General Discussion

General Discussion1k games are harder than 3k.

1k games are harder than 3k. in General Discussion

    TOXIC smurfer spotted! Just cancer of dota whole smurfing


      Harold doesnt u understand how u steal peoples TIME and MMR when u smurf and make 1-3k really as hard as 5,5k which u are


        I really dont care because you got off easy, on 5k bracket that is only 5% of players so pool of people queing is very low, there is quite a good chance of meeting a smurf of a top 100 streamer who will humiliate you publicly infront of 3k+ viewers so you got off easily.

        You have no idea what toxic means until you play with a titled dota pro player who lost a tournament so he climbed on his smurf people recognize him and camp his mid so he tilts even more and destroy his items and abandons, sometimes you even get an account buyer who wants to see what is like om 5k so dont speak to me about lost time and MMR boy

        Tento komentář byl upraven

          fact that u suffer bec acc buyers or something in VHS doesnt justify u do the same for normal skill bracket. Its like saying killing **** is ok bec hitler did it too and im not even killing millions I just kill some.


            Just jungle, nobody in 1K punishes the greediness of a jungler despite the 2-1-2 meta setup

            play for fun

              SASA POPOVIC

                Why do you queue with your trash guardian friends to shit on some scrubs with WK who they have no idea how to stop then?

                Stomping noobs is fun inst it? Try supporting them for a change and get aids in the process :)


                  Yeah supporting is pretty shit job in normal skill bracket. I found playing sup in VHS/HS pretty much easier

                  In my opinion support heroes not needed low tiers


                    When i was low 4k

                    I won 20 games and lost 1 in 1k ...easiest bracket ever till 3600 mmr where boosters smirfs leavers every game

                    (muted) delulu is the solulu

                      so ppl smurf to practice new heroes? Or just to have fun owning noobs?


                        Just bit fun because smurfs/boosters make lower brackets harder to win and this topic is about that and everyone was saying its ez there and same time they smurf in the low bracket :D So how ez is to win low tier games when u have smurf vs u and u doesnt even know it before it is too late to target him.

                        Just bit fun how smurfs in this topic made this topic beginners point more valid

                        (muted) delulu is the solulu

                          Umm it’s gone off topic I believe op just needs to loosen up and try other roles with heroes that have a high wi rate

                          I’ve matched up with smurfs before but doesn’t mean I can’t beat them and I’m sure we can all do too... #thinkofitasrankedchallenge

                          Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                            Just bit fun because smurfs/boosters make lower brackets harder to win and this topic is about that and everyone was saying its ez there and same time they smurf in the low bracket :D So how ez is to win low tier games when u have smurf vs u and u doesnt even know it before it is too late to target him

                            What a bunch of non-sense. And ofc you're normal skill. xd


                              Man! Just stfu! You posted here so people can give their thoughts and when they are saying something you just keep denying it and keep insisting you are way above your bracket.
                              You are not. You are in that bracket because you belong in that shit tier.
                              When I calibrated 2.5 years ago I was 600 mmr and I'm now 4.1k.
                              I used to think like you as well. Watch your replays, you'll realise how trash you are.
                              No offense..but sadly it's the truth.

                              Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                very good thread 10/10

                                SMURF MID LOOK PROFILE

                                  I thought the same as you about a 6 months ago, my main was about 300 MMR and I thought I was so much better than my team. I made a new account and calibrated 500 MMR, realized I was wrong and just watched youtube videos and replays until I got to where I am now(3k) and I laugh at how I thought I was so good. I think 3k is a nice MMR for me right now, and if you check the dotabuff on this account, you can see how easy it is for me to just 1v5, took me about 20 games to re calibrate and get to guardian 2

                                  Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)


                                    That's some nice Meepo spam brother.


                                      3+ smurfers already in thread 10/10 :D



                                        It's fun and it's not getting aids , just watch escaping the trench from rawdota he climbed on his smurf just by supporting.from 100 mmr to ancients( I think)

                                        Supporting is not getting aids if you don't think about support as a ward bitch.

                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                          1k mmr is like toddler level difficulty, you really need to get a grip. I would never flame in such an easy bracket.

                                          I used to play party with my low mmr friends and it was so easy to carry them that some were also deluded that they were any good, until they played by themselves. Slark alone could probably bring you to 4k mmr. Split pushing is also another no brainer, disorganized teams can't handle it. But keep telling to yourself that you are good lol

                                          SASA POPOVIC

                                            Hahaha its not impossible to get mmr by supporting, nobody said that, as any role in tthe game if player who is playing support better than the player on same role in the opposite team, his team has an default advantage. Thats undeniable.

                                            However roles in dota are decided by farm priority, pos 1,2,3,4 and 5. So role that gets most farm is at a position to dictate the outcome of the game, so support as pos5 has the least impact on the outcome especially in the lategame, thats why you will never see a booster or a smurf playing this position, while its indeed possible to grind MMR with it, its unfortunately extremely slow, especially if you are still learning game while grinding and you didn't just hoped from high MMR account to low one.

                                            Edit what I meant "by getting aids" is if you ever supported people who plays core roles in high skill and you jump to normal skill where nobody really knows what to do and go around the map like headless chickens without any sense or meabing and giving pointless deaths and taking pointless kills in the process that transfer into nothing, by nothing i mean no objective was taken.

                                            You see people at high MMR play dota by the clock, that why meepo is so successful in lower brackets, noobs dont know item timings, when we are vulnerable and we we are not, when will rosh be taken and split push executed. You are so random and that makes you easily dominated. Peopel at high MMR respect item timings and hero power creeps so when ever high MMR player is confused about what to do he just looks at thr game clock and sees who is against him and who is with him so he knows what to do. That apart from obviously mechanical skill and game knowledge is key difference between normal skill ajd VHS.

                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                              Supporting is needed but support heroes in low mmr might not be best heroes to pick. U can always sup with WK instead of SS etc.


                                                Just pick Riki, he is the closest thing to an auto win hero at the moment since Spectre finally got a substantial nerf for the first time in forever. Or if you insist on going mid then pick Zeus since he is a better mid hero. Only problem with Zeus is he can’t push towers so you have to rely on your team to try and do that.

                                                A while back when I used to play a lot more I made a couple of accounts to try to calibrate them super low - I found afking as riki or just going necrophos and hiding in the jungle with a shadow amulet when it was too boring and I wanted to tab out worked best.

                                                Even then having a 35% winrate, 200 average gpm and terrible KDA I calibrated the account at 1500 mmr - I have no idea how you calibrate lower. I would be able to easily win games even going broodmother jungle because the gold and level advantage that you can create when you are 2000+ mmr above your enemy is so big. Nowadays though I’m pretty bad since I barely play and they seem to have a new account thing where you play against more experienced people rather than brand new ones so you never get to see some of the dumb misplays new people make.


                                                  something something spectre zeus ah there we go
                                                  almost got worried

                                                  SASA POPOVIC

                                                    Implying Spectre nerf means anything on sub 4k MMR, even on above 4k mmr just means you cant first pick it and thats it reallly that nerf didnt do anything to the hero apart making it more trash to drow strats and you cant no longer escape with a dagger to some high cliff places to cheese TP to safety since linger duration is halved. Apart from that Spec is still doing her things as it did pre nerf.


                                                      Retard if you really just don't wanna be stucked in 1k just make a smurf and prove to us that you can be 3.5k in solo MMR.

                                                      '96 Neve Campbell

                                                        You guys need to stop missing the point of this thread. Ive been forced into a corner because of imbeciles like this play for fun guy (whose account is a mediocre smurf which dropped out of very high). The point of the thread was not to claim superiority over people in my bracket but instead to complain about how problematic winning is in a bracket where games are influenced more by smurfs and intentional feeders than actual skill! You all claim that I should be able to climb out of the bracket like im an ancient when that simply is not the case. I never claimed to be an ancient or a divine or anything. I merely said I have the understanding of a 3k player. You guys in general are above 3k and you sure as hell cant relate to the situation im posting about so you might as well take your retardation out somewhere else :)

                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                        play for fun

                                                          many people who posted in this thread actually played their way out of 1k bracket u dumb bitch, u act like ur entitled to 3k mmr, u arent, u suck and should stop seeking attention and approval cuz u wont find it here go cry on reddit or something

                                                          ps. i dont think a retard who cant win 1kmmr games despite supposedly years of exprience in dota has any right to judge anyones skill lmao

                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                          Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                                            lost my 16 win-streak, i feel sad. Help

                                                            '96 Neve Campbell

                                                              ps. i dont think a retard who cant win 1kmmr games despite supposedly years of exprience in dota has any right to judge anyones skill lmao
                                                              p.s i dont think a sad little forum troll who couldnt hack it in the vhs bracket has the right to judge anyones skill lmao.

                                                              Your constant shitspam screams attention seeker to me and your lack of understanding of the point of this topic reinforces the obvious, that you are indeed, a fuckwit.

                                                              play for fun

                                                                u do realize that new accounts have cap of 3500 meaning that if u calibrate u go back into hs anyway? well its not like u could ever do that yourself so i dont expect u to know lmao

                                                                '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                  u do realize that new accounts have cap of 3500 meaning that if u calibrate u go back into hs anyway? well its not like u could ever do that yourself so i dont expect u to know lmao
                                                                  a cap that applies to your skill in ranked games, yet even ur turbo matches arent vhs :))

                                                                  play for fun

                                                                    well yeah since i played 24 ranked games in hs this account is in hs now. but well since u insist here is a smurf acc where i practice my weakest heroes. dropping out u say?

                                                                    Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                                                      xD xdxD xdxD xdxD xdxD xdxD xdxD xdxD xdxD xdxD xdxD xdxD xdxD xdxD xdxD xdxD xdxD xdxD xdxD xdxD xd


                                                                        you know the really funny part about this for me, my party mmr is 2k under my solo mmr XD. You just need to get good, when you do you will go up in mmr, it does for everyone else how could you think that the system is singly targeting you out, anybody who has put practice and brainpower into dota has gone up. It's kind of like working out at the gym, theres no pill to instantly make you big even though you are working out the correct way, you have to keep going back to the gym and doing things the right way to ever get big. If you think about dota in the same way the only excuse for not going up is some kind of personal issue.

                                                                        SASA POPOVIC

                                                                          The point of the thread was not to claim superiority over people in my bracket but instead to complain about how problematic winning is in a bracket where games are influenced more by smurfs and intentional feeders than actual skill!

                                                                          But most of is here bought 1k smurf account and stomp through very easy, we didn't mind smurfs or feeders, because we play better, Cookie legit climbed from 1k MMR and now he is ranked in top 5k players on EU. He has multiple guides and actively helps players understand game better on his twitch and youtube channel.

                                                                          So yeah you are right we really dont understand whats so hard about winning 1k matches?

                                                                          Also if you eventually get good at the game yourself you will come back to this thread and laugh.

                                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                          Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                                                            I love this thread.

                                                                            '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                              But most of is here bought 1k smurf account and stomp through very easy, we didn't mind smurfs or feeders, because we play better
                                                                              And you are exactly the kind of blight im talking about. People like you who are clearly well above 4-5k who smurf meepo with a 90% win rate in low ranked games ruining the experience for other people. You are EXACTLY the problem that this thread is talking about. You would probably destroy 3ks in a ranked game and yet you go even lower as to ruin 1k lobbies and you bring people in that lobby further down unless they are on a 4-5k+ level.

                                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                              Suck my tiny curry dick

                                                                                Kys fucking wh0re

                                                                                SASA POPOVIC

                                                                                  No worries fam, 5k bracket has its own ammount of immortal smurfs and account buyers, trench never ends :laugh:

                                                                                  wes watson

                                                                                    You are a fucking cum


                                                                                      Honestly op just suck, on games and mindset alike, i hope it's not another han yolo jebaiting

                                                                                      '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                        So i took up the advice and made a smurf. Within 3 games I am in the high skill bracket... but hey im just 1k trash what would I know

                                                                                        also another example of me winning against legends/ancients --> but hey they are all probs shitty 1k players as well so what do I know

                                                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                                        SEA ranked #1 Feeder KEK

                                                                                          OP you are like me.. always getting carried by my cores in party rank. My solo is also crusader i am 2k so kinda better than you. I dont flame the system just try to git gud by hiding behind party rank.


                                                                                            I know exactly why. You are not dominating enough. You have a habit of winning by relying on your teammates. You need to learn to 1v9. I can do it easily in 1k with my best heroes. But recently I’ve been struggling with 50% winrate and experiencing everything you have.

                                                                                            Reason, not because 1k team is bad and impossible to carry. Because you are not playing like a 3k. Not dominating enough, being too passive. Giving enemy farm and hence becomes harder to end the game on your own. I find games become hard because I don’t know how to snow ball on a new hero to me. You like being the one out of position but relying on your teammates to turn things. Of course if you do that in 1k you just feed away all your early lead and your teammates won’t even know what happened and just flame you. Remember comeback mechanics are absolutely broken.

                                                                                            And then suddenly even 1ks can beat me if my team is shit and don’t rotate mid. But I don’t blame my shit team. I do dominate mid every game, but I should be 10 0 by 15 mins honestly.

                                                                                            My frustrating experience is that every other game you have an abandon. Crusaders are seriously mentally brain damaged. They are too casual to care to play-on when they have a hard timr

                                                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                              i agree, lower mmr are harder to win

                                                                                              Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                                                                                "also another example of me winning against legends/ancients --> but hey they are all probs shitty 1k players as well so what do I know"

                                                                                                Keep in mind that I've won games against divine 5/immortal player, with addition to raping them MID and snwoballing because of that.

                                                                                                It doesn't make me divine/immortla player, just like it doesn't make you Legend/Ancient player if you win against them.

                                                                                                Another thing that you don't understand is, that, if you que as 5 or even as 2, there's a good chance the "ancient" guy earned his medal by acctually playing party, aswell. Meaning that in theory, he could be 1k/2k,while having way higher badge than his solo-mmr.

                                                                                                Then again, even if that's not the case and you will eventually prove us wrong and you'll get out of 1k/2k mmr with time. Which could be true, but the way you defend yourself seems like like more the other way around. (that you will get stuck here in 1k mmr)

                                                                                                Also, Dota 2 is not linear, as I said several times. You can have some aspects of a 3k mmr player, but on some other aspects you might be for all I know 1k mmr.

                                                                                                This is why it's hard to determine someone's skill by just looking at raw stats. Some wins are just not relevant, because they happened under certain scenarios in which you had easier time for many reasons. For example, feeling comfortable around certain draft could be one of them.

                                                                                                To get back on topic, you might have map awarness of a 2k, decision making of a 1k, farming skills of a low 3k, hero pool and hero understanding of a 1k, laning of a 2.5k and so on - this is why sometimes it seems that you belong somewhere you want to belong, but in reality you actually just had easier time because requirements for winning certain match went hugly into your favor.

                                                                                                So what does a certain player make 3k, 4k or 6k isn't one thing - but many. And in order for you to actually see wheter or not you are indeed 3k, 4k or 5k - you're gonna have to climb your own way and prove yourself and us - wrong.

                                                                                                Because, you are not a special snowflake, so Valve and Ice frog won't make an exeception just for you so you can get your 3k the 'easier' way. Basically fair and correct way is climb your way up if you are better - if you are not, then, work on things you lack to get to the 3k MMR and it will happen over time.

                                                                                                Also, I'd sugest for anyone who's not capable of understanding concept of "helo hell" and bad team mates, to check out this video:

                                                                                                Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                                                play for fun

                                                                                                  high skill bracket? where?

                                                                                                  SASA POPOVIC

                                                                                                    I dont know why it is such a hard concept to grasp OP, if you cant win versus 1k YOU ARE A 1K!
                                                                                                    Seriously dude, your teammates are 1k but so are your opponents, thats it really, if you struggle you are where you belong.

                                                                                                    Look i won a match versus 2 top 5k players, you think that makes me top 5k?

                                                                                                    No it doesn't! Because im sitting at 46% div4 on my medal for 3 month and i win as much as i lose, is that teammates fault or mine?
                                                                                                    Do you think i should make a thread about valve giving me bad teammates that prevent me from entering top 5k for 3 months straight? Do you honestly think that's even possible?

                                                                                                    '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                                      high skill bracket? where?

                                                                                                      I am aware that for some reason the bracket that the site shows has changed to normal skill but it was definitely high skill when it first noted the match, I presume the next few games I play on that account will show as high skill as well. Refer to this screenshot of when the match was first parsed.