      my guess is that you did a trilane with jugg, you killed WR and NS a lot but luna and medusa were farming freely.

                      Against a greedy lineup liie medusa+Luna its most important that you 2 supps go top and take their safelane tower with a catapult creepwave, the tower needs to fall before min 15. if you dont take the tower by that luna will go jungle stacked camps with MoM and make a huge jump in networth while a supp gets 2 lvls in the empty safelane

                      If luna+medusa can farm stacked camps you cant win. you have to shut them off from farming safely in their jungle, force them to farm in unfavourable places where clock+1 can pick them off

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                        also very shitty invo game, why pick a hero that needs time to come online when your enemy team will scales indefinetly better into late game.

                        should have taken something that can fight early and tale towers like a DK or lesh


                          i am miracle i pick invoker every game and i firstpick when somebody else marks mid Kappa

                          i agree. OD, lina, dp would be my choice here

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                            honestly lion pos 4 is kind of a shitty pick too