General Discussion

General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion
lm ao

    Nice, no 200 GPM 0 12 0 alchemist here.

    Although he needs a serious buff.


      Nice to see a support with some support items left at the end of the game esp. in Normal skill.

      A well played game and great item build for the team you're playing against

      Mighty Fungal Cap

        Not sure if it was a low prio game with the radiant team with intentionally feeding, but you pretty much stomped this game and you didn't die a single time.

        Bad Intentions

          you did your thing with riki man, good job. its just that once that PA got mkb, its all over from there. you did what you had to do.


            quick and painless stomp, all the lanes got fed.


              Riki got fed. Guessing you guys didnt get a gem till it was already too late.
              Bloodstone was a bad item, and generally is on her, imo. A bkb coulda helped that game imo (Cancels riki's diffu manaburn among other things.)
              Skadi would have been good, so would a manta to purge the blind off yourself after troll uses axes. Not entirely sure why you got a diffusal that game though. To cancel troll ult? If it was to self purge the debuffs they could use on you, manta was better.

              Tento komentář byl upraven

                Nice TA snowball all around. Could've gotten a higher amount of lasthits


                  Incredible Bloodseeker game, more last hits than I could dream of and amazing KDA ratio too, very WP.


                    you get safelane or mid?
                    most lower damage on your team (<10k) and bad gpm too
                    i though this game gonna 4 vs 5

                    io / abaddon the mvp this game


                      Had to mid against lesh, horrible time but couldn't convince allies to swap or gank, after that they just deathballed us to victory.
                      Nice ES game, I would prefer aghs and let necro or rubick get the greaves IMHO

                      Night 夜

                        2nd highest hero/tower damage on your team, nice stats on the ES. WP


                          717 GPM pretty nice, didn't even ate the Moon shard and won in a pretty stompy way, well played dude, I can't make use of Radiance WK, maybe I should watch your game..!

                          puni puni butt UWU

                            top td and hd on team, pretty good for roaming. i think maybe if u got hex or euls earlier u couldve done better vs slark and storm? idk im not the best player myself so idk.


                              Nice match, surprise factor is the difference in your dmg dealt to heroes vs towers, as a tinker I would think they'd be closer together than in this case (almost a 20k difference), then again i don't play much tinker so it's hard for me to say. Would be a fun one to watch!!


                                ar matchmaking

                                good tower damage and try to rat
                                but no necronomicon is flat i guess
                                well they have necro aghanim and good positioning wyvern

                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                  Good old 6.83 jugger. You pretty much had the right lineup against their heaveliy farm dependent team. But I guess that invoker was supporting which is questionable xd..

                                  Dagoth Ur

                                    ty gyro for ez game commend for watching it happen

                                    casual gamer

                                      successful euls blink farm vacuum

                                      probably helps that they have no good mid hero


                                        Typical OP tusk game, great KDA ratio and contributed greatly to team victory.


                                          AM Game, team lost up a lot early on. Team needs to be able to play around the AM generally. Here the enemy team pretty much crushed them all early on, and snowballed to a point where you couldn't carry them yourself.
                                          Itemwise, Id say you needed to get maybe an abyssal over the heart or bkb. (or by replacing the bkb, if 5 sec, as they lack any real lockdown. Only silences which you could remove with manta.)

                                          Need to get the jump off on drow and kill her off at the start of an engagement imo.

                                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                                          Mos Likely

                                            Strong TA game mate! Good Hero damage, KDA, GPM.

                                            Looks like mid got thoroughly outplayed.

                                            casual gamer

                                              85 minute game where the team with no "real" carry wins (just a shitton of antipush + np)

                                              idk why you went abyssal instead of refresh though, maybe to stop mag thru bkb?


                                                You got memed pretty hard, I don't think WK was a good pick against their lineup.

                                                Night 夜

                                                  Finally an Abaddon that didn't go full retart full carry build.
                                                  Higher HD than Luna, showed some love for solar crest which is a really good item.


                                                    Crits on storm is new to me =D all gucci tho!


                                                      Nice scores overall, but seeing your last few games and the impact of your teammates, it looks like you are stacking with people considerably worse than you :P


                                                        they're my roomates lol. they're 4k mmr tho so its a good starting bracket. never played wyrv but your healing looks low for your impact, maybe dotabuff doesnt count cold embrace?


                                                          Yeah, Cold Embrace is not counted as hero healing by DB. If I didn't build that Mek, my score there would be 0.

                                                          Funny thing is Clockwerk would have died a lot less if I hadn't been playing with 300 ping :P



                                                            You had a mek on WW which is fundementally fine, But it looks like either you got it to late to be worth it or the nature of your hero which is one who sits on the outside of fights that made it worthless

                                                            you had a mere 1.6k hero healing with a mek which is a large AoE heal. Perhaps next time skip it even though it "helps the team" a glimmer cape or a force might have been better, or even save up a little more and get the pipe which is far better against gyro and veno then mek is..

                                                            That being said you still won so its not a huge deal :p

                                                            Or even get a euls to disrupt sb and wd :p

                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                              Wraith King must have been super sad to lose the game with a rapier in his inventory, I feel like undying aghs hardly even does anything, and Luna built Satanic as one of her three items in a super long game against Ancient Apparition. Treant's skillbuild kind of makes me gag as does ancient apparition. You placed bombs and bombs blew up

                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                              Gawr Gura

                                                                The nobody dies combination of dazzle + treant is a tricky strat to navigate. thus the stomp. ggwp for being a tryhard :D


                                                                  Seems like a close-ish~ game. LOTS of kills across the board. Match was over an hour long.
                                                                  A 10 sec bkb in the late game (Or a pipe early on for your team) vs that lineup would have been better than a second shivas, but you still won, so its all good.


                                                                    You carried an entire team against an AM... Jesus Christ how did they even lose with that amount of farm and XP? And AM for some reason did not have a Butterfly.

                                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                    Optimus Drip

                                                                      you really needed 6 less assists for that abbdon game. it would have made everything perfect in my world


                                                                        You got memed a lot by Blink TA and Shadow blade Ursa I guess. Though, it shouldn't have been that lopsided since their heroes aren't that great for de-mining, only Mirana has 600 range. Must be painful when your carry Void went for that build.

                                                                        Optimus Drip

                                                                          ta is bad at (DE)mining.yep.

                                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                          Gawr Gura

                                                                            you died alot but still contributed. so wp :D


                                                                              Nice team effort. Must be an enjoyable game.


                                                                                good kill participation for medusa, and tower damage but i think you could have more cs with mjollnir m8 :smile:


                                                                                  - Raining

                                                                                  Not much to say here, they had a lot of ranged units you were techies makes the game harder by default...

                                                                                  your team also had literally 4 dumpster heros... Alch and TB are actually awful heros, Kunkka is good in proper hands, and SD is pretty poor with out a good reason to have him.. (though i like the hero..)

                                                                                  Just a hard game, i think i would have tried to get a force perhaps to counter their range and force them into the mines, but euls is good to, just a shitty game to be a techies

                                                                                  And to piggyback your comment on that guys dusa game.. especially with that hard farming build he should have had more cs yikes

                                                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                    rapier gyro like a real man. Also your io had same damage as sven and drow? i mean io does more dmg that people think but this just looks like the classical noob team that you have to put on your back and carry.


                                                                                      yeah i had to mid gyro... it was some sketchy shit dude, the random (to me! i didnt know the guy!) Wisp played better then i thought he would have and my newish friend on tusk for his first time on the hero fed less then i expected, so all in all it worked out!

                                                                                      but yeah, idk how that game was HS bracket it felt normal through and through. Alch wondering why he got dumpstered mid etc etc.. ahhh dota 2. -.-


                                                                                        Bs did his job. He stomped

                                                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                          @greatlubu tusk is pretty hard to play very well, you guys should do the same heroes and lane together lol, snowball into rocket barrrage is just too much dmg for most lanes.

                                                                                          @grasshopper good support sky. 81% winrate and you play mostly supports? thats honestly impressive.

                                                                                          OUT BUYING CIGARETTES

                                                                                            Good name indeed, i suppose having a lich (in the same lane? can't see on your last game) means easy win on your lane. ( great stomping tho)


                                                                                              Nice jugger play top stats all around


                                                                                                perfect game with drow

                                                                                                Night 夜

                                                                                                  Nice hero and tower damage, even though it seems like you didn't have it ez that game

                                                                                                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                                    Not the best Lesh game. Try going Eul after BS when you're ahead. Not this game tho.

                                                                                                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                                      @ nightmare

                                                                                                      No mercy Spec. Great KDA.

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!