General Discussion

General Discussionwhen will SF become relevant again?

when will SF become relevant again? in General Discussion

    need some brothers here with some real insight.
    what are the conditions for SF to return?
    why is he not so viable mid when the number of mid heroes seems to higher now (correct me if im wrong).

    all i can think is, nerf to jungle + bottle some patches ago. yes. lost his ability to recover in the jungle yes. but what other aspect of this hero has suffered besides that, that makes him not so good mid anymore?

    Dire Wolf

      He's too easy to gank, not really a late game monster, no cc. The reason he was so popular/good middle was simply because he could flash farm like crazy and get a big gold lead on enemies. With jungle nerf he lost that.

      He's pretty close to being fine though. A small buff like 1 base armor and 3 starting agility would probably return him to prominence.

      It would be nice to see necromastery and presence of the darklord combined into one skill kinda like riki got with his passives, and get another active, but it may be overpowered if he gets another active.


        He's good to go, pros are just too p#ssies to play him the way he should be played atm to be viable!


          I saw Waga play SF and not skill raze at all, what do you think about that? He got stats and just right clicked the shit out of people.

          Dire Wolf

            anything's viable in pubs, I actually think he's fine in my bracket, especially if you run him safe lane right clicker. But his win rates aren't that good.

            stupid fuck 2000

              @YB That's the thing actually. Razes are shit. Nerf to bottle + nerf to manacost + jungle nerf made them pretty worthless.

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              M u r d e r

                Skilled SF with blink dagger can land triple Razes.... Eat that to the face at min 10 and tell me they are shit again.

                But they do fall off lategame I suppose.

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                  Dang I think I got gotta try shadow feind with no razes in unranked to check it out seems like it could be fun times .


                    SF is not terrible mid-late game. Quite good at teamfights and pushing.

                    Aside from maybe a weaker build up to late game cuz of less farming ability.

                    Maybe ppl just need to think of a different way to play the hero?
                    I really like aghs on sf now

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