General Discussion

General DiscussionCounter fat PA as carry

Counter fat PA as carry in General Discussion

    So I have me PA with monsterkill on 15th minute, I, as a hard carry of my team (AM) go MKB right after vanguard, dying twice in the process to same PA who 1-hit-crits me everytime. Did i do the right thing to go for MKB? They say u can always 1vs9 in normal skill, so tell me, how would you act in such situation? Bear in mind wardless supports & neutral-stealing juggernauts


      am cant do much vs pa mid-game

      Execute Order 322

        AM is quite weak in manfighting with PA. If u r playing AM vs PA, u should focus on split pushing rather than on fighting

        P.S. rules of punctuation in Russian and English are not same ;)


          generally, what i hear from high MMR players (not my own opinion - dont check my dotabuff mmr and flame me pls), u dont rush an item like MKB just to deal with a PA. it is not wise. u need a build up, get ur core items first. yea u can deal with his teammates, and ignore him when he is so strong mid game. avoid fight and get towers. mkb maybe 5th item. if the game is already lost then there really isnt much am can do if u can't farm fast.

          maybe after vanguard u get manta then u get abyssal to lock him down. and then u fucking run. dont build mkb as ur 2nd core item. u always need manta.

          Tento komentář byl upraven

            Just try to get lock-down items like abbysal , mkb for the evasion - break and the bash , manta to potentially confuse him ( he might have battle fury by now , but manta will still save you like 1-2 hits ) . Silver edge works too to break his crit and evasion , blade mail if he's TOO fat , maybe heaven's hellbard on one of your supports if you really need it . PA is usually dependent of farm and feed , since if you have about 20 kills ahead , she won't do much . Try to lock her down , get your supports for early ganks , also phoenix kinda counters her . ( this is for late game , don't rush MKB or abbysal on anti mage just like the previous guy said :P , if your team is desperate for the win , let your supports get a silver edge , letting you the item - building space )

            Tento komentář byl upraven

              What you should do is make the game last as long as possible.

              Because am with 6 slots will beat a pa with 6 slots ( assuming u got manta mkb abysal heart )

              You do this by pushing all the lanes and threateing towers so ur enemies are forced to tp to tower and dedend it from you / creep wave.

              If enemy is constantly defensing their towers they cant group up to kill ur team, they also can't end, giving you more time to farm.

              You always need manta. Mkb alone vs pa does nothing , u need manta so she doesn't know which one you are.

              AM HAS NO HEALTH. so u get bursted down fast by pa. Manta helps u trick her until u can get ur heart

              Tento komentář byl upraven

                Are you too stupid to come up with a blademail build yourself that you have to ask us for obvious shit?


                  Bfury manta Vlad's mkb would've been good.

                  Just ignore fights and split push, tell ur teammates to avoid fights or to smoke gank. That's all you can do.


                    well, I seem to be that stupid to ask this, ok. The thing is, I get too involved to the present and not forget about future and try to stop her ASAP. The thing is, in our previous game when I was support, none of my carries built mkb against her, so i kinda wanted to learn from their mistake. Thanks for the hints.


                      ignore "not" before "forget"


                        When You have better late Game and the ennemy is stronger right just avoid fights and qplit push.
                        You have to tell your team exactly what to do (place wards, dont fight, use smokes and scan to place wards extrrnemly safely ). Dont get mad at them and dont insist too Much, if they get mad at you they Will propably throw.
                        When split pushing You have to play extremly safe alternate between lane and jungle, if You se the heroes That can kill you on the map go for a tower. Dont forget to always have a tp.

                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                          Remember , an shut downed pa is the best pa , also , every crit ( in the game ) uses pseudo - random generated numbers , so that means , every hit she does not get a crit , the next hit has +15% crit chance , that means ... right , she has a guaranteed crit every 7 hits ( if she's really unlucky , missing the 15 , 30 , 45 , 60 , 75 , 90 hit chance hits )

                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                            Go for manta, abyssal and only then mkb. With abyssal u solokill every other hero in the enemy team so to get fed. Then with mkb pa is ez kill for u. Buy bfly after so to defenetely finish this


                              Am kinda sucks vs pa unfortunately, i ussualy like going for an earlyish mkb vs pa but am is not the hero to do that with, you need a lot of items to fight your aim should be to slow the game down and hope you and jugg can lock her down with double abbysal blades


                                Remember , an shut downed pa is the best pa , also , every crit ( in the game ) uses pseudo - random generated numbers , so that means , every hit she does not get a crit , the next hit has +15% crit chance , that means ... right , she has a guaranteed crit every 7 hits ( if she's really unlucky , missing the 15 , 30 , 45 , 60 , 75 , 90 hit chance hits )


                                  Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                                    Possibly the most inaccurate explanation of PRND ever. Also dont pick AM against PA guys


                                      for anyone who doesn't know pa's crit chance starts at something like 3.25% on the first attack and each consecutive attack adds another 3.25% so that the crit chance averages out to be about 15%

                                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                        You lost to a pa? She's easy to kill. I happen to lose when a pa picker is in my team, even after kindly asking the person to carry as anyone else other than pa, the scrub picks pa and I'm stuck supporting said scrub who ends up afk farming. Then at the end of the game find out it is a 2k pa that was partied with a 4k player.


                                          U can use pugna and decripify PA then suck her untill dead since pugna is an effective anti right-clicking heroes...

                                          Preap Sovath

                                            Nyx is answer


                                              u dont itemize to manfight pa as am before your fury manta, it never works out just split push


                                                since the pa is already fat, would throwing hamburgers at her be a viable option?

                                                the diabetes might get to her


                                                  Juggernaut + Mkb ez againts PA


                                                    It's pointless to have an MKB if you can't out hit a PA, the AM needs to burn her mana and ult and see her explode.


                                                      Avoid her completely, go the usual farming split pushing build (adding vang rush early game is a good idea) and instead of mkb, get butter. Now u hav enough sustain to survive her ganks (if she comes solo for u) and just go about ur split pushing business. Come late game, u'll be more valuable to ur team than she is to hers


                                                        game of reference?