General Discussion

General Discussion5 Fastest farming heroes

5 Fastest farming heroes in General Discussion

    well zenoth is zenoth
    im 600 on average apparently with tb, one of my highest

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      Guiri- 4,5K like a semi pro.

      Quick maffs

        This guy has a bigger mmr than me ?

        I really should play ranked


          Allison- Who the fuck zenoth is? Some random noob who think that he is best dota 2 player in the world of wtf ??? Btw. what is zenoth mmr?

          GENGHIS KHAN

            Dorkly- Ahaha noob, what is your mmr?

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              4.5k like a semi pro...

              GENGHIS KHAN

                Guiri- And what is your mmr?


                  zenoth is ~5,5k i think? higher than you anyways

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                  Quick maffs

                    This guy is kind of funny

                    Zenoth was close to 6k if i am not mistaken

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                    "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                      I say tinker farms pretty fast and can just rearm and tp wherever he wants

                      GENGHIS KHAN

                        Dorkly- That Zenoth is some pro or wtf, is he going to TI4?

                        Quick maffs

                          Yes he is standin for Zephyr


                            gtfo u fat shit

                            GENGHIS KHAN

                              Dorkly- What is Zephyr?
                              regulator- Stfu retard.

                              kanye went to uni

                                All the players in Zephyr have names starting with 'Z', that's why Zenoth is in it.

                                GENGHIS KHAN

                                  lolwut- And Zephyr is some scrub team or they are good?


                                    I don't know if op is a troll or just retarded, but he sure knows how to make himself look stupid on the internet.


                                      Oh boys, you see that you are feeding troll.

                                      Fuck off asshole


                                        He's not a troll though.
                                        This can't be called troll, even though he may think he's joking around.

                                        This guy is mentally sick nevertheless of what he THINKS he's doing. Just don't let this retard get kids, for god sake. I dont want any kids to be raped by some mentally sick father.

                                        Get some pussycats man.


                                        Yes, pussycats.

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                                          What the hell is that? It looks delicious :3


                                            It's pussycats, or "lussekatter" in norwegian

                                            edit: It literally tastes heaven #Pussy

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                                              Seems that i will be cooking new thing today


                                                shit boy that looks good

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                                                kanye went to uni

                                                  Hey does anyone still play 2048? I broke the 100,000 highscore mark recently.


                                                    Is this all in one thread? :3

                                                    also, how the hell you managed to get to 100.000? :O


                                                      200 g smør
                                                      7 dl melk
                                                      2 g safran eller 2 til 3 teskjeer gurkemeie
                                                      50 gjær, fersk (eller en pose tørrgjær)
                                                      2 dl sukker
                                                      0,25 ts salt
                                                      2 ts kardemomme
                                                      16 dl hvetemel
                                                      vispet egg til pensling
                                                      rosiner til pynt

                                                      This is the recipe. Now you can use google translate to figure out what this means in english.

                                                      You can also figure out how to do it by translating this:

                                                      Slik gjør du det:
                                                      Denne oppskriften på lussekatter gir 40-45 stk.
                                                      Smelt smør i en kasserolle og tilsett melk. Varm til 37 ºC og tilsett safran. Smuldre gjær i en bakebolle og hell litt av den fingervarme deigvæsken over, rør ut gjæren før resten av væsken tilsettes. Ha i sukker, salt og mesteparten av hvetemelet. Arbeid sammen til en glatt deig.
                                                      Dekk bakebollen med plast og sett til heving i ca 40 min, eller lenger, til deigen omtrent har doblet seg.
                                                      Ha deigen over på et bakebord og del i biter. Form til lussekatter eller forskjellige figurer og legg på et bakepapirkledt stekebrett.
                                                      Dekk med et klede og etterhev ca 50 min. Trykk rosiner til pynt på de ferdighevede figurene og pensle med sammenpisket egg. Stek i midt i varm stekeovn, 225 ºC i 10-12 min. Avkjøl på rist.
                                                      Tips: Søte lussekatter, pensle de ferdig stekte lussekattene med smør og dypp i eller strø på sukker.
                                                      Deigen kan også formes til en kringle. Sett lys i kringlen ved servering.

                                                      Now, have fun making amazing pussycats.

                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                        how? that game just frustrated me.

                                                        I'm 4.7k solo 5.4k party if you're still interested.

                                                        Zephyr is a pro team you fucking moron.


                                                          Guiri, you know he's a mental sick retard who thinks he's joking/trolling around. Just fuck that guy, and don't even care about him.

                                                          kanye went to uni

                                                            I got a 8192 square and a 4096 square ... I think. I actually refreshed out of disgust at a perfectly avoidable mistake which cost me the game so all I have is the highscore screenshot :(

                                                            idk how to link images so here's an imgur link:


                                                              @b u t t e r b o y s

                                                              Ye, i found on google recipe, now i just need few things, and making of this can start :p


                                                                LOL 100k HIGHSCORE I BARELY GOT 17k


                                                                  damnnnn, but how? I think I got 1024 once


                                                                    MY HS IS 11K! WHY AM I SO BAD?

                                                                    kanye went to uni

                                                                      It's all about playing mass games bro. I now have pretty much a protocol for every situation of tiles I encounter. It's what happens when Facebook is blocked in China.


                                                                        Have fun! Tastes good m8.


                                                                        Also, it's better having some nice type of sugar upon instead of this black things I don't know whats called in englsih, but called rosiner in norwegian. (not regular sugar, but some type of sugar I don't remember whats calleld)


                                                                          It's what happens when Facebook is blocked in China.



                                                                            meh, i'd rather stick to doto then. all I ever really did is let my fingers dance on the arrow keys and hope for the best

                                                                            GENGHIS KHAN

                                                                              b u t t e r b o y s- Shut up you fucking piece of shit useless cunt asshole retard noob scrub.
                                                                              Guiri- I am fucking pro you stupid retard asshole noob moron.

                                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                              kanye went to uni

                                                                                I'm a 6k 2048 player.

                                                                                GENGHIS KHAN

                                                                                  lolwut- Today is year 2014 not 2048 tard.


                                                                                    Bogi? Hael?

                                                                                    Or some new asshole?

                                                                                    Edit : after reading his comment about year, i can confirm, we got new retard. Nor Bogi, nor Hael is THIS retarded.

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                                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                                      Well my highest gpm is doom easily. Midas + devour, so much extra gold.

                                                                                      Highest in theories are what everyone mentioned- luna, np, tinker, tb, meepo, naga, anti mage all at various points of the game. But sven? SVEN?!? Guy is weak, just cus he has a cleave, unless you stack tons of ancients and clear them with ult poppin' I don't see how he outfarms anyone else on that list. Go to heroes tab, sven is ~25th for average gpm and cs/min. Obviously it's all matches so it's not top theoretical gpm, but the list isn't that surprising with top 10 gpm np, alch, sf, doom, void, luna, dusa, am, pl, naix. Sf- dem razes! and most voids go battlefury farming builds to be just like anti mage. Only sorta surprising one to me is naix in top 10 but he is easily jungled and most pubs don't contest jungle farm at all.

                                                                                      Top cs a min is pretty much the same list but with more passive farmers higher and fighters lower like am and void flipped, alch a lot lower cus he gets less cs but makes more out of them with greevils.



                                                                                        kanye went to uni

                                                                                          Actually to get 2048 all you have to do is make sure your highest number remains in a corner and shift numbers towards it. The longer it goes the more chance for it to go wrong though, so you kinda have to know damage control tactics which to be honest I don't think I consciously know. My fingers have like a mind of their own when I play 2048. I'm a fucking octopus.


                                                                                            "Today is year 2014 not 2048 tard."

                                                                                            ^I laughed


                                                                                              Na. After reading that year comment, this is a troll.


                                                                                              also, the amount of insults he tried to throw into one sentence...

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                                                                                                Meepo. /thread


                                                                                                  ignoring all the trolling, I am curious why no one mentioned Enigma? He isnt a carry, but he can farm just as fast as the mid when he has the jungle.


                                                                                                    Naga is one of the fastest farmers, atleast on competitive. Until Excalibur popped out his Meepo, Naga was the hero with the highest LH at 30 min mark, which was near 400 if i'm not wrong.


                                                                                                      The guy is from southamerica, what can you expect. 4k hours of Dota and he still doesn't know why naga was played as a support.

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