General Discussion

General DiscussionTop 5 most underrated heroes?

Top 5 most underrated heroes? in General Discussion

    Well i'm sat in the university library researching my dissertation and i need something to keep me from going insane so i'm on here haha this will help me chill so i don't just give up on my work and go home. I always see the same heroes get picked but i'm curious if you feel certain heroes should be picked more and if they are truly underrated. I say this because i always get shit for picking what people in pub matches call "shit heroes" and i genuinely don't think they are crap but simply underrated and they aren't picked because everybody always feels the need to pick Phantom Assassin or BloodSeeker or Pudge, Sniper, Drow Ranger, Faceless Void, Slark or Riki. So i'm curious what you guys think the top 5 most underrated heroes are and why. I'm an amateur player so nothing serious, just some lighthearted conversation whilst i'm doing my uni work :)

    1. Visage
    2. Clockwerk
    3. Treant Protector
    4. Ancient Apparition
    5. Morphling

    Feel free to disagree with the 5 that i've chosen haha :)


      bristleback and pheonix imo

      Welt aus Eis

        none of the heroes you listed is underrated, actually most of them appear frequently in pro matches and pubs if you're 4k+

        some underrated heroes in the current meta: undying, axe, naix, warlock

        Tento komentář byl upraven

          sometimes i pick axe and i dunk


            True phoenix is really underrated i agree there

            @Rofl like i said i'm amateur, i never see the 5 i picked get played in my games and Axe always gets picked, but i agree with Undying and Warlock to be fair


              1 Undiyng
              2 Io
              3 Visage
              4 Earth Spirit
              5 Beastmaster


                @EfextoideSpirit agreed that Undying is super underrated i did consider him in my top 5 considering i really like playing with him. Wisp i feel is underrated considering the role a Wisp can play when paired with a hard carry or tank. Earth Spirit i don't get at all, call me thick but i find playing effectively with him really difficult but i love Visage he's such a simple hero to use but can be so effective in the laning stage if he is used correctly. Beastmaster is a strange pick for me because i don't really see him every get chosen, i think he's ok but i would agree that to somebody could use him effectively he would be considered underrated. :)


                  i got something stuck in my teeth and i cant get it out..
                  any advice?


                    Brewmaster is really powerful, a total bitch to lane against, and has an Ultimate that's really powerful if used right, while still being safe if used wrong. Pros give him the attention he deserves, but he's not picked all that often in pubs. Maybe they find his abilities boring, because I can't think of any other reason.


                      Brewmaster is so good, against hardcarrys like PA, yea, I don't figure why isn't picked in pubs

                      edit: Maybe is the lategame, average pub games tend to go to the lategame, who BM is weak

                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                        @Chains can use my foot if you like, ill boot them out. Advise given problem solved. Have a nice day :)

                        @Pingram92 i hate Brewmaster haha he's a right twat to lane against and plus im rubbish with him myself which is even worse but i genuinely don't think he is underrated, he's a good hero but when i think of underrated he never springs to mind but correct that's probably because he's picked a lot in professional matches :)


                          No one mentioned brewmaster being bad.


                            Elder titan
                            Death Prophet


                              @iwin4arka to be fair i did say i hated him hahaha

                              @RomanSionis i was gonna put elder titan in my top 5 but ive only played woth him once so i can't offer much of an opinion haha no way you think faceless void is underrated.. he must be picked in 80% of all pub games played haha but skywrath mage is a strange one because i'm not sure if he is underrated but more undervalued in the team when he is picked :)


                                @cookie it is spelled " advice "


                                  I remember a topic like this from 9plasm i think buuut

                                  Oracle? (Cuz hes pretty new so ofc)

                                  Edit: oh wait you're 9plasm loool

                                  Tento komentář byl upraven
                                    Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem
                                    kanye went to uni

                                      i still think jakiro's underrated even if he's been picked a lot more than he used to be; if he people appreciated him as much as he deserves, he should be picked every pub game. whatever lane he's in, no matter how hard he or his lane buddy feeds, he is absolutely guaranteed steady harass on the enemy farmer and an early tower.


                                        undying and elder titan are so strong, agreed 100%.



                                          Toothpicks are por freaks, so you should use your own tongue to get whatever delicious thing got stuck in your teeth out of them, becuase I'm hoping it is delicious food products that you are placing in your mouth that are getting stuck.

                                            Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem


                                              and those 5 make decent team as well

                                              I dont count Elder titan, Enchantres, Visage, Chen and Wisp there since those are situational, ether for good microing players or if you are in party.

                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                i do think jakiro is underrated even though he gets picked quite a bit in the pro games

                                                @Muhicz i wanted to update it since mine have changed since ive played with more heroes but i think i kept treant since i think he is still underrated

                                                @mekarazium great to know somebody else thinks clockwerk is underrated


                                                  @Yeknhap i dont include chen or enchantress in anything haha i hate them both but i really like visage


                                                    none of these are underrated imo


                                                      Underrated by whom?

                                                      In the context of pubs, based on pick rate vs win rate, these are in my opinion the most overrated and underrated heroes:

                                                      OVERRATED (all 45% or lower win rates and top 25% pick rates)
                                                      Legion Commander
                                                      Bounty Hunter
                                                      Nature's Profit

                                                      UNDERRATED (all over 50% win rate and bottom 25% pick rates)
                                                      Elder Titan
                                                      Treant Protector

                                                      Of course this isn't perfectly accurate, some people know that Warlock is good in pubs but just don't like playing him, for instance. And this is across the board for all pub games, in different stratas these heroes would be slightly different (like in Very High games, Skywrath's pick rate is way higher but his win rate sucks still; or in Normal games Invoker isn't as popular, although his win rate is still garbage).


                                                        In pubs

                                                        1. Techies
                                                        2. Brood
                                                        3. CK
                                                        4. Undying

                                                        Can't really think of a 5th off the top of my head

                                                        Pom Pom 🍕

                                                          I still don't understand how Zeus isn't a common pick/ban. Even as support he can easily have as much or close damage impact as a hard carry without putting himself much in danger because of his long range skills. And lightning bolt being point target now means he can deward or invis check (against mirana ult for example) for free. He might be squishy and mediocorely fast, but with a single mobility item like force or blink he can easily kite around without being touched since lightning bolt has 700-1075 range and arc lightning has 850 range.


                                                            most of these heroes aren't underrated. its stupid to look at it within the context of all pub games because the amount of people that have no idea how to play makes that data useless.

                                                            Some of these heroes aren't considered weak, but not appropriate in the current meta (in terms of laning/synergy+counter other top picks)

                                                            @pomi, he is picked, but where do you lane him? Mid so the other mid gets free farm and denies 2cs every wave? Offlane so their carry free farms and zeus is extremely vulnerable and can't do anything if they decide to pull? Zeus definitely has a lot going for him which is why he is picked, but a lot of things against him which limit his viability.


                                                              1. Brood mother
                                                              2. Terrorblade
                                                              3. Antimage
                                                              4. Undying.
                                                              5. Techies

                                                              By the way how many pages is your thesis, just finished mine recently :D


                                                                1. Sven
                                                                2. Earth Shaker
                                                                3. Any hero with a stun
                                                                4. Phantom Lancer
                                                                5. Troll Warrior


                                                                  @Spuuky do you genuinely think Brewmaster is underrated? its hard for me to think he is when i compare him to heroes like Bane, Morphling, Medusa and Broodmother who are actually good heroes but never get picked (when i say compare i don't mean these heroes are like him just in context of being underrated or not) :)

                                                                  @dole No way you put Phantom Lancer in there haha i think he's more overrated for what he actually does but i agree with Sven, Sven can bring so much but the other hard carries are always picked over him

                                                                  @86 so glad that another person feels broodmother is underrated, even though obviously her damage output is quite poor she has fantastic tower pushing capability and she can be a great support for a hard carry with a stun :D

                                                                  @Pomi Zeus ive played alot against considering all the time i've spent in limited heroes but even then he wasn't really picked, from what i get from Zeus is he is a good hero in both theory and practice but when i've asked about him people just say he is a boring hero and i kinda agree that he is boring but there is no denying what he brings to the table and i think he can be a good choice or backup choice in most situations

                                                                  @Messiah NO. do not put techies in there hahaha to be fair when fighting for the rune at the beginning its easy for techies to grab first blood and true he can do insane amounts of damage but once you start warding he becomes useless. I think Undying has won this though haha almost everybody has mentioned him. I haven't started my solid draft yet for my thesis but i start it next week, its expected to be between 8-10 thousand words :)

                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    Sniper and beast master off the top of my head. A good beast who scouts and uses his ult effectively can be an awesome ganker, good pusher. A good sniper can easily clear waves and push towers from a huge distance with shrapnel. Most sniper go glass cannon and just die, do no tower dmg.


                                                                      @Timberwolf i agree that beastmaster would be great if more people picked him but more importantly learned how to use him effectively in team fight and on his own, the only reason i dont value sniper or think he is underrated is because everybody picks hi and i genuinely feel there is no skill to playing with him, i find him really boring and most of the sniper players i play with or against all do the same thing all the time :)


                                                                        Elder Titan
                                                                        and CK. I haven't seen them for a long long time.


                                                                          @Deus got beat by a broodmother the other day haha touchy topic


                                                                            ^ This is a virus do not click!


                                                                              1. Kunkka.
                                                                              2. Warlock.
                                                                              3. Axe.
                                                                              4. Clinkz.
                                                                              5. Omniknight.


                                                                                @4cores=0wards Kunkka is really underrated especially a Kunkka with a shadow blade and good timing, he can farm like crazy too once he gets leveled up. Axe and Clinkz though i don't think are underrated since Axe gets quite a lot in the games i'm in and i may be the only one who thinks this but i feel Clinkz is well overrated and slightly irritating haha. Omnikinght i feel sorry for these players because in the game they do so much for the team especially with his ultimate but he is always pushed aside when it comes to pushing lanes or getting kills, i feel he is largely used only when the team want him to step up which i feel undermines his true ability so yeah i'd agree he is largely underrated :)


                                                                                  I wasn't talking about pubs.

                                                                                  W4RSH4W monster

                                                                                    Lina, I don't know why she isnt on tournaments. she can burst 1k damage after scepter, could be helpful in early game through ganks, and can be a lategame carry


                                                                                      ^Yeah I play Leshrac a lot and man...Lina just feels like a better Leshrac sometimes...great vs PA too

                                                                                      Best Damn Squire

                                                                                        Dragon Knight, hes a good hero for any strat against any strat. He is out performed by Razor and DP though.


                                                                                          @Mutedfortherestofmy i played with lina for the first time the other day and i really liked it, i think she's a great hero

                                                                                          @CGRM Dragon knight is one of those heroes i wish i was really good with, my last match with him i won but i dothink he's really underrated


                                                                                            I agree with AA. And also put kotl and sb in the list


                                                                                              thanks man i really think ancient apparition is underrated especially an AA with Aghanims Scepter (spelled that wrong haha) he can be so useful on his own he can defend towers and his ultimate is a fantastic initiator, also tanks and hard carry heroes get greedy and pin point him for a quick kill which if capitalized on can leas to the carry or tank being killed instead. He's a great hero :)

                                                                                              NIKAD MAJNOVALA!

                                                                                                1. Puck
                                                                                                2. Huskar, guy is amazing
                                                                                                3. Pugna
                                                                                                4. Elder Titan, good one, semi carry old-school DotA build
                                                                                                5. Terrorblade


                                                                                                  I played aa so many times as a 5 supp buying all sentries observers. He is great a hero to finish heroes that are tanky and stop them from regenerating hp. And also he makes the best situation out of no situation. The only thing you can contribute in a team fight is land a SS accurately directly to their core heroes. Hitting others is a bonus


                                                                                                    @ShredyoutoBits i used to love playing with puck but when i saw how the pro teams played with her i was kinda put off since it dawned on me how good puck can be and i was totally getting it wrong haha Pugna is great for most players of all different stages, he can be useful all the way to the end with his ultimate but other supports like Enigma are always chose instead of him he really is underrated. I think TerrorBlade use to be underrated but not so much now, don't see him much on the pro scene but he is still a good hero and i find the same with Elder Titan but Huskar i can't stand he is good but i find he has no skill to him at all he jumps the heals then runs away, i really dislike the hero but then again its down to personal preference :)

                                                                                                    AA is a good hero i'd chose him anyday over most other supports that people pick, if you can play with him effectively then i think you should he really is a great hero to learn and play with, you can have more fun once you get the hang of him :)

                                                                                                    NIKAD MAJNOVALA!

                                                                                                      Playing Huskar at his full potential is hard job. Trust me.

                                                                                                      He is scary hero if played right.

                                                                                                      Same goes for puck. People can't phase shift/dagger with him, they make tons of mistakes with him. One of the biggest mistakes is going for gank or rusing Dagon without having Blink.

                                                                                                      Aswell, playing him as support or oflaner is wrong.