General Discussion

General DiscussionMechanical Skill vs Game Knowledge

Mechanical Skill vs Game Knowledge in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Red an interesting tidbit in reddit while back. Dey sey u can never dominate via game knowledge but only tru sheer mech skill.

    Wat do u guise think bout this? Is d game really 80% mech skills 20% game knowledge?



      Both matters equally.

      Being good at one of them while being bad at the other is like being good at kicking a football but you have no idea how to move around during a game so u never get to kick it properly


        Hyhy once explained the difference between dota and lol and I find it true, dota relies on strategy on the most part whereas lol is purely about landing those skill shots


          just like ywn said.

          even you have a good game knowledge and understand every aspect and detail of the game, if you can't execute it properly because of the mechanical skills like reaction time, reflex time, movement of the eyes. and many more. it's all the same.

          you have good game knowledge but no mechanics skills brings you to the 2k Theorycrafting

          good mechanical skills but no game knowledge bring you to blind 3k-4k that understand nothing.


            @87 from 25/3 you couldnt be more right. I used to play alot LoL, not much anymore, however ive gotten carpel tunnel so many times from that game, but normally the team with higher APM and more Q's landed wins. There isnt any summons or overwhelm champions so there isnt much of a push style to the game. In Dota from what ive noticed is that mechanics dont matter if you dont know how to push towers and teamfight correctly or simply stay in position.

            Bruce Willis

              what does mechanical skill means exactly ? Can someone explain it ? Pls I am noob. I have some game knowledge and some sense too.

                Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem
                Your Wife's Boyfriend

                  mechanical skill in dota, thats not starcraft. ofc game knowledge is far more valuable like even LoL is lot more mechaskill dependent. Like there are those 3.5k-4k guys who have 9k games, you can learn all the mechanics x10 for so much time in-game

                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                    Mechanical skill is things like last hitting, reaction time, camera control, landing abilities, landing item actives, ...
                    It's how well you can make your hero do what you want it to.

                    Game knowledge is things like map awareness, itemization, drafting skill, knowing what to do next,...
                    How well you know what your hero should be doing.


                      it's literally my job to know a lot about dota and I still suck at the game sooooooooooooooo

                      yeah I'd say it's accurate that you can't win on knowledge alone.


                        If mechanical skill was that important, i'd never be over 5k


                          at above 5k mechanical skill barely matters and its all about the right decision-making which is based on how good u understand the game (which is not the same thing as game knowledge)

                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                            I don't have neither, I'm just a boy playing defense of the ancients 2


                              both arent nearly as important as map sense and positioning which im both dogshit at

                              inst:  MissMissclick

                                what? i still don't nderstand what ppl mean by mechanical skill. every1 is decent to some extent, and dota is not even a very reflex heavy game. there's no micro. even pros misclick. misclicks can happen, but they are not even that significant sometimes. its not like u need to land 20 clicks in 5 seconds at 20 differnet points with 100% accuracy to be good at dota.

                                wtf is being mechanically gifted about unless all heroes were like meepo? its just a mouse and keyboard for crying out loud. dota is a game of anticipating, and a few MS faster reaction speed isnt going to give u abig advantage just based on how this game works. (animations times, cast points, etc). u can't anticipate without game knowledge. i never understood why ppl make this dichotomy.

                                if u are talking about how good players seem to make very quick micro decisions instantly, or process info quickly, then i would argue again that that has to do with practiced game knowledge to the extent that it is "automated". i wouldn't call it mechanical as it has to do with decision making.

                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                  You forgot itemisation and common sense

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    It's neither, you need split second critical decision making and game awareness. Mechanical skill allows you to be aware and not miss cs, pull off the right spell combos etc and make those decisions quickly. Game knowledge lets you make the right decision. Both matter.

                                    feeding weaboo

                                      it's both evenly important
                                      tbh my mech skills is average (I can pull creeps,know which skill to take,what item to make) but sucks badly on game knowledge (choke on big teamfights,not knowing what to do,sometimes falling to a stupid trap and gets caught offguard) and the lack of it usually costs them my game
                                      pretty much why I am a trash support anyway


                                        If you're only really good at one you will never be able to reach the top mmr brackets. I would say that the lower you go down the ladder the more mechanical skill is valuable, the higher you go the more valuable game knowledge is. Eventually you will reach a point where the mechanical skill differences between players is really small and the difference between a thousand mmr is based mostly on game decisions.


                                          If you're 1k, 2k or 3k and even 4k, it's probably better to have good mechanical skills than top notch gaem knowledge.

                                          Yeah, having both is amazing, but lower mmr lack fundemental skills, and I see mechanical skill more important than game knowledge unless you're already like 5k+.

                                          With that being said, I do think everyone with normal IQ has common sense already, so it should be easy to have at least common game knowledge.

                                          Mechanical skills on the other hand, you devolop by practicing something.

                                          Johnny Rico

                                            sad boy, i have more game knowledge since one of my hands is always inside my pants

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              If you're 1k, 2k or 3k you literally just need your team to pick better heroes and you'll win most games. Honestly hero picks are so freakin important in pub games. Pro games too, but pros can actually adjust their strats to the heroes they pick. Pubs have an extremely hard time hitting specific windows, if you draft a push team that peaks at 20-30 mins good luck, almost all pub games go 40 mins. If you pick all super late good luck, you'll lose every lane and be too far behind. The balanced teams with right mix of support, disable and carry do the best, and you need meta heroes that mesh. There's a reason anti mage is a 40% win rate hero, cus his timing is too hard for pubs to pull off. there's a reason sven is such a great pub hero cus his timing is so easy to pull off.


                                                I literally have the same APM as eternal envy and it doesnt do shit for me. So yeah, game decisions IMO.




                                                    ^^ scraps : do u honestly think u know a lot about dota but still suck at the game??? I think ur wrong.

                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                      Danny Boi you really know how to talk bollocks. You have the same APM as eternalenvy my ass.


                                                        Its not difficult to have a lot of Actions Per Minute. Even really bad players can have a lot of APM. The difference is that more skilled players carry out more effective actions. Anybody can spam click all over the place and have a high APM, whereas Pros like EE will actually be doing something useful with each of those actions, such as body-blocking or animation cancelling.

                                                        yung griphook

                                                          how well you understand the game is absolutely game knowledge...


                                                            APM actually means nothing. You could sit in base every game and have extremely high APM if you just spam click one spot.


                                                              Icefrog as a maker of DOTA it self of course understand with the knowledge of DOTA it self, but is he a good player?? no it depends on the mechanical skills to execute the knowledge it self. both are important but mostly the mechanical skills is better. and as time goes on your mechanical skills will decreased as your age increased. you just became so slow that react 0.5/1 seconds later.


                                                                and mental attitude


                                                                  @AllDay^^ ok then check this out wise crack,


                                                                    all u need its have fun cuz its basicaly a game.

                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!