General Discussion

General DiscussionAnti mage

Anti mage in General Discussion
Final Boss

    What exactly is anti mage good for right now? It seems like everything he can do there is always a hero that is better at it than him. Sven and alchemist farm faster and carry harder. There is literally no point in the game where anti mage is stronger than sven. Sven can be six slotted by 30-35 min in a game and still rape anti mage in 2 hits. He can kill mages faster and he benefits more from hitting them than anti mage. If sven hits them and their teammates are around. They get hit by the pure damage from cleave and almost die. Sven can be 1-5 in lane and still have more farm than your carry simply cause he farmed some stacks. Anti mage is supposed to be a counter to mages yet everyone can kill mages faster and better than him while in late game a six slotted lina can stand and fight a six slotted am even kill him. He was once the fastest farmer in the game along with alchemist but alchemist got buffed while am is the same. Sven farms much faster and doesnt need a battlefury to do so. He has much better cleave and much better armor than assault cuirass since level 10. Did i forget to mention more movespeed than manta along with the 20 armor?


      He hard counters a lot of popular int heroes just don't be a shitstain that picks him as 1st pick or rushing manta after bf you need tankiness abysall is a must

      Tento komentář byl upraven
      Final Boss

        Like? Nice name btw, i can tell you're a dumb fuck.

        Tento komentář byl upraven
        King of Low Prio

          why the fuck do you still have brown boots 40mins into game?


            Zeus,WK,lion,juggernaut,medusa,Invoker,OD,DP,Storm sprit all gets dumpstred back to the stone age by anti-fun

            Tento komentář byl upraven

              he's the guy that said does tinker need a nerf


                Imho, comparison between AM and sven is irrelevant, because these heroes belong to 2 different worlds. Just let me enumerate some heroes, troublesome for sven:
                1) Medusa (skadi, ult), am disengages easily, sven sucks
                2) Morphling (skadi, eblade), nothing problematic for am
                3) Furion (sprout), nothing special for am
                4) wraith king, ez kill for am
                5) tinker, storm, zeus etc (am protected, while svens bkb wears off
                6) naga, sven enjoys his ulty to go down


                  i think antimage rapes sven if antimage gets the initiation in lategame
                  * antimage is a lot more mobile, better at cutting waves
                  * hard to kite antimage
                  antimage actually needs a good player

                  Tento komentář byl upraven
                  I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                    slark morph jugg storm medusa counter pick, also if u need a strong laning carry
                    low disables, your team has good aoe teamfight = am unstoppable farm and split push

                    Tento komentář byl upraven
                    Dire Wolf

                      AM is really good is opposing team has no disables it's just good luck ever killing that guy. But most people suck at farming and he sucks so badly without farm. So he's not that good in pubs who won't protect him early.


                        i dont understand why people call him anti fun. he is the most fun hero to play with, and it gets better if you equip him with a basher of skull mage.. @inx4c said correctly AM needs a good player.. and people dont forget to early team fight for sake of love..


                          on top of that killing a single strong hero with abysal + manta + manavoid is more satisfying to me than rampaging 5 heros with cleave as sven rofl


                            antifun coz he drains mana (fun) from enemies
                            and magic's fun

                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                              555 games with am and u talk such shit about that hero like u never played him...

                              sin blyadi

                                How can u compare sven and am? Sven outcarries all the DDs in the game except of slark and morph

                                Johnny Rico

                                  Sven > Slark


                                    Hey there, like what the others say, am vs Sven are just situational picks. From the way you typed it, your mindset for am is just to 1v1 right click the enemy.

                                    You gonna compare the strength and weaknesses of the hero.

                                    Sven has lesser mobility but higher output damage when he uses gs. He is quite bad against an am if he did not have his Gs. ( If let's say both have same networth)

                                    While antimage has higher mobility which can allow you to split push easier and initiate the back line easier.

                                    Obviously you can't 1v1 Sven when he has his god strength activated.

                                    nekopunchhh dadadadadadada

                                      1v1 am vs sven
                                      Sven still lose...


                                        the am problem is that he can't really win the game alone


                                          What exactly is anti mage good for right now?

                                          for int carry likes invoker?

                                          sin blyadi

                                            Against mana-dependent heroes, or if the enemy team has no disables


                                              good against shit that can't deal with split push


                                                he is good at farming :p


                                                  Why do ppl think am is good against invoker? Invoker is one of the Int heroes that does well against am


                                                    you guys cant talk shits you need to hear some pro or very higher mmr than you all all you did now is flaming and didnt improve in dota at all ,go on watch 7k 6k mmr average and watch game with anti mage and learn

                                                    lm ao

                                                      Oh god i think i popped a brain artery

                                                      nekopunchhh dadadadadadada

                                                        Am is not good againts invoker
                                                        Unless u blink manta abyssal and b00m(insert linken here)... Ez kill
                                                        Oh actually am is good againts inJoker in 3k-3,5k bracket

                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                          am best carry in potato tier by far, ez farming method ez disengage. terrifying late game potential outshined by perhaps only one or two hard carries. just what noobs that are still learning need. quick reset if out of position, basic skills. with sven you actually need to analyze the situation whether theyre just baiting your stun/ulti. am blink in-oh shit moar emeniess- blink out.

                                                          Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                                            Am > alchemist ... and Sven in some situation. Also after Battlefury Antimage has more farming capability than sven. this guy has no idea what he is talking about.


                                                              he's fun to carry friends 1k mmr lower than you


                                                                The irony is AM isn't actually good against mages, he's good against low mana pool (but mana-dependant) non-int heroes like Jugger, WK, Earthshaker, Magnus, Pudge, Ember, Medusa, Morph. Those who say Am is gud against OD are just kidding. Pure damage+everlasting manapool=a surprise for Auntie mage

                                                                Final Boss

                                                                  None of those heroes are in the meta atm.



                                                                      Its all up the the player who makes the hero good or bad. Of yur good with am, ofc you will say that am is really strong. If yur good with sven, same thing. No point of arguing which one is good and bad

                                                                      Final Boss

                                                                        sven farms faster and carries harder, doesnt need an item like battlefury to farm, all he needs is a helm of the dominator and he can stack ancients to farm later. That game that you posted where am is 11-0, may i ask why a dragon knight has a radiance and a manta style.


                                                                          I'd really like to see a Sven splitpushing.

                                                                          Final Boss

                                                                            Sven doesnt need to, he's farmed enough by 30 minutes to end the game with his team.

                                                                            Final Boss

                                                                              Am> he isnt. Alchemist shits on am late game whether its 1v1 or 5v5. Also if you go safelane as alchemist get a battlefury and are protected. Supports stacking hard camp for you, you can be six slotted by 20 minutes which is when am starts getting his manta.


                                                                                pretty sure tht am with 1k gpm 32mins farm 460 creep eat alot of stack with help of supporter...


                                                                                  U want to say that am is useless?
                                                                                  So why hes still in the game?
                                                                                  Gaben should delete him from game?


                                                                                    Comparing heros in dota is redculous



                                                                                      I was 2 shotting that fucker am, and you can count how many triple kills I got :D


                                                                                        4k games. 2 shotting AM, in highskill/normalskill. Feelsbadman.

                                                                                        Final Boss

                                                                                          @rick_zai still doesnt explain why the dragon knight bought a manta and a radiance.


                                                                                            The urge to sunder cabals is too great to care about balance


                                                                                              LOL @Mutumbo
                                                                                              Get carried more you worthless piece of shit, you are the trashiest of your team in 99.99% of your games

                                                                                              Final Boss

                                                                                                @sisyphus the urge to throw games with a shit pick is too great to care about balance xD


                                                                                                  i gave matumba all my pull gold but regardless he still owns/is a top 3-5 carry player in the world and the heros fine.


                                                                                                    Honestly, it depends on who you have as your primary team fighters. Anti tends to run from fights early, and sven tends to fight a bit more due to his initiation skill.
                                                                                                    i think it's great to compare heroes. It's important to see the combinations of heroes with and against eachother. Sven and anti have the same role, so why not compare them? Anti is more mobile than sven. If anti snowballs, it means gg. Sven if more powerful than anti. If sven snowballs, it's gg. Sven versus Antimage is a good match up. it can go either way. I hear you say you two shotted an anti mage with sven, but what if there was a nyx that counter initiated the sven and anti killed him? You can't just say, "Oh this one game I 2 shotted an anti mage with sven so he's better." That thought process is so limited, I can't even begin to describe the many different ways you are mistaken. I've destroyed svens with nyx/anti. I've been destroyed by earth shaker/sven. It's a matter of skill and who you are matched up against. Having a nyx fuck up svens farm early by picking him off will make sven useless. Anti is much less susceptible to ganks in the forest by the enemy team because he is mobile. Sven is much better at securing the team fight than anti mage is. You speak as if you are the root of all knowledge, but have not taken the time to consider you are an arrogant fool living inside a world with 7 billion people.

                                                                                                    The initial creator of this thread.


                                                                                                      Correction, It was Blitz that has the very limited insight. I am mistaken.


                                                                                                        ^^ rofl
                                                                                                        This trash
                                                                                                        Get on my level, then come talk to me

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