General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy isn't Warcraft movie like the cinematics?

Why isn't Warcraft movie like the cinematics? in General Discussion
Totentanz to The King: M ...

    I mean animated. It's way better than real life tbh.

    не говори по РУ

      Have you seen the +18 WoW content? I don't


        It could be because it takes more money to make REAL FOOTAGE + CGI look appealing (as with movies) compared to JUST CGI, as it was the case with their games. They don't want to fully commit their resources because it's their first project in the movie market (high risk - high reward).

        This could be bullshit though because your perception is subjective and doesn't correspond to what others see bla-bla, but it seems like the most logical explanation.

        Tento komentář byl upraven

          that would be pretty damn costy i believe


            It a mix-up, sort of like avatar, using element or IRL with CGI. Its got a good look to it and I think that them dodging the WC3 storyline was a good call for a first film cause they could upset a lot of angry fan gays with as many opinions as chins.


              ^with more chins than opinions


                I read that it takes a really REALLY long time for Blizzard to make those cinematics, like over half a year for 3 minutes of animation.


                  Well yes. Some of the old cartoons. (e.g. the bible one) took 1 year to do a 10 minute scene. Technology has improved but so has the demand for more realistic look CGI. Blizzard have pumped more money into this than Avatar *afaik* so I wouldn't be expecting anything less then a modern brussed CGI'd look and feel.


                    not rly related but while we talk about realistic graphics look at this


                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      I think the quality of WC3 cinematics is totally fine and enough and I don't think it would cost THAT MUCH, considering we are 13 years ahead in time. Like, did you see the last WoW cinematic (Legion)? It doesn't even look that much better.


                        @eight thousand dicks
                        you can have super amazing real-life-like graphics on paper, but you don't actually know if it works or not, you just have a tiny fraction of the real thing.

                        The gallery is exactly this, just photos / screenshots, that literally don't mean shit.

                        He put a youtube link at the end of the gallery and there is a GTA video lol.
                        If it's a real mod, I just imagine him running the game @10 fps, which could be the reason as to why he has 70 images and not a single video.

                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                          @sam I think it's more a stylistic thing rather than not improving graphically.


                            In truth, it was i who was betrayed. Still im hunted. Still im hated. Now my blind eyes see what others can not. That sometimes the hand of fate must be forced!
                            Now go forth, unleash the tides of doom, upon all those.. who would oppose us.

                            What are you doing my son??

                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              Succeeding you, father!


                                supposedly (is that even a word?) the video is using the same stuff to improve the graphics as in those star wars images
                                and it works pretty fine i'd say

                                though it's not for people like me who can't even run the first Witcher on more than 20 fps, kek.


                                  Chris Metzen mentioned that the film would be action-packed and violent, stating "we're definitely not going to make a G or a PG version of this. It's not PillowfightCraft.

                                  - Source:

                                  Also quality Blizzard animation is way more expensive than their live actors and some CGI or whatever they're using.


                                    I've never really done any animating myself, but a common problem with 3D animating is getting things to interact realistically. Often in games the characters clothes clip with other objects and when they pick up things, it might not look like they're holding it properly. This is okay for a game, but not so much for a movie.



                                      the realm's delight

                                        the realm's delight

                                          moneys the motivation

                                          the realm's delight


                                              yeee son


                                                the realm's delight

                                                  the realm's delight

                                                    the realm's delight


                                                        This music is f*ckin horrible m9s


                                                          that makes us horrible people i guess 4head


                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                              ^you changed the song cuz the thumbnail guy looked pretty gay, right?


                                                                ye blonde one looked like a h0mo :)

                                                                the realm's delight

                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                    The fuck have you done to my beautiful thread? Also, they delayed the release just so it won't collide with Star Wars, that means they expect a nice box-office.


                                                                      It means nothing, they delayed release date more times than i have fed in pubs.


                                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                          Not really, the filming ended in 2014. Anyway, no matter how bad it is, I will go so who cares.

                                                                          the realm's delight

                                                                            fuck the movie
                                                                            i pray to god the next wow expansion will make the game better.. even tho its very unlikely
                                                                            i remember in early wotlk i would play 24/7 damn those were the days


                                                                              really nothing came close to being as fun as playing WoW 24/7 with irl friends during tbc / wotlk days
                                                                              well maybe portal 2 co-op :)


                                                                                wotlk was 2/3 of what tbc was and cata just flatout ruined the game

                                                                                the realm's delight

                                                                                  id still play cata over wod tho.. just because there were more players

                                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                    I never played WoW, how does it even work? Don't the guys playing on TBC and WotLK play on the same server? What's the deal with expansions? Can't they simply release patches?


                                                                                      people pay a monthly subscription fee in order to play WoW on Blizzard's designated servers
                                                                                      we're gonna call those people --> official playerbase

                                                                                      expansions --> big chunks of content, you have to pay additional $ to access an expansion once it is released

                                                                                      the official playerbase can only play the game on the LATEST EXPANSION released by Blizzard (similar to how you can only play matchmaking on the latest patch in Dota 2)
                                                                                      the only difference is that Blizzard makes you pay for the expansion (new patch)

                                                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                        the people playing TBC / WOTLK / [any other previous expansion] are playing on private servers, meaning that they can only interact with a limited number of players that are playing on the same server (private servers are outside of Blizzard's infrastructure)

                                                                                        people playing on private servers don't have to pay any money for access though

                                                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                                        the realm's delight

                                                                                          @sam they do release patches too, usually to add more raids and add new pvp seasons, along with some tweaks to each class and bug fixes etc. but usually the last patch before the new expansion lasts forever, i believe pre-wod mop pvp season lasted for like 4-5 months, thats when i quit because it got really fucking boring. i havent played tbc, or at least i dont remember to have played it because i was pretty young, but wotlk was such a fun time especially when playing with friends, and it wasnt even as great as tbc/vanilla.. the game was something different back then, it was harder to play, both pve and pvp, more grinding harder mechanics etc. after wotlk they slowly casualized the game and lost a lot of subs. now if they make the game as it was all the casuals will probably quit too because they are people with jobs etc and cant afford to spend the amount of time it takes to get stuff done in the game (i told u i played 24/7 in wotlk)

                                                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                            This is such a greedy shit by Blizzard. How do people even let them get away with shit like this?


                                                                                              i will buy a glock and will nOt let them get away with it

                                                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                                                you don't have to buy the expansions but you get stuck and can't see certain content. I quit about a month after cataclysm so I'll use that as an example. In cataclysm they redid all the existing terrain so you could log in and still see content from cata. But you couldn't level past old cap of 80 without buying expansion. So you couldn't really do the new higher lvl zones.

                                                                                                In wrath and burning crusade the new content was actually on a completely different continent so you couldn't even zone in without the expansion.

                                                                                                They get away with it cus they always have. When wow launched subs were quite common for online games. They all had subs. Free to play only got big recently. Almost all the old sub games have gone that route or at least have free to play options like star wars republic, elder scrolls online, but wow has always been big enough they can keep the subs. And to be honest, wows servers and content has always been the best of the bunch so you kind of get what you pay for. There aren't many if any bugs, content comes out quick enough. The stuff people bitch about is just making the game more casual. It's catered to the individual now so you lose the sense of community. When you absolutely had to know 4 other people in game to do a hard dungeon with you would seek out people and make a guild, socialize and stuff. You might spam lfg in trade chat in stormwind, but once you found a good group you added to friends and keep returning to play with same people. But people bitched cus it took too long and left new players out, and players got too elitist sometimes, it was really hard to start up as a new guy. Now you just queue with randoms. You can't friend em cus they're on different servers. Now you don't even grind gear in dungeons, you get tokens as currency and buy it so everyone eventually gets crap. They killed the reliance on teammates and killed off the community.